Ghoully's Site Advisor Application 12/31/████

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Active member
Oct 1, 2022

Steam ID:
Discord Name:
How long have you played on CG SCPRP?:
Just over 3 months now
In what country are you located?:
Time Zone:
Character Name(s):
Civilian Name:
Ghoul "Ghoully" Ganja
What server are you applying for?:
Do you have a mic?:
Yes I do.
Whitelisted Roles:
Gensec Captain (Holding)
MTF E-11 PVT (Holding)

Executive Researcher (Held)

2 warnings
-Job abuse
- An honest mistake. I was switching to and from different jobs trying to find something to do.
- Honest Mistake, a massive confusion during a breach with an MC&D

Why are you applying for Site Advisor
I am applying to Site Advisor because I want to move up in the foundation. I want to be able to leave a good difference in the foundation as a whole. I am really good at taking peoples complaints to the right people. As well as I am great at keeping everything to a NTKB (Need To Know Basis).

If I had a choice I would love to be the Site Advisor for either Security, or Research, as well as any GOI's that need it.

I am willing to take on any special projects that need my attention, as well as I am open to helping anyone whatsoever.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration
  • On-Site Knowledge
    In my time in the facility. I have learned a lot in all three of these; Research, Security, Thaumaturgy
  • Experience
    I have experience in both combative, and non-combative roles.
  • Leadership
    During both my time as both GSD Captain, and Executive Researcher, I have shown that I am capable of being a great leader

    GSD Captain-
    Before I became Captain it was said that I was capable of running sweeps, as well as getting Gensec as a whole to comply

    During my time as GSD Captain, I have been pulled aside by Chief "Nexus" a few times and was told that he is proud of how well I am doing as a Captain. As well as my work is outstanding.

    Executive Researcher-

    As an Executive Researcher. I was getting ready to lead a Research Division, sadly I never got to it.
    I also played a big part in numerous research Divisions/Projects. They are the following
    Icarus-4 (Still Going)
    Project Mitosis (Still Going)
    Project Psychospace (Still Going)
    Project Eden (On Hold)
    Project Hidden City (On Hold)

  • Trust
    During both my time as GSD Captain and Executive Researcher, I was deemed trustworthy of being part of classified projects. Two of which I worked on with Site Inspectors.

    Sadly I cannot name which projects due to classification.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?
Site Administration’s Responsibility in general is to make sure the site is running the way it's supposed to, as well as making sure that all departments can lead themselves and don’t need to be hand held. Site Admin’s other responsibilities are dealing with GOIs as well as the civilians outside the facility, making sure departmental leads are doing their job correctly, and making the overall image of the facility as a whole better.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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Well-known Member
Apr 6, 2022
-Good person
-Good interactions
-Good Experience
-Fit for the position


Well-known Member
Dec 19, 2022
Very friendly and helpful to new people
Strongish Leadership.
Fit to lead

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding Site Advisor Applicant - Ghoully

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Site Advisor.

We have decided to deny your application at this time. Your application is good but we have decided to go with what we felt was a better candidate. You may reapply again in 2 weeks.​
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