In-game name:
PVT Gela
Steam ID:
For how long have you played on our servers?:
4 Months | Playtime: 3w 2d 17h
What country are you from?:
Time Zone:
Do you have a mic?:
Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones:
It's my first Programmer Application. Here's my Mapper one.
Have you received any bans?:
No warns/kicks/bans.
How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide):
Do you have any experience with Git?:
I use it on a daily basis. (Personally and in the Work Place)
Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?:
I know it's not a lot but I had a Spacebuild server back in 2017 and I've made a lot of servers to play with my friends (inclusive one mingy darkrp).
Besides GMOD I developed SEVERAL cs 1.6/cs:go servers from 2013-2020. Made a few Minecraft and Rust servers as well.
How many hours can you commit to developing per week?:
Really depends on my weekly work requirements. I usually get them done in the middle of the week so I might have more than 8 hours per week.
Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?:
I'm a professional Game Developer, games are literally my life's passion. I'd love to help the server out by fixing bugs, optimizing and implementing QOL scripts. I'm able to help out with pretty much anything.
Right now I work with Unity (C#) and I do mostly Networking/Gameplay.
Right now, I don't have much GMOD work to show off besides this proof-of-concept but I'm able to do whatever you ask me to during the next few weeks.
Based on Connor's suggestion #2406 (SAM Radars show helis in range on the map) I've made an entity that consists of a Radar that detects WAC Helis and displays it on the back with a 3d2d GUI.)
PVT Gela
Steam ID:
For how long have you played on our servers?:
4 Months | Playtime: 3w 2d 17h
What country are you from?:
Time Zone:
Do you have a mic?:
Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones:
It's my first Programmer Application. Here's my Mapper one.
Have you received any bans?:
No warns/kicks/bans.
How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide):
Do you have any experience with Git?:
I use it on a daily basis. (Personally and in the Work Place)
Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?:
I know it's not a lot but I had a Spacebuild server back in 2017 and I've made a lot of servers to play with my friends (inclusive one mingy darkrp).
Besides GMOD I developed SEVERAL cs 1.6/cs:go servers from 2013-2020. Made a few Minecraft and Rust servers as well.
How many hours can you commit to developing per week?:
Really depends on my weekly work requirements. I usually get them done in the middle of the week so I might have more than 8 hours per week.
Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?:
I'm a professional Game Developer, games are literally my life's passion. I'd love to help the server out by fixing bugs, optimizing and implementing QOL scripts. I'm able to help out with pretty much anything.
Right now I work with Unity (C#) and I do mostly Networking/Gameplay.
My Github | My
Noticeable Works:
CTRL/ESC [Horror Game]
-> Relevant aspect in this game is the whole quest system made by myself (introducing a whole Operative System where you have actual programs that you have to run to complete some quests)
Wait Party Game [Party Game]
-> Wait Party Game is a Party Game inspired by Mario Party. It's not finished but there are already a lot of minigames that show off my physics/maths knowledge and also my Software Architecture skills.
Caelum [Survival Game]
-> This game is still in development but we're aiming to launch it in July. I've made a solid networking Golden Path together with fancy Player Physics, Inventory systems, Resource Gathering, Multiple Working Entities.., etc. (Ubisoft commented on our socials
Noticeable Works:
CTRL/ESC [Horror Game]
-> Relevant aspect in this game is the whole quest system made by myself (introducing a whole Operative System where you have actual programs that you have to run to complete some quests)
Wait Party Game [Party Game]
-> Wait Party Game is a Party Game inspired by Mario Party. It's not finished but there are already a lot of minigames that show off my physics/maths knowledge and also my Software Architecture skills.
Caelum [Survival Game]
-> This game is still in development but we're aiming to launch it in July. I've made a solid networking Golden Path together with fancy Player Physics, Inventory systems, Resource Gathering, Multiple Working Entities.., etc. (Ubisoft commented on our socials
Right now, I don't have much GMOD work to show off besides this proof-of-concept but I'm able to do whatever you ask me to during the next few weeks.
Based on Connor's suggestion #2406 (SAM Radars show helis in range on the map) I've made an entity that consists of a Radar that detects WAC Helis and displays it on the back with a 3d2d GUI.)
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