Rule Suggestion Give The Beret Back On TS To MTF MAJ's

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Nov 29, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

[This gives the beret on Teamspeak back to the person with the rank of MAJ-COM, recently all the berets on Teamspeak have been wiped as they are not allowed. although this has been the case for about a year now? This didn't make any sense because Majors are literally part of REGIMENTAL COMMAND. So we cannot drag certain people to channels like other Majors that want to be moved by you to a certain channel, but no we would have to ask someone else??]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:


Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

-Easier communication
-An easier way to manage people in the appropriate Teamspeak Channels
- People will not have to constantly ask to be moved to other channels by one person
- The appropriate rank (MTFCOM-BERET) is given to (REGIMENTAL COMMAND) MAJ of the Mobile Task Force member
-(This was literally a thing for a year??)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

[People who abuse, but this is probably getting enforced because of recent events, however, everyone should not suffer the consequences of certain people abusing their roles as they shouldn't be in the role in the first place if they are a power-hungry person, this applies to MTF, SA, SC.]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

[It makes sense to have a REGIMENTAL COMMAND member to have a beret as they are a member of the COMMAND team and this has been ok for about a year and shouldn't be just enforced out of nowhere.]
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you do not need it, just have a commissioned officer tag.
the only perms commissioned officer gives is the ability to move to and from the CO chat, you cant give join perms, cant move people into the channels, can't do anything like that.

ci delcom+ get it but MTF major doesn't, kinda crazy (I have never seen any majors abuse it but I have seen plenty of CI abuse their beret)
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I not understand why that icon so important
basically, berets allow people to give people join perms, to move people to different channels, etc

CI and UNGOC CO's have it since they can't move people to their Comms-C/Commanders Office channels without it, meanwhile MTF CO's can move others into their own CO TS channels with just the tag.
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