Accepted gas fumes from chemical mixing

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Aug 6, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
make it so whenever you are making new chemicals that some chemicals (not all for balance) will emit toxic fumes that can either kill you if you stand near it for long enough or make it so you will suffer the effects of the chemicals.
so for example I'm making stable quantum matter and if I stay around the chemicals for too long I'd start teleporting around or start slowly dying from the fumes (since stable quantum matter makes you teleport around)

this can be prevented by wearing a gas mask or hazmat suit

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
makes the gas mask or hazmat useful other than for diseases
makes it more reasonable to where the 28 ml of the liquid went as no gas comes from the flask

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
people would be teleporting around alot and accidentally using the chemicals
(only if the chemicals give their effects instead of kill you) the chemicals be be used without any liquid being lost, resulting in free effects

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
it would add more reason to using gas masks or hazmat suits for making chemicals and not for only when scp 008 or 409 is breached. this can also be a bad thing as people could weaponize the gas and put it in a crowd of people and make them start teleporting around

Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
- Would be realy anoying to deal with.
- Could be easily abused
- The missing 28ml could be because of the boiling effect during the mixing of chemicals.
- A yes, i die while creating AMX realy fun!!!!
Aug 6, 2022
- Would be realy anoying to deal with.
- Could be easily abused
- The missing 28ml could be because of the boiling effect during the mixing of chemicals.
- A yes, i die while creating AMX realy fun!!!!
- mixing chemicals would emit toxic gasses depending on what type of chemicals your mixing irl, although yes this could be an issue
- maybe it could only apply to stuff like the bunsen burner
- yes the missing 28 ml is because that small ml is turned into gas, it just doesn't go poof or something
- wear a gas mask or hazmat suit, cooldown will be super long as gas mask is 30 minute cooldown but this can be changed to lower cooldown
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