Denied Give Nu7 Helmets Please

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Gives all Nu7 jobs helmets with the current models already in game. Differences can be made to distinguish each job such as goggles for Officer, No goggles for operative, Helmet w/ mic for Medic and no goggles, goggles for Officer with mic helmet.

You can also change vests around for easier distinguishability. Helmets and masks aren't the only thing that distinguish people.

NOTE: These models do have NVGs and Glasses included in the pack inside of the server that can be used, as shown below.1680896728792.png

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+Visually Appealing
+All of Nu7 wants it
+No effort needed to change it
+No model change required
+Can be done in a day.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Absolutely none.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Nu7 has been trying to get new models, or atleast helmets, for a long time now. For some reason, the content team continues to deny it. I figured I would be a little more specific in this suggestion to give Nu7 helmets. I'm pretty sure everyone in the regiment would welcome this change, and that little to no one would object the change out of the regiment. It is such a small, easy to do quality of life change that can make Nu7 feel better as a regiment.

For further perspective; Nu7 is the only job beyond Security Cadet that doesn't have helmets on all of their jobs. This doesn't make sense, considering Nu7 is a battalion-sized completely combat-orientated task force that works for a very well funded, large, world-wide black-ops organization. Nu7s entire purpose is to fight the Foundations wars with guns and vehicles. Why would they not have even the most basic protective gear for the bulk of their forces? You need to be an NCO just to have the most basic protective gear used in war; Helmets. This doesn't make sense in any world. It's a simple change, an easy change, a visually appealing change, and something Nu7 has asked for over and over and it doesn't hurt or change anything for anyone beyond Nu7 looking better. The content team has denied really cool model changes for Nu7 and Nu7 is one of the few that doesn't have custom models now, we could atleast get helmets and look like the army force that Nu7 is.

Thanks for listening to my ted talk. I'd really like to see this change happen, it's been an on-going battle since the server began just to get a simple change like this. It'd be great if we could finally get it. Giving Nu7 helmets was even a suggestion accepted over a year ago when I suggested A1 and O1 got helmets. Management said yes, gave O1 and A1 helmets, then forgot about Nu7 entirely. It's been the same ever since. Give Nu7 some love, they need it. <3
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Suggestion Denied

Hi @ReconParadox,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. At current there is nothing specifically 'wrong' with the current models and this would lead to issues with being able to identify jobs, in the suggestion the use of NVGs is mentioned but they would conflict with the functional NVGs currently used as well.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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