What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Revert the Captain/Chief gun back to before the rework to the F90 and add the KSG to the loadout.
Replace the Famas in the SRU Patrol loadout with the F90 and add the tranq to it.
Add the Tranq pistol to the SGT loadout.
Raplace the Captain Riot Shield with a deployable one.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
The MK18 is buggy and normally spawns broken, this change would fix the issue.
The F90 is a better alternative to the MK18 while still being relatively balanced.
SRU patrol loadout is underutilized and these changes would help it.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Like all weapon changes balance is always an issue.
Changes the the SRU loadout could make the D-Block loadout obsolete, but the KSG is a redeeming factor.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The F90 has in all ways been considered the GENSEC rifle in many ways. Currently the SRU patrol loadout is underused due to the sheer usefulness of the D-Block loadout which can be supplemented from rifles from the armory/perma guns. Adding the F90 and tranq pistol would make the chice between loadouts be more distinct.
As for the Captain/Chief weapon we never asked for our rifle to be changed in the rework and the KSG would be a good addition in the form of loadout streamlining.
Lastily for the change of the shield on captain it makes no sense on how a SGT gets a deployable, then a Captain gets a riot, and then it goes back to deployable for Chief.
Revert the Captain/Chief gun back to before the rework to the F90 and add the KSG to the loadout.
Replace the Famas in the SRU Patrol loadout with the F90 and add the tranq to it.
Add the Tranq pistol to the SGT loadout.
Raplace the Captain Riot Shield with a deployable one.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
The MK18 is buggy and normally spawns broken, this change would fix the issue.
The F90 is a better alternative to the MK18 while still being relatively balanced.
SRU patrol loadout is underutilized and these changes would help it.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Like all weapon changes balance is always an issue.
Changes the the SRU loadout could make the D-Block loadout obsolete, but the KSG is a redeeming factor.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The F90 has in all ways been considered the GENSEC rifle in many ways. Currently the SRU patrol loadout is underused due to the sheer usefulness of the D-Block loadout which can be supplemented from rifles from the armory/perma guns. Adding the F90 and tranq pistol would make the chice between loadouts be more distinct.
As for the Captain/Chief weapon we never asked for our rifle to be changed in the rework and the KSG would be a good addition in the form of loadout streamlining.
Lastily for the change of the shield on captain it makes no sense on how a SGT gets a deployable, then a Captain gets a riot, and then it goes back to deployable for Chief.