Geoff "Pastor" Reeves O5 Application [USA]

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Well-known Member
Mar 29, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:202933820
Discord name: Woody #4403
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 7d 20h
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Geoff “Pastor” Reeves
Civilian name: Geoff
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-DPT Director of Intelligence, CI-Bravo (US), CI-Alpha (UK)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
-O5-4 “The Ambassador” I would like to fill in the role of a go-between and problem solver within the leadership base. As for the reference to the specific character my interpretation will draw on inspiration from but not copy the excerpt of O5-4 as found within present lore. I am however more than happy to fill any role required or recommended to me and can adapt to what is required.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
- I believe that although I have only been running the Intelligence department for a shy of a month, I have not only grown the department from having close to no activity up to a common sight within the facility. Through my human-based interaction and selection process for Ambassadors, the department has been able to self-govern and build connections with a strong department ethos and morale. This is one example within which my abilities on the side of leadership, resource allocation, and commitment are shown to be comparable to what is required by a member of the O5 council. Moving onwards I would put myself forward as having shown to be capable of not only dealing with the requirements of job sets and having the fortitude to stay calm under pressure, take responsibility for my actions and those of my personal whether positive or negative as would be expected of someone in a position of leadership. With regards to the capability and understanding of roleplay as a more senior member of the foundation personnel, my time as a department director has illustrated to me that the role of such a position is that of supporting the roleplay of others and ensuring that a sense of setting and immersion is maintained. What I mean by this is that as an O5 I understand the majority of in-game time will be spent undergoing passive roleplay, speaking, and interacting with those on the council and those under the position of O5 I find that I prefer this type of roleplay and that one of the multiple reasons I should stand out amongst others for the position of O5 is that I both enjoy and excel within this environment. Finally, in my experience of working with department leaders from across our site and the other, I have been cordial and professional in following procedures to best ensure productive cooperation a skill above all others that is essential for the O5 to work with the ethics committee.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- Within the RP environment the O5 council members are the overseers of the foundation in more than just name. It is their responsibility and duty to have their finger on the pulse of everything that is happening across the facility. This is carried out by both observations to check standards are being followed and taking time to inspect departments and their leadership for both efficiency, capability, and progress. They may make recommendations to department leadership and offer guidance should it be needed. It is also part of the O5 task to take feedback if there is something that needs to be seen or raised to the rest of the council. Furthermore, the O5 works with their assistants and A-1 units to ensure those two are tasked correctly.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Predominantly out of character the O5 members have the duty to ensure that the departmental leaderships are filled and vetted. Applications for leadership within their allocated departments should be evaluated and then it is for them to conduct an out of character assessment and interview to ensure that the applicant not only meets the requirements but also that they have the knowledge and maturity to deal with such a position to go on into the future. Furthermore, their out-of-game responsibilities also cross over somewhat with those of the in-game as far as ensuring that the departments they oversee are meeting the standards of professionalism expected of a position they hold and furthermore ensure discipline is either carried out or that problems can be solved. Of course among these other responsibilities the O5 members are usually senior members from the server that have a good understanding of who runs what and are, therefore, able to help in guiding department leadership or referring them to areas within which they could get the help they need. Applications could range from Security to Intelligence, IA research, etc.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The following information requires clearance level 5. Unauthorized viewing of this documentation will lead to the imminent deployment of Memetics as well as the informing of A-1 personnel.

[Scripnet]... [Authenticated clearance level 5]... [Foth OS Ver 24.421]

[Personnel Files]
[Overseer Council]
[O5-4 “The Ambassador”]

Negotiator redacted.JPG

“The Ambassador” is known to likely have been born somewhere in either South Africa or what is now referred to as Zimbabwe in 1966. His family heritage is uncertain but it can be understood that his father was a pilot for the British Overseas Airways Corporation and a distinguished fighter pilot with the Royal Navy during the Second World War and Korea. His mother, the daughter of a well-to-do Bulawayo business owner, was an air hostess and later a languages teacher in London. The records of schooling show middling grades throughout his time at the Winchester College in Hampshire, England. Following graduation, he is known to have scraped through a degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics graduating with a 2:2 from the Imperial College London. Failing to find a solid work placement out of school it is recorded that O5-4 entered for a commission at the military academy at Sandhurst. It is recorded that the individual excelled within the more practical type of life offered by the British Army and would eventually commission as a second lieutenant within the Intelligence Corps. Following active deployment, during the 1991 gulf war, the individual moved to work for 14 Intelligence company in Northern Ireland as part of the SRU. With the experience of working in clandestine intelligence operations as well as a skill set for dealing in hostile locations, “The Ambassador”, is known to have an honorable discharge with the commission as a Captain.
Having left his previous role yet already having an ability and integration into the mindset required for such work, he was approached by the secret service and took up the job of a field officer for the secret intelligence service. Throughout the late ’90s and through the early 2000’s his postings list from infiltration into the Russian Federation, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Mexico to recruit informants and agents as well as working alongside allied coalitions to further the interests of his employers.

