Give NU-7 Elastic Restraints

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It adds elastic restraints to ALL NU-7 jobs. (Other than medics, so kidnapping is not extremely frequent)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
No longer have to wait for someone with restraints to show up and arrest a person
Won't need to use dispensers for elastic restraints
DEA won't be asked every 5 seconds so they can restrain someone on surface
Won't need to FearRP people into walking all the way to a dispenser so we can get ourselves cuffs.
Actually lets NU-7 arrest people other than resulting to shooting them due to nobody with cuffs showing up
NU-7 won't need to wait 15 minutes after dying just to get restraints

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Kidnapping of GOIs being at a higher rate
Dev time?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This should be accepted! It is unbelievable how we don't have any restraints yet. NU-7 is one of the many dept./regiments on site that REQUIRE to have elastic restraints yet don't. Why should DEA have restraints but not NU-7? They do the same thing. For example; whenever a civilian wanders inside of the site through vents and a NU-7 finds them, they then are required to A: Wait for DEA to show up and cuff the civ OR B: Put them under FearRP and Walk them all the way to a dispenser to get restraints OR C: Shoot them. Maybe NU-7 are wanting to kidnap a CI that just died in a raid, but wait! We don't have restraints so we can't do that. There are a unbelievable amount of issues. I could go on and on about how NU-7 should get restraints. I've seen LOTS of NU-7 ask for elastic restraints but SL & NL just say no, and for what reason?

Most likey will get denied again but it's worth a shot..🥹
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This was literally denied twice the other week, re suggesting something isn't gonna get the verdict changed unless there's some incredibly compelling points made instead of just " less effort for nu7"
I wasn't completely aware of how much it had been denied before I made this suggestion. I will say if I did see the other suggestions then I would have never made this.