Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:176488082
Discord name: Giudon#9298
For how long have you played on CG SCP: more than 1 month of playtime
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: UAE
Time zone: GST
Character name(s): 'Giudon'
Civilian name: Gideon Wesker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding: E-11 CPT, IA Agent, SCP-096.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 warning, 08/2022 NLR
Discord name: Giudon#9298
For how long have you played on CG SCP: more than 1 month of playtime
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: UAE
Time zone: GST
Character name(s): 'Giudon'
Civilian name: Gideon Wesker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding: E-11 CPT, IA Agent, SCP-096.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 warning, 08/2022 NLR
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
Leadership: Experience as an E-11 CPT has taught me how to effectively talk with the respective departments on what to do, where to report and how to deal with certain situations. furthermore I have 1 month + 1 week worth of senior CL4 position (I got promoted to Lieutenant on the first of april). I upheld the E-11 standard during the past 5 months.
Commitment: I'm active, I'm onsite 2-4 hours a day. I seek to be individually recognized for any opportunity to gain merit. while it is true that I feel like I'm standing on one leg writing this application, I have a feeling that I would do quite adequate in this position.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
Being the O5s main official representative outside (and rarely inside) the confines of clearance level 5.
Leading the site in the absence of Site administration or Site command.
Working with the O5 council in documentation and approval of said documents. (O5 members can't sign documents, so they command
their assistants to sign in their place.)
Keeping a closer eye to the foundation and especially CL4 personnel,
and reporting them to the council in the event of them abusing their power or worse.
Being the decoy for the O5 council. (No one knows what they look like.)
Absolute loyalty to the O5 council, adhering every command.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The following files has been locked due to repeated malicious external and internal
attempts to make edits to the documentation. The purpose of these attacks
are not currently known. Proceed with caution.
--------------VIDEO TRANSCRIPT AFTER 682's 53th BREACH--------------
DATE: 2023/06/05
FOREWORD: Following the cross test of SCP-035 and SCP-682, thousands of individuals began to notice a huge dark reptile
with a mask on its forehead wandering and destroying everything in it's path on surface, and dozens of reports were
made to various Foundation sites near site-65. An emergency meeting was called by The O5 Council involving the Site
Administration of Site-65, Department Directors, MTF Commissioned officers and The Ethics committee that are present in the site.
Site Manager Naffen: -terrupted as the log begins. Oh shit it's starting.
The O5 Council is situated at the head of a very large and round table. Present at the table are various
Department Heads, MTF COs, and other important site personnel. at 3 AM, in the meeting room.
*O5-3 stands up, and adjusts his pajamas.*
O5-3: Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I'm certain everyone here is aware of our
current predicament and how catastrophic the "035 x 682 cross test" project has been for
our organization. Beyond having a stupid-ass designation, it has also resulted
in an X-K Class Scenario, of which we are now dealing with.
*Audible gasps are heard from a number of personnel at the table.*
Ethics Member Athena: A-An End of the world senario!?
O5-3: Errr… no. Lowercase x.
*Audible groans are head from a number of personnel at the table.*
O5-3: Yeah, yeah, cool your jets. An "682 + 035 Mutation
breach" Scenario is not something to scoff at.
Research Director Jack "Cader" Rider: Why the hell do we even have a
designation for that? Who comes up with this shit?
O5-2: (interjecting) be thankful we are not experiencing Theta-phi-Zeta
"Lobsters Become Sentient and Rip Your Face Off" scenario.
*Murmuring begins to fill the room. O5-1 slams his comically large gavel.*
O5-1: Okay, everyone shut up. Three?
O5-3: Thank you One. It appears that not only 682 has increased in size, but also has the intellect and spirit of 035 as well. We will begin to see
rural areas like pinewood to be flattened within a few hours, and as the days progress, more civilian casualties will unfold. At the present moment,
stopping this abomination is the SCP Foundation's number one priority. Does anyone have any ideas?
Nu-7 COM Goondra: why don't I just send my battalion?