SCP Foundation.

“The Ambassador” was targeted for recruitment after impressing a foundation field agent by outwitting him on a contested mission to secure a person of interest wanted by both groups. After having found out about their existence instead of termination or Amnestic application the agent that would come to be known by the codename of “The Pastor” was instead brought into the fold of the anomalous.
Within the foundation “Pastor” was applied to deal with a multitude of missions across the globe with the primary goal of fighting an intelligence war against multiple groups of interest that posed threat to the foundation at large. His primary target was the Chaos Insurgency group. Throughout the latter half of the 2000s and into the 2010s Pastor would coordinate and collate intelligence from a selection of Chaos double agents after persuading them or blackmailing them into providing information on their organization. One occasion of note was during deployment within the location of site-65. Working as an operative within the area at the time he took part in the reconnaissance of initial contact with the Meteorite incident after responding to a distress signal of a fellow field agent. Finding the other agent crushed by a strange rock, Pastor soon came across members of the Chaos Insurgency patrolling the same area. By posing as a meteorological scientist, he passed by their ranks without closer inspection and was eventually able to call in the mobile task force to neutralize the Chaos threat. Within the following events and the surfacing of SCP-[Redacted] from one of the impact craters, the agent led the counterintelligence effort to cover the event in its entirety with the use of connections inside the media and local governments.

With a chain of successful data recoveries and working with the NU-7 “Hammer Down” Mobile Task Force units to deploy strike teams against insurgent activity the Agent quickly worked his way up through the ranks of the Foundation Intelligence Department eventually becoming a director at some point within the 2010s and attaining level 4 clearance. From this position of power and being appointed to build up and lead the operations out of site-56, “the ambassador” soon found his niche in working with and against groups of interest, as well as the counter-intelligence efforts required when dealing with a facility the size of site-56. During this time as intelligence director “The ambassador” continued to grow his power and knowledge of the ongoings within the foundation. Filling the ranks of his department with men loyal to him and carrying out his cordial relations with peers, often keeping up a healthy sense of humor and all-around friendliness. Behind the smile and ever-puffing cigar, the director soon came to understand that in order to progress from where he was, it would take a certain level of ruthlessness and cunning yet unseen and so it was with this in mind that started his rapid climb up the greasy pole of power.
Being understanding and now with his own web of eyes, ears, and daggers across not only his facility but many others, “The ambassador” started to work in greater cooperation with those of the higher council and in particular those of O5-6, O5-2, and most importantly the previous O5-4. With his pleasant mannerisms and welcoming personality, the director often would sit and talk at length with O5-4 about stories from his time in the field, being fluent in O5-4’s native tongue allowed “The Ambassador” perhaps the closest one could get to being “friends” with a member. The director was however continuing to note the patterns of his senior and their closest advisors from within the A-1 task force as well as personal staff. The director ingratiated himself to those surrounding his predecessor, often finding information that had been ‘lost’ at a critical time or allocating funds from his own directorate to fill in the gaps. The intelligence department had continued to grow under the director, swelling to a size not seen before within the bounds of the site 56 postings and managing to lead success after success against the Chaos Insurgents, recovering and stealing more information than ever before, observing new GoI’s before scorching them from the face of the planet in the examples of the footmen and the fist.

After years of planning and working alongside the council and his peers. The director was excelling within his department, however, the longer he went on the more likely it was that his luck would run out. All it would take is to make one mistake and the whole carefully crafted house of cards could come crumbling down. Therefore the following events are only what is attributed to the record by O5-4 “The Ambassador”.

