"Fuze"'s OSA application UK

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Steam ID :
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
around 4 months?
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
+3 GMT
Character name(s):
"Fuze" A-1
"Schizo" DEA Special Agent
"Muffin" CI
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-E-11 CSG
-A-1 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- A MRDM warning and Fail-RP (both over 2 months ago now)
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- Personally i think my ability to follow orders and help other people get the job done would make me a good choice for OSA, Not to mention filtering out the important and not so important information to pass on to the O5. They are to busy to deal with everyone's information and reports on things so having someone be able to filter out the useless junk and follow their commands would make a very useful person to have.

Not to mention the fact that i want to make RP involving MTFs and non-combatives but in the roles that im in its not easy to do. if you ask -4 he can vouch that im able to come up with ideas that serve a good RP plot and good for the regement i made it for. sure not every idea idea i make is perfect but thats why we can talk to the other OSA or even O5 if needs be.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- Being able and willing to sort things out diplomatically and noting down everything that is important and that needs to passed on to the O5s
- Having Knowledge on what's going on in the site and all of its policies (FLC, Code of ethics/conduct) and following them. Not to mention the Enforcing the chain of command and the will of the O5s.
- Authorizing on documents that relate to the foundation and its wellbeing.
-Making and taking part in RP even if its at your own cost.
- Making sure F3 is in order keeping A-1 in check around guests, and when O5's are not online take messages, information, and basically anything they need to know about written down and stashed away for them to see/take
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
In the old world before Jack Rif'Shof had an encounter with the anomalous he was a humble boy, growing up in the South of England. Raised by his mother and taken care of by his father. they were trying to keep their little boy safe from the world outside making sure he could grow up and have a successful life as a lawyer, or even a businessman. They put him in the best privet schools and hired the best tutors to teach him how to be a smart young man.

While in his school a few diplomats from the United Nations came over to his school and gave a little speech lasting a few hours, People came and left but not Jack. he was stat at the front with his notes writing down everything the UN Ambassadors were saying, noting everything they said as if their word was law. They were impressed with the young boy putting so much interest into their speeches, so much so that they invited him to step up on stage. They were talking for what seemed like days, they even dared him to figure out a solution to every major conflict in the world. somehow this little 16-year-old boy could solve problems men in their 50s couldn't even understand. they took his information and said they would be in contact.

A few days passed by and Jack was celebrating his birthday with his friends and family. while blowing out his candles he wished for the UN to call him and recruit him into their group to help fix the world. a few days pass and his phone hasn't even gotten so much as a text message from anyone. but on one fateful day, he got a call from an unknown number from Canada. Out of curiosity Jack picked up and answered with a question "Hello?" the heavily altered voice said "Jack Rif'Shof? You speaking with Ambassador Alex from the United Nations. We would like to apologies for taking so long to reach out to you. we've just been swimming in paperwork I'm sure you understand. Now Jack how would you like to join us in the Canadian United Nations Youth program?" Jack responded in a confused tone " C-Canadian? Like the country of Canada? the land of moose and ice hockey?" The voice on the phone chuckled "Yes Jack. that Canada. we have an opening and are willing to fly you and your family out here. What do you say?" Jack responded hastily "Uhh YEAH!. I just need to ask my mum." The voice replied " Make sure you tell her that it is fully paid and they will even cover your family's living expenses"

After talking to his family Jack called the number back saying "Hi Mr. Alex. My family is ready and willing to fly out." replied "Verry well Mr. Rif'shof, We will have a car outside in 30 minutes. no need to pack anything we will bring everything for you." Jack Rif'Shof and his family went into the limo and were taken to a privet airstrip in the northern part of his town. Once they boarded a thick smog started to flow in from the vents knocking them out. after what seemed to be a few minutes Jack and his family made it to Pinewood but were instead taken in by the SCP foundation to be used to test on SCP-738 "The Devil deal" Jack and the devil were talking and negotiating for over 4 hours till one of the MTF members dragged him out and amnestied him to forget the encounter. After the footage of Jack talking to SCP-738, *REDACTED* Requested to have a meeting with Jack, Saying he had a job for him. Jack still confused murmured "Ambassador Alex? Is that you?" *REDACTED* Pulled out a contract and put in front of jack. "how would you like to work for me Mr. jack? "

Jack looked down at the paper in the big bold font it says "SCP FOUNDATION OVERSEER ASSISTANT"
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look i would of but i got kidnapped by A-1 when i was getting up to grab some food... so the moment i passed my try out i went afk for 2 hrs ;-;
fine, but you could have at least said something after the fact - like we didn't find out for a good while iirc; i'd do some digging and compare dates of when your A-1 tryout was, to when we logged your E-11 discharge, but A-1's documentation at present is unfortunately, very bare-minimum and not appropriately maintained, imo. but my recollection of the matter is that there was probably a reasonable amount of time for you to let us know.

minor issue yes, but these kinds of things are important for us so we can know who is and isn't in the regiment, evaluate appropriately from a top-down perspective, etc. etc. my main point is, is that it's a communication issue, which is not just important in an MTF, but also for being an OSA, as OSAs deal with all the other departments as well as Nu-7 & E-11.
+/- Neutral
-Good interactions with you
-What makes you the best candidate for OSA could be more detailed.
-Personally the lore could be a little improved, this 16 year old boy seems more like a child from the reaction he gives with the UN Contacting him and why would the Foundation take his family as test subjects? D-Class are usually not picked that way.

This is my feedback, what to do with this is up to you. Good luck!
-Personally the lore could be a little improved, this 16 year old boy seems more like a child from the reaction he gives with the UN Contacting him and why would the Foundation take his family as test subjects? D-Class are usually not picked that way.

This is my feedback, what to do with this is up to you. Good luck!
Want me to do the penington

How to get d-class
Step 1: Go to a 3rd world country
Step 2: Profit

But nah its unclear how the foundation get D-class. Some say death row inmates, some say they are from an SCP in site 1 some say they got kidnapped. its not clarified in lore :3

but yeah imma change up a few things ty for your input <3
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The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello @TheKupKake,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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