Denied GOC Cartographer/ AA

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

1: Add: Mosberg 500 and MPX/MP9 to the GOC Cartographer + a Scranton
2: Change: GOC Medic/Vector (recoil is way to much and does almost no dmg
3: Change: GOC AA replace the Sticky Grenade With thermals NVG/Scrables (kinda like ERT and what they have) and replace the Matador with a grenade launcher.
3: Remove: Sticky grenade from GOC AA

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not that i know of (maybe the AA but not the other stuff)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

1: Since the Cartographer is now a combative for GOC/CI and his whole idea being a interdimensional traveler, he should be armed for close quarters combat (if needs be) so a shot gun/SMG seems like the most perfect choice. (plus he has no gun not even a pistol)

2: For the Vector is known all through out GOC's time the Medic job has been the least used all because of the vector being a heavily underpowered gun with high recoil, low Rate of fire, low ammo count and almost 2 mags to kill someone around 10 m away.

3: Now to the AA, having a Gernade launcher for GOC would be amazing since having the abilty to use it both as SCP AA and a substitute for the matador, giving GOC a fighting chance since they are way smaller than Foundation or CI. but in regards to the thermals NVG/Scrables getting them as part of AA would be nice since it would be a AA version of NVGs that would help in foundation for QRF or Surface combat.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

1: It might be a little to overpowering when it comes to the dimension but again he is totally relent on being in his dimensions that need a thaumatologist with him to be able to buy the bridge gate ways for him.

2: Litrally nothing. this has been a big issue all through out the vectors history

3: The sticky Grenades is almost never used by GOC when given the choice, for the thermals people might be able to see you from longer ranges based of the heat signatures, but we are in snowy Canada and having something to pick up heat readings just make sense. Sure its gives GOC an upper hand but again this is AA its ment to be strong since you can get it once every 30 mins (ish)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

GOC as a faction should be a power balancer for Foundation and CI having this added would allow GOC the ability to play that role as a power house.

for the cartographer he is a combative so he needs a way to help out in raids/ QRFs rather than just be the driver

(Edit 1: 9/4/2024 Change Thermals for NVG/Scrables (kinda like ERT and what they have))
Last edited:
2: Change: GOC Medic/Vector (recoil is way to much and does almost no dmg
there have been at least 3 suggestions to change the GOC medic gun

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
1: Add: Mosberg 500 and MPX/MP9 to the GOC Cartographer + a Scranton
guns yes, Scranton no.
we don’t need another job that spawns with them.

3: Change: GOC AA replace the Sticky Grenade With thermals and replace the Matador with a grenade launcher.
3: Remove: Sticky grenade from GOC AA
this is just the same thing
anywho why

Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
I think they actually need to give the GOC Cartographer a portal gun like in the hitgame Portal (2), there are plenty of Workshop addons for it already too!


Senior Administrator
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SCP-RP Staff
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Dec 20, 2023
there have been at least 3 suggestions to change the GOC medic gun

guns yes, Scranton no.
we don’t need another job that spawns with them.

this is just the same thing
anywho why
What hilarious is even if they spawn with it there's still like a 10 minute cooldown on placing them down
Foundation and CI are getting warfunds aswell so ?
Plus most people go to GOC For RP not war (Plus if they want war we could give it to em yk)
Foundations warfunds are likely gonna be more RP/QoL enhancements and not combative. CI team with GOC pretty regularly, and have combative versions of foundations jobs which pretty heavily tilts balance in your favor. (Thaum/TB/Cartographer are all combative)

-support GOC has to much as is.
Foundations warfunds are likely gonna be more RP/QoL enhancements and not combative. CI team with GOC pretty regularly, and have combative versions of foundations jobs which pretty heavily tilts balance in your favor. (Thaum/TB/Cartographer are all combative)

-support GOC has to much as is.
GOC Too strong....
They gave warfunds....
GOC don't even "do combat" and have asked for buffs because they "Choose to be pacifists"
Average GOC "We are too weak" suggestion (Strongest regiment on the server btw)
Cope. Honestly a krill issue.

GOC is like 80% worse then CI and 50% worse then Foundation.

We get airstrikes & shitter weapons then CI do.

Teaming with CI is RP related, and can easily flip to complete hostilities / war, same as Foundation.

DEA / Nu7 get better versions of our classes, namely marksman, medic, their Sr. Agent gets drones & stickies on spawn with no cooldown and a surface spawn, Nu7 get a 50 cal, Nu7 officers get M4 SOP Mods, etc. etc. etc.