On the evening of [redacted] at the site [redacted] Director Pastor had an arranged meeting with O5-4 to discuss and relay a new piece of intelligence recovered from the Chaos Insurgency with regards to XK class SCP-008. During a routine stroll around the site, a series of catastrophes started to occur. The first of these was a containment breach of SCP-457 and 035 simultaneously (It would later be found that a series of faults within the electrical systems were caused by tampering. The culprits were never identified.). MTF members from E-11 “Nine-Tailed Fox” moved in an attempt to contain the breaches as containment zones started to lockdown. Members from the MTF NU-7 force guarding the facilities’ entrance would be requisitioned to assist as the E-11 members on site started to take casualties. The director, overseer, and their A-1 task force escorts started to make their way towards a secured wing of the facility in preparation for evacuation. It was at this time however that a local and unforeseen cell of the Chaos Insurgency just happened to breach the facility in the path of the evacuating O5-4. His A-1 escorts fought bravely but were outnumbered and without backup when the terrorists launched a rocket-propelled grenade into the group causing mass casualties. A power cut soon followed and recordings of the situation from this point onwards are unknown. However, following the abrupt moment of terror and violence the overseer and over half of his retinue would take multiple bullet wounds before the insurgents could be destroyed by the remaining A-1 and reinforcing NU-7 personnel. O5-4 was rushed to the medical ward, the director never leaving his side even after having been wounded himself until they made it to the medical bay. Such as things may have been O5-4 was unable to recover from his wounds, the cause of death classified his final words only being officially recorded by his assistant that would ultimately propel the rise of the director into power when surpassing the A-1 in his ability to hunt down the killers with unrelenting fury over the following weeks. The chief medical supervisor on-site that day went suspiciously missing before their report could be made on the specifics of the death of the O5-4 soon after the appointment of his successor.
O5-4 “The Ambassador” would finally be appointed to the council after the previous candidate before him was found out to have been embezzling money from their own division as a rather poorly timed leak made its way onto the desk of Internal Affairs and ultimately leading O5-4 to take his place on the council. It was explained following his appointment that “The Ambassador” had retired from his role although some within his closer circles may know otherwise.

In his time since taking on the mantle of O5 council member O5-4 has been rather active and public with his presence, which is in large part a contradiction to many of his other members. Often accompanying agents out into the field as well as making visits to facilities of interest in person. Most notably of all is “The Ambassadors” interactions with those outside of the foundation. He is known to meet with persons of significance in the political, business, and media spaces as well as being the main point of influence when dealing with the various groups of interest, though ultimately his goals are largely unknown. Accounts vary on the extent of the O5-4s level of anomalous activity. Some have said that he has been able to cross extreme distances in an impossibly fast amount of time and seemingly on foot however as with all information regarding the council and especially one so versed in crafting counter-narratives, the truth of any of this information is questionable.

[End Document]
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 14, 2022

- Professional when the time comes
- For for O5 in my eyes

- Good size and detailed application

- Activity is eh but not a big factor


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 1, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:202933820
Discord name: Woody #4403
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 7d 20h
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Geoff “Pastor” Reeves
Civilian name: Geoff
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-DPT Director of Intelligence, CI-Bravo (US), CI-Alpha (UK)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
-O5-4 “The Ambassador” I would like to fill in the role of a go-between and problem solver within the leadership base. As for the reference to the specific character my interpretation will draw on inspiration from but not copy the excerpt of O5-4 as found within present lore. I am however more than happy to fill any role required or recommended to me and can adapt to what is required.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
- I believe that although I have only been running the Intelligence department for a shy of a month, I have not only grown the department from having close to no activity up to a common sight within the facility. Through my human-based interaction and selection process for Ambassadors, the department has been able to self-govern and build connections with a strong department ethos and morale. This is one example within which my abilities on the side of leadership, resource allocation, and commitment are shown to be comparable to what is required by a member of the O5 council. Moving onwards I would put myself forward as having shown to be capable of not only dealing with the requirements of job sets and having the fortitude to stay calm under pressure, take responsibility for my actions and those of my personal whether positive or negative as would be expected of someone in a position of leadership. With regards to the capability and understanding of roleplay as a more senior member of the foundation personnel, my time as a department director has illustrated to me that the role of such a position is that of supporting the roleplay of others and ensuring that a sense of setting and immersion is maintained. What I mean by this is that as an O5 I understand the majority of in-game time will be spent undergoing passive roleplay, speaking, and interacting with those on the council and those under the position of O5 I find that I prefer this type of roleplay and that one of the multiple reasons I should stand out amongst others for the position of O5 is that I both enjoy and excel within this environment. Finally, in my experience of working with department leaders from across our site and the other, I have been cordial and professional in following procedures to best ensure productive cooperation a skill above all others that is essential for the O5 to work with the ethics committee.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- Within the RP environment the O5 council members are the overseers of the foundation in more than just name. It is their responsibility and duty to have their finger on the pulse of everything that is happening across the facility. This is carried out by both observations to check standards are being followed and taking time to inspect departments and their leadership for both efficiency, capability, and progress. They may make recommendations to department leadership and offer guidance should it be needed. It is also part of the O5 task to take feedback if there is something that needs to be seen or raised to the rest of the council. Furthermore, the O5 works with their assistants and A-1 units to ensure those two are tasked correctly.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Predominantly out of character the O5 members have the duty to ensure that the departmental leaderships are filled and vetted. Applications for leadership within their allocated departments should be evaluated and then it is for them to conduct an out of character assessment and interview to ensure that the applicant not only meets the requirements but also that they have the knowledge and maturity to deal with such a position to go on into the future. Furthermore, their out-of-game responsibilities also cross over somewhat with those of the in-game as far as ensuring that the departments they oversee are meeting the standards of professionalism expected of a position they hold and furthermore ensure discipline is either carried out or that problems can be solved. Of course among these other responsibilities the O5 members are usually senior members from the server that have a good understanding of who runs what and are, therefore, able to help in guiding department leadership or referring them to areas within which they could get the help they need. Applications could range from Security to Intelligence, IA research, etc.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The following information requires clearance level 5. Unauthorized viewing of this documentation will lead to the imminent deployment of Memetics as well as the informing of A-1 personnel.

