Gensec captain

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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 5, 2022
Steam ID:SteamID: STEAM_0:0:637019762
Discord name:Nightmare32#9991
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 900,000 secs
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Us
Time zone:EST
Character name(s): Cosmo "Cosmic"[???] |Ci Richard ll
Civilian name: {I was in an event thats why its that} GOC PVT "Cosmic" (before the event it was terry)
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I have hold Nu7 PVT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: i dont have any kicks i had 2 banns 1 was bc i had an gun as 049 but nobody else really cared about but staff bc it was like 6 people on the sever and we was just playing i never used the gun i just had it
Why are you applying for Security Captain? well im and RRT sergant and people are all ways asking me can i do RRT tryouts or Heavy tryouts and i said i cant also ive seen 5 gensec get arested for killing an Agent and killing resarchers and i cant really do anything bc all i can do to see if any captain or cheif is on to see if they need to get banned
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: Well im very nice i can work with people and im an pretty good listener i dont really rage a lot depends if im d-class being spwan camped by 096 but after that im very good to work with and i dont give harsh punishments
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: Make sure gensec are following the rules CoE and etc also what to do when an Riot happends and make sure gensec give the warnings also make sure they follow ethics
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:Well one day he got fired from hes job so he asked hes dad dose he have any where he can work and his dad said yes an private site so Cosmo was confused [Im cosmo] So im working for an private site? Yes| oh ok | So they drive there and as he gets there a strange man asks for ID and he shows him an red card and they let him in then when i get in he asks me do i want to be GENSEC|Resarcher|Medical| I said whats gensec he said i cant tell you till you choose your pick
So i say gensec and then tells me what i do Hes says Your like an guard of an jail you watch there and make sure nothing gose wrong and so i thought oh ok then he says your SGT will tell you the rest oh alr As Cosmo climbed the ranks he started as cadet 1 week later hes an Officer then 2 days later he took RRT tryouts 1 month later he became an sergeant then 4 days later he took Heavy weapons tryouts and he pased now hes an RRT SGT and when he started this job he was jut 26 hes birthday was yesterday and hes now 27 And now he thinks about being an captain

Former SCP-096

Btw i just wanna give an shout out for omar getting me my RRT lic and heavy lic thanks omar
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Well-known Member
Apr 30, 2022
maybe its JUST me but I havent seen you on gensec much, the only time ive seen you on is when your on SCP.


Active member
Mar 18, 2022

You don't seem to fully understand the rules of GENSEC and the server in general. Wait a little while, get more experience as GENSEC, improve your relations with other players on the server, and you may have a shot at this.


Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2022
+/- Neutral
So far I haven't had any negative interactions with Cosmo, this is just with me and my experience, I've seen them do some decent work commanding GENSEC in D-Block when Omar isn't on.

However the app looks somewhat decent, a few spelling errors (which in an app never looks good).
The bans are always a downside and doesn't look good for reputation under any circumstances.
I think you could have gone into a bit more detail in some of the questions.
But that's all just my personal opinion.

Ref to the comments, not part of my response.
The replies to other peoples comments aren't exactly professional and reflect on you as a person, you shouldn't take peoples opinion of you as hatred or an attack, but rather reflect on what they're saying to better whatever it is.
If you've red the rules and CoE, that might not mean that you have a full understanding of them... There's always blank spaces that may need further information to understand completely.
Dec 21, 2021

Application seems a bit rushed to me
Low amount of play time.

Really willing to be Captain.
Havent seen you ingame.
Unsure of your knowledge of both game and GENSEC rules.

No hard feelings my friend, good luck!


Active member
May 5, 2022
Application Denied

We are sorry to inform you that after heavy consideration we are denying your application for Security Captain due to lack of professionalism and lack of support for senior community members. If you would like to discuss your denial further, please message me via Discord.

Signed by:
J. Turner, Chief of Security
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