Denied Goodbye to the skip rp pill

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
The removal of the instant kill cyanide. Which currently only serves as a skip rp pill.

Replaces it with:
1. A pill that once taken will start a timer that will kill the user after 5 minutes
2. A new stationary entity, that each faction will have one of which will in rp pump the persons stomach and as a result stop the death. Allowing for freed hostages to undergo medical treatment and be saved.
3. CI Medics, Combat Medics and UNGOC Medics will spawn with a single use syringe that can add 5 more minutes before death to give more time to get the Hostage to a medical centre.

This will mean that if CI kidnap an individual they will have 5 minutes to get out and get the individual to their base medway to cure them, and stopping skip rp.

It will also add an extra use to combative medical roles.

Minute 0: injection
Minute 3: User is unable to talk, blurry vision (similar to 096 effects)
Minute 5: death (unless injected)
Minute 10: death (if injected)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe so

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- no more skip rp pill, encouraging roleplay
- creates more roleplay for medical, and adds an extra duty for combat medics

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Individuals who are getting kidnapped may preemptively take the pill, starting the timer earlier.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe it will have a positive impact on roleplay and create more roleplay around kidnapping.

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
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SCP-RP Staff
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Oct 18, 2023
Sounds extremely painful in RP. Instead of dying instantly from cyanide poisoning (Or at least very quickly), you have to wait 5 to 10 long minutes of pain and agony before you die.
Would any in RP really want to torture themselves to avoid a kidnapping?

This is also more limited in what you can do with it compared to the cyanide pills. Take yesterday, where CI were going to HCZ. A O5 was at where CI were headed, and as such, cyanided to kill himself and avoid kidnapping. If he had taken the other pill, CI could've healed him with the other thing, and could've RTBed him.
hey das me (I cyanided way too early apparently you all got merked)
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Merrick Travolta

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Oct 18, 2023
I feel like I would be okay with this. if it wasn't remarkably easy right now for CI to kidnap any CL4. Especially the non combatives over and over and over. Multiple times a day. Dozens of times per week.

if they introduced a cooldown to being able to kidnap Cl4's (atleast with the intent of RTBing/keeping them hostage as leverage). But you could still kidnap them for keycards or 035 hosts. I would be more agreeable to this. But untill dimension gameplay gets nerfed. I'm hard -supporting.
interesting premise to solve a problem that does indeed need solving, but unfortunately is not very well thought out. while i understand the issues on both sides of this (hostages sometimes being kept for too long vs. factions not getting to do anything with hostages they take: both of which harm the rp environment), i'm not experienced enough in this field to offer a better solution. as mentioned by many others throughout the thread, this seems to unfortunately cause more problems than it solves (and that's even without considering dimension gameplay). i don't envy you or staff in this matter; this is an incredibly difficult thing to work out and really the only thing we can do here is just trial and error ideas. that's what this subforum's for, after all.

ultimately, i think this was a very necessary thread, but the specific idea presented is not something that should be implemented, however i do agree with trying to create a mechanical solution for the presented problems if and where possible.
Last edited:
Feb 13, 2022

in the current state of kidnapping this in my opinion would cause a lot more harm then good, a lot of the time you're kidnapped, asked 3 questions then killed or wait 20 minutes to get sold. If kidnapping was made harder than it currently is and the RP of what occurs during interrogations when kidnapped was improved / changed, then i could maybe agree with this.
May 30, 2023
This may cause those who get kidnapped to RP out their kidnap more however, I don't think this will change for those who kidnap people. Yeah, they can pump out someone's stomach and then it's essentially back to zero. They have a hostage and they will continue to do the same as they already are. I can see the intention behind this which in an ideal world does create more RP during kidnaps but I don't believe this is a solution or alternative.


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Mar 6, 2023
[Suggestion Denied]

Hello @elad , we appreciate you taking the time to make a server suggestion.
After reviewing the contents of your suggestion, the Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

With the recent changes to kidnappings, and interrogations, we feel that changing the way our Cyanide pill works would not positively impact the server. Implementing the change suggested here would create imbalance and would benefit CI more than other GOIs.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied, thank you for your time!​
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