[Scripnet]... [Authenticated clearance level 5]... [Foth OS Ver 24.421]

[Personnel Files]
[Overseer Council]
[O5-4 “The Ambassador”]

View attachment 1316

“The Ambassador” is known to likely have been born somewhere in either South Africa or what is now referred to as Zimbabwe in 1966. His family heritage is uncertain but it can be understood that his father was a pilot for the British Overseas Airways Corporation and a distinguished fighter pilot with the Royal Navy during the Second World War and Korea. His mother, the daughter of a well-to-do Bulawayo business owner, was an air hostess and later a languages teacher in London. The records of schooling show middling grades throughout his time at the Winchester College in Hampshire, England. Following graduation, he is known to have scraped through a degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics graduating with a 2:2 from the Imperial College London. Failing to find a solid work placement out of school it is recorded that O5-4 entered for a commission at the military academy at Sandhurst. It is recorded that the individual excelled within the more practical type of life offered by the British Army and would eventually commission as a second lieutenant within the Intelligence Corps. Following active deployment, during the 1991 gulf war, the individual moved to work for 14 Intelligence company in Northern Ireland as part of the SRU. With the experience of working in clandestine intelligence operations as well as a skill set for dealing in hostile locations, “The Ambassador”, is known to have an honorable discharge with the commission as a Captain.
Having left his previous role yet already having an ability and integration into the mindset required for such work, he was approached by the secret service and took up the job of a field officer for the secret intelligence service. Throughout the late ’90s and through the early 2000’s his postings list from infiltration into the Russian Federation, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Mexico to recruit informants and agents as well as working alongside allied coalitions to further the interests of his employers.

SCP Foundation.

“The Ambassador” was targeted for recruitment after impressing a foundation field agent by outwitting him on a contested mission to secure a person of interest wanted by both groups. After having found out about their existence instead of termination or Amnestic application the agent that would come to be known by the codename of “The Pastor” was instead brought into the fold of the anomalous.
Within the foundation “Pastor” was applied to deal with a multitude of missions across the globe with the primary goal of fighting an intelligence war against multiple groups of interest that posed threat to the foundation at large. His primary target was the Chaos Insurgency group. Throughout the latter half of the 2000s and into the 2010s Pastor would coordinate and collate intelligence from a selection of Chaos double agents after persuading them or blackmailing them into providing information on their organization. One occasion of note was during deployment within the location of site-65. Working as an operative within the area at the time he took part in the reconnaissance of initial contact with the Meteorite incident after responding to a distress signal of a fellow field agent. Finding the other agent crushed by a strange rock, Pastor soon came across members of the Chaos Insurgency patrolling the same area. By posing as a meteorological scientist, he passed by their ranks without closer inspection and was eventually able to call in the mobile task force to neutralize the Chaos threat. Within the following events and the surfacing of SCP-[Redacted] from one of the impact craters, the agent led the counterintelligence effort to cover the event in its entirety with the use of connections inside the media and local governments.