O5-3: Go for it.
Nu-7 COM Goondra: (Stroking his beardless chin), Hmm.. I'm going to try again with the help of some friends.
O5-3: No Don'-
O5-3: Guys, we're wasting time. Hundreds of people are already dead and the GOC might intervene. If we don't solve this quickly then we're definitely going to lose them. So, again, does anyone have any ideas?
*Site Advisor 'Red' raises his hand.*
Site Advisor 'Red': Have we tried giving up?
*The room murmurs in agreement. Ethics Member Pheonix lights their weed cigarette as O5-3 sighs.*
O5-2: This is all recorded, also I thought you died?
Site Advisor 'Red': My death was greatly exaggerated.
O5-3: (Interjecting) ANYONE else has any ideas?
*Nu-7 CSG Goondra raises his hand.*
O5-3: No, sending your battalion but with another MTF isn't an acceptable answer.
*Nu-7 CSG Goondra lowers his hand. Ethics Member Pheonix sighs, and pulls out another blunt to smoke.*
O5-3: Epsilon E-11?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: Yes?
O5-3: Where's you commanders?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: One of them is at home healing, the other
resigned to become an Ethics committee assistant in another site.
O5-3: What about your Majors?
E-11 Major John Nuts: ...
O5-3: Does he not speak?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: Nope.
O5-3: Alrighty then, seeing how this situation has gone out of our control, we'll leave it to the GOC to handle
it, and if they fail? we can always rely on SCP-2000 to reconstruct all life that has lost due to the mutated 682.
There is clearly no other choice. 682 has become someone else's problem now. and we'll
explain it to the public about a large dark reptile coming to their location, as if its just a natural disaster.
I know this may be shocking, but it is the only way we can
preserve normalcy. Do I have your collective approval?
*There is stunned silence from the entire room.*
O5-3: I'll take that as a yes.
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: No! No, what the fuck? We're not doing that! Jesus christ!
O5-3: Do you a better idea?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: Why don't we utilize SCP-4339?
we can alter reality so that 035 and 682 are separated.
*In the same meeting room, the O5 had unanimously voted on utilizing SCP-4339.*
*SCP-4339 is being transported to the meeting room by A-1 LTCOM "Zufall",
as he was giving the pen to O5-3, he accidently dropped it.*
A-1 LTCOM "Zufall": Whoops.
*The pen rolled underneath the table towards Cpt. Giudon, he picked
it up, paused for moment to observe the pen, then gave it to O5-3*
O5-3: Thanks.
*As O5-3 writes what seems to be 035's and 682's mind sets
conflicting each other, Ethics Member Phoenix picks up another blunt and lights it.*
O5-3: E-11, Deploy.
*After 6 hours of recorded silence*
Site Manager Naffen: This still recording? I forgot to end it.
*Last frame of the footage shows Ethics
Member Phoenix still smoking in the room*
DATE: 2023/06/05
FOREWORD: Following the cross test of SCP-035 and SCP-682, thousands of individuals began to notice a huge dark reptile
with a mask on its forehead wandering and destroying everything in it's path on surface, and dozens of reports were
made to various Foundation sites near site-65. An emergency meeting was called by The O5 Council involving the Site
Administration of Site-65, Department Directors, MTF Commissioned officers and The Ethics committee that are present in the site.
Site Manager Naffen: -terrupted as the log begins. Oh shit it's starting.
The O5 Council is situated at the head of a very large and round table. Present at the table are various
Department Heads, MTF COs, and other important site personnel. at 3 AM, in the meeting room.
*O5-3 stands up, and adjusts his pajamas.*
O5-3: Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I'm certain everyone here is aware of our
current predicament and how catastrophic the "035 x 682 cross test" project has been for
our organization. Beyond having a stupid-ass designation, it has also resulted
in an X-K Class Scenario, of which we are now dealing with.
*Audible gasps are heard from a number of personnel at the table.*
Ethics Member Athena: A-An End of the world senario!?
