Gamma-5 Red Herrings | "It is a video game"

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>Retrieving File..

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"Big day isn't it Evan ?"

Evan Whitlock, Commander in charge of MTF Gamma-5, looked down to the floor and sighed before standing up and glancing at Dr. Dan ███████, Director of ETTRA (Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority), a tall skinny bag of a man, Evan could swear in his 27 years of service he has not seen this man age a single day, still rocking that black hair, with a red suit and black tie, Evan really disliked the suit, for multiple reasons, mainly because that damn suit is associated with ETTRA or maybe because, it is a horrible suit colour.

"I am minutes away from blowing my head off with my service pistol, aside from that, I have to record this audio file on ██████████. Shouldn't you be talking to the FCPO ?" Evan said, the interior of his office was dark, being dimly lit by a small light at his desk, the only things visible on their desk where a bunch of documents, mostly reports from site administration and an ashtray, that had a big pile of ash towering from the middle. "Why bother me ?"

"Bother you ?" Dr.Dan chuckles "Evan, I am here to congratulate you on your task force effectiveness on the events of SCP-7000, we tried to avoid civilians from finding the ████████████, and after reclassifying Dr. William Wallace Wettle, the Deputy Chair of Replication Studies at Site-43, to the SCP designation, we had a few troublesome days trying to stop the media from covering the nuke we used on SCP-7000-D-1, it was better than suffering a global LK-Class "Twist of Fate" Probability Failure Scenario."

"You babbled so much classified information from that mouth of yours... It is still a hot topic you know ?" Evan grabs a cigarette from his left breast pocket and lights up in front of Dr.Dan, another citation for violating the site's smoke-free workplace environment, like any of the two would care. "Don't thank me, thank my men, they worked with those... City Slickers... and we did a wide-spread amnestication of all witnesses. We also set up a train carrying nuclear waste to crash near the area of the explosion of the nuke, so we could restrict the access to the area." Evan grabs a document from his table and hands it over to Dr.Dan

"This operation cost us $700.000 dollars, no casualties, no real issues aside from the web still being scrapped on information about the nuke explosion, we generally would begin a disinformation campaign, but we deemed it unnecessary." Evan said.

"Good work, I will sure be talking about this at the next meeting we have at our department." Dr.Dan said while waving at Evan "I will leave you be... But before that, check your emails, Gamma-5 has been assigned a new task directly coming from the Overseer Council, good luck with that, old friend." Dr.Dan said as they excused themselves out of their office.

"Overseer Council... Lets see..." Evan says as he sits back on his desk. "Is this thing on ? God Dam-..."

From: O5-██
Re: Re-Assignation and new orders

Gamma-5 Commander

It has come to our attention that your task force has managed great results in the operations related to SCP-7000, we applaud at your efforts.
It is why a new task will be given to the Gamma-5 task force, this will be a great deal and will help us at one of the most active sites we have in the western hemisphere, Site-65, A remote site within the outskirts of a little town called Pinewood, it is reported that the site is under the effect of some probability altering anomaly, similar to the effects of SCP-7037. It is to our understanding that the events happening within Site-65 are extremely irregular, the odds of such scenarios happening on the daily on a site and it to remain functional even thought it experiences multiple breaches daily is technically speaking, none, but the site still manages to contain SCP-682, SCP-035, SCP-076, SCP-096, and many other Keter anomalies despite the fact that these breach on a daily basis.

The ETTRA Manual LK-4 will be handed over to your bunks, and we will begin a full transfer of your faculties towards Site-65, your objectives on this task will be to stop the information regarding the breaches of SCP that reach the surface, which is another common occurrence in Site-65, we believe in your task force, and it is a top priority that this site remains functional, as even if it has multiple containment breaches, the casualty reports are "zero", as if all personnel involved either didn't die, revived, or simply managed the most extreme cases with near perfect execution. It is a matter of study by our Pataphysics Department, which has come up with its own set of theories regarding this site, please read the linked email before you report to your new station.

- O5-██

From: Dr. Manuel ██████
To: O5-██
Re: Pataphysics Results

Overseer, ██

It is my pleasure as the director of Pataphysics to report our findings on Site-65, and we are not even sure it is a matter that should be studied by this department, I would even suggest the idea of forming an entirely new department just to study this case scenario. We at pataphysics research narrative anomalies, usually we understand how the chunks of our reality are just literature work, or how certain anomalies have the ability to alter reality by just writing over what we know of our reality, but Site-65 is something beyond this concept, as the Overseer Council has allowed me as the Director of Pataphysics, we both are aware of the secretive [DATA EXPUNGED] (SCP-001 "Swann's proposal", how our entire universe is simply the creation of... a collective set of writters.) (ORIGINAL MESSAGE)

The issue is that, Site-65 is not a [DATA EXPUNGED] (literature work, nor is it written)(ORIGINAL MESSAGE), it is something worse, [DATA EXPUNGED] (it is a video game.) (ORIGINAL MESSAGE)
(A video game, played by the same people who write the horrors we face.) (ORIGINAL MESSAGE)


It is not to our understanding how this site came to be, but we just accepted it, we agreed that it was a ever existing site, and we never questioned it, we never stopped to think to ourselves, when did this site began operations, when did we fund it, but all attempts to bring awareness to this seem to cause a LK-MEMORY REMOVAL SCENARIO, causing all knowledge of the origins of Site-65 to be wiped, I am writing this knowing that whatever is actually happening to people, is far beyond what we even could digest, this is not an anomaly like any other, this is not some reality altering anomaly nor is it some literature writing, this is a collective set of people, who play as people, and act as if they were part of us, even the SCP's do, everything about Site-65 is linked to one of the so called writers, and we just cant even contact it, it is completely outside our systems, but at the same time, they can access everything we do, contact us, but for us, they are a foundation of their own.

Not only this, but also 2 GOI's are affected by this anomaly, there is a bunker that is the operation center of the Chaos Insurgency, and there is a G.O.C base as well, they also seem to be affected by this anomalous property, we believe it is tied to the city of pinewood, but we are not sure of it, we can just pray that their intentions are good, and that we can deploy a MTF team to investigate the matters, I've heard Gamma-5 may be available to be deployed...

-Dr. Manuel ██████, Director of PATAPHYSICS

... Page 33, Protocol LK-4-CT
In the case of a potential reality/narrative alteration anomaly that can result in a ██████ CLASS SCENARIO
To prevent this we designed a protocol to follow to avoid causing such scenario from taking place:
• Do not interact with the anomalous
• Do not see the anomalous
• Do not write, or talk about the anomalous

>$d \..\site65.scp
>Are you sure you want to delete this file ?
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