With a chain of successful data recoveries and working with the NU-7 “Hammer Down” Mobile Task Force units to deploy strike teams against insurgent activity the Agent quickly worked his way up through the ranks of the Foundation Intelligence Department eventually becoming a director at some point within the 2010s and attaining level 4 clearance. From this position of power and being appointed to build up and lead the operations out of site-56, “the ambassador” soon found his niche in working with and against groups of interest, as well as the counter-intelligence efforts required when dealing with a facility the size of site-56. During this time as intelligence director “The ambassador” continued to grow his power and knowledge of the ongoings within the foundation. Filling the ranks of his department with men loyal to him and carrying out his cordial relations with peers, often keeping up a healthy sense of humor and all-around friendliness. Behind the smile and ever-puffing cigar, the director soon came to understand that in order to progress from where he was, it would take a certain level of ruthlessness and cunning yet unseen and so it was with this in mind that started his rapid climb up the greasy pole of power.
Being understanding and now with his own web of eyes, ears, and daggers across not only his facility but many others, “The ambassador” started to work in greater cooperation with those of the higher council and in particular those of O5-6, O5-2, and most importantly the previous O5-4. With his pleasant mannerisms and welcoming personality, the director often would sit and talk at length with O5-4 about stories from his time in the field, being fluent in O5-4’s native tongue allowed “The Ambassador” perhaps the closest one could get to being “friends” with a member. The director was however continuing to note the patterns of his senior and their closest advisors from within the A-1 task force as well as personal staff. The director ingratiated himself to those surrounding his predecessor, often finding information that had been ‘lost’ at a critical time or allocating funds from his own directorate to fill in the gaps. The intelligence department had continued to grow under the director, swelling to a size not seen before within the bounds of the site 56 postings and managing to lead success after success against the Chaos Insurgents, recovering and stealing more information than ever before, observing new GoI’s before scorching them from the face of the planet in the examples of the footmen and the fist.

After years of planning and working alongside the council and his peers. The director was excelling within his department, however, the longer he went on the more likely it was that his luck would run out. All it would take is to make one mistake and the whole carefully crafted house of cards could come crumbling down. Therefore the following events are only what is attributed to the record by O5-4 “The Ambassador”.

On the evening of [redacted] at the site [redacted] Director Pastor had an arranged meeting with O5-4 to discuss and relay a new piece of intelligence recovered from the Chaos Insurgency with regards to XK class SCP-008. During a routine stroll around the site, a series of catastrophes started to occur. The first of these was a containment breach of SCP-457 and 035 simultaneously (It would later be found that a series of faults within the electrical systems were caused by tampering. The culprits were never identified.). MTF members from E-11 “Nine-Tailed Fox” moved in an attempt to contain the breaches as containment zones started to lockdown. Members from the MTF NU-7 force guarding the facilities’ entrance would be requisitioned to assist as the E-11 members on site started to take casualties. The director, overseer, and their A-1 task force escorts started to make their way towards a secured wing of the facility in preparation for evacuation. It was at this time however that a local and unforeseen cell of the Chaos Insurgency just happened to breach the facility in the path of the evacuating O5-4. His A-1 escorts fought bravely but were outnumbered and without backup when the terrorists launched a rocket-propelled grenade into the group causing mass casualties. A power cut soon followed and recordings of the situation from this point onwards are unknown. However, following the abrupt moment of terror and violence the overseer and over half of his retinue would take multiple bullet wounds before the insurgents could be destroyed by the remaining A-1 and reinforcing NU-7 personnel. O5-4 was rushed to the medical ward, the director never leaving his side even after having been wounded himself until they made it to the medical bay. Such as things may have been O5-4 was unable to recover from his wounds, the cause of death classified his final words only being officially recorded by his assistant that would ultimately propel the rise of the director into power when surpassing the A-1 in his ability to hunt down the killers with unrelenting fury over the following weeks. The chief medical supervisor on-site that day went suspiciously missing before their report could be made on the specifics of the death of the O5-4 soon after the appointment of his successor.
O5-4 “The Ambassador” would finally be appointed to the council after the previous candidate before him was found out to have been embezzling money from their own division as a rather poorly timed leak made its way onto the desk of Internal Affairs and ultimately leading O5-4 to take his place on the council. It was explained following his appointment that “The Ambassador” had retired from his role although some within his closer circles may know otherwise.

In his time since taking on the mantle of O5 council member O5-4 has been rather active and public with his presence, which is in large part a contradiction to many of his other members. Often accompanying agents out into the field as well as making visits to facilities of interest in person. Most notably of all is “The Ambassadors” interactions with those outside of the foundation. He is known to meet with persons of significance in the political, business, and media spaces as well as being the main point of influence when dealing with the various groups of interest, though ultimately his goals are largely unknown. Accounts vary on the extent of the O5-4s level of anomalous activity. Some have said that he has been able to cross extreme distances in an impossibly fast amount of time and seemingly on foot however as with all information regarding the council and especially one so versed in crafting counter-narratives, the truth of any of this information is questionable.

[End Document]
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