O5-3: Errr… no. Lowercase x.
*Audible groans are head from a number of personnel at the table.*
O5-3: Yeah, yeah, cool your jets. An "682 + 035 Mutation
breach" Scenario is not something to scoff at.
Research Director Jack "Cader" Rider: Why the hell do we even have a
designation for that? Who comes up with this shit?
O5-2: (interjecting) be thankful we are not experiencing Theta-phi-Zeta
"Lobsters Become Sentient and Rip Your Face Off" scenario.
*Murmuring begins to fill the room. O5-1 slams his comically large gavel.*
O5-1: Okay, everyone shut up. Three?
O5-3: Thank you One. It appears that not only 682 has increased in size, but also has the intellect and spirit of 035 as well. We will begin to see
rural areas like pinewood to be flattened within a few hours, and as the days progress, more civilian casualties will unfold. At the present moment,
stopping this abomination is the SCP Foundation's number one priority. Does anyone have any ideas?
Nu-7 COM Goondra: why don't I just send my battalion?
O5-3: Go for it.
001 | Nu-7 Commander Goondra | FAILURE |
A battalion from MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") was instructed to lay siege on SCP-682. | The battalion arrives at pinewood, and begins their attack 1km from the SCP. SCP-682 has grown large tentacles, that stretched towards Nu-7 and decimated the battalion. |
Nu-7 COM Goondra: (Stroking his beardless chin), Hmm.. I'm going to try again with the help of some friends.
O5-3: No Don'-
002 | Nu-7 Commander Goondra | FAILURE |
A battalion from MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down"), alongside MTF B-1 ("The Cauterizers"), were sent to SCP-682 and instructed to recapture. | The battalions arrives at pinewood and begins their attack 1km from the SCP. Much like Log 001, SCP-682 has grown large tentacles and began his counterattack. Beta-1 was positioned in their helicopters to give out overwhelming force to the tentacles. After approximately 14 minutes, a high pitched screech from 682 has somehow disabled the motors of the helicopters, What remained of the Nu-7 battalion quickly retreated |
*Site Advisor 'Red' raises his hand.*
Site Advisor 'Red': Have we tried giving up?
*The room murmurs in agreement. Ethics Member Pheonix lights their weed cigarette as O5-3 sighs.*
O5-2: This is all recorded, also I thought you died?
Site Advisor 'Red': My death was greatly exaggerated.
O5-3: (Interjecting) ANYONE else has any ideas?
*Nu-7 CSG Goondra raises his hand.*
O5-3: No, sending your battalion but with another MTF isn't an acceptable answer.
*Nu-7 CSG Goondra lowers his hand. Ethics Member Pheonix sighs, and pulls out another blunt to smoke.*
O5-3: Epsilon E-11?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: Yes?
O5-3: Where's you commanders?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: One of them is at home healing, the other
resigned to become an Ethics committee assistant in another site.
O5-3: What about your Majors?
E-11 Major John Nuts: ...
O5-3: Does he not speak?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: Nope.
O5-3: Alrighty then, seeing how this situation has gone out of our control, we'll leave it to the GOC to handle
it, and if they fail? we can always rely on SCP-2000 to reconstruct all life that has lost due to the mutated 682.
There is clearly no other choice. 682 has become someone else's problem now. and we'll
explain it to the public about a large dark reptile coming to their location, as if its just a natural disaster.
I know this may be shocking, but it is the only way we can
preserve normalcy. Do I have your collective approval?
*There is stunned silence from the entire room.*
O5-3: I'll take that as a yes.
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: No! No, what the fuck? We're not doing that! Jesus christ!
O5-3: Do you a better idea?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: Why don't we utilize SCP-4339?
we can alter reality so that 035 and 682 are separated.