Overall: You are wrong. I'm not going to respond if you come up with more cope either.

Cope. Honestly a krill issue.

GOC is like 80% worse then CI and 50% worse then Foundation.

We get airstrikes & shitter weapons then CI do.

Teaming with CI is RP related, and can easily flip to complete hostilities / war, same as Foundation.

DEA / Nu7 get better versions of our classes, namely marksman, medic, their Sr. Agent gets drones & stickies on spawn with no cooldown and a surface spawn, Nu7 get a 50 cal, Nu7 officers get M4 SOP Mods, etc. etc. etc.

Overall: You are wrong. I'm not going to respond if you come up with more cope either.

Keep in mind, The damage numbers on these guns vary due to VGUNS (Red is gun stats green is comment on the gun)
GOC Thaum only requires SPC + to access the job, Meaning that as soon as you get into GOC you have access to a really overtuned PVP job.

GOC Marksman has the AMR2 along with the SR-2 Veresk, The Veresk does an average of 24.2 damage per bullet, on the high end it does 25, low end it does 23

SR-2 Versek is given to the GOC Marksman which is the best secondary weapon given to a sniper job on the server (the only competition being the Nu7 marksman with the Colt M4)
GOC Soldier+ GOC Field Operative AKZ does an average of 39.2 damage per shot, on the high end having 42 damage per bullet while on the low end doing 36 while also having a 40 round mag (it takes 3.7 seconds to fire the entire magazine)

The AKZ is better than the starting weapons on both CI, DEA and Nu7 (That being the AEK for CI and the L85 for Nu7+DEA)
The AKZ is also shared by the GOC Field Operative which has an spy card and 8 slots

GOC Medic has one of the worst guns in the GOC arsenal that being the Kriss Vector averaging 19.6 damage per bullet High end 22, low end 18 and taking 1.8 seconds to fire the entire mag (25 Bullets)

The weakest loadout out of the GOC classes, The kriss vector being worse than the Nu7, CI and Combat medic weapons (L85 for Nu7 Ghost R5 for CI and G36C)
GOC Assessment Team has the FN2000 that does an average of 36.8 damage per bullet high end 39, low end 33 and taking 2.6 seconds to fire the entire mag (30 bullets)

Having access to the ID disguise card with the FN2000 (Which is a decent gun) along with an anomoly destruction beam
GOC Strike Team has a M60 and a Spaz-12, The M60 does an average of 45 damage per bullet high end 49, Low end 40 and taking 20.4 Seconds to fire the entire magazine(150 bullets)

Along with having two primary weapons it has access to every single utility on the server being on of the most overturned classes (It has a deployable and a breach charge)
GOC Juggernaut has a M240b that does an average of 47.5 damage per bullet high end 51, low end 44 and taking 27 seconds to fire the entire mag(200 bullets)

Having a slower firing version of the PKM that has the potential to two tap someone to the head if you hit both headshots
GOC Officer has the KBAR-32 that does an average of 37.1 damage per bullet high end 40, low end 35 and taking 3.6 seconds to fire the entire mag (40 bullets)

Having access to the strongest gun on the server with the ability to repair and a field kit on spawn

Good guns + Stacked classes usually leads to a strong regiment, This is also not including their ability to "Airstrike" CI base and kill everyone inside of it or the orange suit which has 1000 1000
None of your jobs need to be stronger.
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Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
Cope. Honestly a krill issue.

GOC is like 80% worse then CI and 50% worse then Foundation.

We get airstrikes & shitter weapons then CI do.

Teaming with CI is RP related, and can easily flip to complete hostilities / war, same as Foundation.

DEA / Nu7 get better versions of our classes, namely marksman, medic, their Sr. Agent gets drones & stickies on spawn with no cooldown and a surface spawn, Nu7 get a 50 cal, Nu7 officers get M4 SOP Mods, etc. etc. etc.

Overall: You are wrong. I'm not going to respond if you come up with more cope either.

Hello it is me coming in from Uluru here to say that this is not a very good way of having a discussion. GOC is in no way worse than CI for the factions equipment. GOC is not a massive wave of Meat like the CI and NU7 Instead you should be using force projection and good quality RP to strong arm the bigger factions. your Equipment should show this. Strike team is batshit insane. You have the god damn master chief now that can slap half the SCP's around. I think your issue with the faction may be a one with tactics and planning. If you are taking head on fights with Nu-7 and CI then you clearly have screwed up and should be slapped across the face with their numbers and equipment.
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