Denied Give GOC & CI Engineers the ability to build

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Active member
Oct 11, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Gives CI and GOC the ability to spawn Supply Trucks, and allows GOC to air-drop supplies via tac. tablet.
Allows CI and GOC to use the VWar building system to set up FOBs and alternative spawn locations on surface.
Allows CI and GOC to build cover, walls, etc.

Gives Foundation the ability to spawn Supply Trucks(or some other means to drop supplies, such as through Nu-7 autorifleman)
Allows MTF Nu-7 Engineers to use the VWar building system to set up defenses, FOBs, etc.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Less base-camping.
+ Better wars on surface.
+ Gives a reason for GOC to utilize air-drops more frequently.
+ Gives a reason for DEA/Nu-7 to venture onto surface & fight CI/GOC FOBs.
+ Players can be useful without needing to be extremely good at PvP.
+ CI/GOC infiltrations can utilize FOBs to get closer to their target(s), resulting in more encounters.
+ System is already developed, meaning it just needs implementation and base-line changes to make functional within the server.
+ Gives CI/GOC Engineer a reason to be in the server as a role(Officers get repair tools for some reason).

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- CI/GOC infils on Foundation may be too easy to conduct if a spawn point is placed near the vent systems.
- System may end up being abused, or not utilized.
- Foundation might complain they can't build, but that can be fixed by giving them the same tools.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Currently Engineers for both CI and GOC aren't used, and the VWar system is already built and in-place, so might as well use it right?
Also, I am vastly uninformed on this part, but Nu-7 Engineer/Autoriflemen is also underused apparently.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
+support actually good kito suggestion would make wars fun and CI and GOC tech experts used as they never are

i recommend to NOT GIVE DELCOM+ this maybe the commander job these tools as all repair tools aer on delcoms jobs leading the actual tech job not being used

if its on Com and Tech job that would be great giving the commander alot of utility and other things surface wars would actually be way better and more enjoyable


Active member
Oct 11, 2022
I haven't ever ventured into CI or Nu-7 ranks to know the best way to implement it for them, but the GOC Engineer has legit 0 purpose due to COs getting repair tools. I asked and the same issue pretty much happens in CI, since CI officers get repair tools as well.

I also didnt think about it until I had already written it but Nu-7 has Engineers, so I would give them the same abilities.

The only extra thing I might suggest would be a small supplies box that players can spawn with and deploy to make FOBs or whatever with it that'd need to get resupplied.

The GOC and CI shouldn't have that ability because, obviously, the Foundation site is big enough to hide a FOB in it and would be really unrealistic to just spawn inside of it, so supply trucks and/or supply drops would be better for them.
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