*In the same meeting room, the O5 had unanimously voted on utilizing SCP-4339.*
O5-2 | O5-12 | O5-1 |
O5-3 | O5-5 | O5-13 |
O5-4 | O5-6 | O5-10 |
O5-8 | O5-7 | |
O5-9 | ||
O5-11 |
*SCP-4339 is being transported to the meeting room by A-1 LTCOM "Zufall",
as he was giving the pen to O5-3, he accidently dropped it.*
A-1 LTCOM "Zufall": Whoops.
*The pen rolled underneath the table towards Cpt. Giudon, he picked
it up, paused for moment to observe the pen, then gave it to O5-3*
O5-3: Thanks.
*As O5-3 writes what seems to be 035's and 682's mind sets
conflicting each other, Ethics Member Phoenix picks up another blunt and lights it.*
O5-3: E-11, Deploy.
003 | E-11 Captain 'Giudon' | Success |
A squad from MTF E-11 ("The Nine Tailed Fox") were instructed to recaptured 682 and 035. | The squad arrives at the destroyed base of GOC, and begins their attack using the H.I.D. Turret, which Temporarily incapacitates SCP-682 which resulted in swift recontainment to its cell, as for 035, they found him on the floor, his face appears to be frowning. |
*After 6 hours of recorded silence*
Site Manager Naffen: This still recording? I forgot to end it.
*Last frame of the footage shows Ethics
Member Phoenix still smoking in the room*
--------------VIDEO TRANSCRIPT OF E-11 CAPTAIN INTERVIEW--------------
DATE: 2023/06/08
FOREWORD: Following the successful containment of SCP-682 and SCP-035, an interview was proposed by a member of the O5
for personnel reassignment of E-11 Cpt. Giudon. Personnel whom are present in the interview are the following: The O5 council, Site
administration of site-65 and E-11 Major John Nuts.
*O5-1 stands up, and adjusts his Tie.*
O5-1: You know why you're here right?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: No?
O5-1: Major John, did you not send him my memo?
E-11 Major John Nuts: ...
O5-1: Ah yes, Forgot that you can't speak. anyway, Captain, you're here
because you have shown great loyalty to the foundation, your critical thinking
has saved the world from a x-K class scenario. a unanimous vote has taken place
and has been approved. We want people like you within our confines, so what's
your thought? would you like to be our assistant?
*Without a moment of hesitation, the captain responded*
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: Why shouldn't I be?
DATE: 2023/06/08
FOREWORD: Following the successful containment of SCP-682 and SCP-035, an interview was proposed by a member of the O5
for personnel reassignment of E-11 Cpt. Giudon. Personnel whom are present in the interview are the following: The O5 council, Site
administration of site-65 and E-11 Major John Nuts.
*O5-1 stands up, and adjusts his Tie.*
O5-1: You know why you're here right?
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: No?
O5-1: Major John, did you not send him my memo?
E-11 Major John Nuts: ...
O5-1: Ah yes, Forgot that you can't speak. anyway, Captain, you're here
because you have shown great loyalty to the foundation, your critical thinking
has saved the world from a x-K class scenario. a unanimous vote has taken place
and has been approved. We want people like you within our confines, so what's
your thought? would you like to be our assistant?
*Without a moment of hesitation, the captain responded*
E-11 Cpt. Giudon: Why shouldn't I be?
Date :20██/06/10
To: Overseer Council
From: Chairman 'Eidolon'
Cc: Ethics Committee
Attn: SCP-4339
During our standard review of the newly "682 53th breach" video transcript logs, an unusual finger print was found on SCP-4339, we have reviewed it and decided to scrutinize this matter further. This memorandum is to inform the Council that "Assistant 'Giudon'" is under investigation for potentially unethical utilization of SCP-4339.
To: Overseer Council
From: Chairman 'Eidolon'
Cc: Ethics Committee
Attn: SCP-4339
During our standard review of the newly "682 53th breach" video transcript logs, an unusual finger print was found on SCP-4339, we have reviewed it and decided to scrutinize this matter further. This memorandum is to inform the Council that "Assistant 'Giudon'" is under investigation for potentially unethical utilization of SCP-4339.