Gorilla's SCP-RP GM Application (#2)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1285
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Deleted member 1285

Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Gorilla

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Since the 20th of December
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): MTF-E:11 SGT Julien White
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: Julien Whyte
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60476980
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I have a fully functional mic.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
No, I've applied for GM before.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I've received 9 warnings, through 8/9 warnings being my first offence I feel that I will hopefully never have to be given them again due to me learning from my mistakes. I've also received 1 ban which was a long time ago, it was for "Wasting Staff Time" which was because it was my first time playing and I went into vents unknowingly and couldn't get out so I called a sit and "Wasted Staff Time". My first warn was for ERP which was when I was jokingly messing around with someone, another is NRP which I cannot recall as it was quite a while ago. I've also received an RDM warn for killing a D-class as a cadet without warnings. I've also gotten one for "naming conventions" by calling myself "dies nots" and mixing for saying "lag" in game. I've recently acquired a warning for FailRP where I didn't follow orders as 912 because I saw a ranger and decided to initiate with them instead of following the guards orders.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Yes, I was a gamemaster within a CITY-RP Server.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes, I used to play on a CITY-RP server where I was a Chief Inspector of the police force, I also did paperwork as of my Rank.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
1-4 Hours.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
My imagination can fit the server standard, I feel like my use of quick thinking and good adaptation to situations would fit great for this server, I've been a game-master on a server before and know the standards they have to hand out and how they should be a role model in the community. With the chance for me to become one I feel that I could greatly help the server with every player included in mind, no one should be left out as why would that be any fun? I've proven myself to have great ideas I just need the chance and I'll fulfil any request like my life depends on it. With you giving me the chance to become a gamemaster I will try my best for the whole server. If anything would ever go bad with my events, poor coordination or unfair results I will happily take any negative comments about the event and do my best to fix upon it, with the chance to be gamemaster I promise you that my events will be worth it and I will include every single player.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
When it comes towards becoming a gamemaster I feel that the role is to be a model and great person in the community, to act mature and to be fun to play with is one of the most important rules within the server. With use of me being an ex-gamemaster on another server I feel that I can outshine the other applicants as I've already hosted events for over 30+ people, my events were a great success with great feedback and with this I'd love to put all of that effort and work in again into Civil Gamers SCP-RP server. I'd love to use my second chance as a way to prove myself, I've made a mistake and can recover and redeem myself for the server. With the opportunity that is given for this job I will do my best for Civil Gamers.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Chaos Insurgency - Operation: STP (Start the plague)
February 16th 2023: The facility has just dropped 049 within their new specialized cell, with an insider the Chaos Insurgency has picked up intel that 049's cell is faulty with this information they raid the facility in hopes of re-containing 'The plague doctor'. The insider hacks 049's cell causing him to breach with help of the deep cover 049 starts to round up foundation staff and starts to inject his pestilence, with hopes of curing many staff members 049's army and with the help of CI infect the whole facility and cause a ruckus around Site-65. With no hope left from facility staff CI retreat with 049 partnering with them and the mission is a success.
MTF Epsilon:11 - Operation: TSH (The last hope)
May 9th 2024:076, 173, 049, both 939's and 457 have breached, with all members down and only E-11 left the team racks up the remaining weaponry off the advanced sector and hurdle up into a firing line within the lobby zone, with 20 E-11 troops all hope seems lost as the Nu-7 backup was delayed by Chaos Insurgency. No man would think that the E-11 team would of made it out alive, it was a blood-shed or could even considered to be a massacre with the amount of SCP's and E-11 dead. The firing line was mighty, with heavy weaponry like the M249 and PKM they all held their will with the shields as they opened fire upon the breach as each SCP was taken down 1 by 1 the biggest threat was 049, he sent all of his zombies to attack the team but with the use of a Gauss cannon they sent rest towards the breach.
SCP-Site:65 - Operation: NST (No sleep tonight)
December 8th 2022:SCP-966 has not been located within his cell, with reports of a possible breach on the phone call to the site advisor screams are heard down the personnel wing hallway as 966 terrorises the bunks, a blood-shed of researchers and agents as 966 feasts upon their carcasses chills are sent upon the sight of this. No one would of thought this would of happened, the lights shut off immediately suggesting 079 is helping with this massacre as there would be no other reason towards this. With the numerous amounts of dead agents and researchers around Site-65 there is also a concern that there is something else lurking, breaching these anomalies...

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Operation: Die By The Sword​
The church of the ███████ has initiated with Site-65 staff due to their conflicts over the years, but this one, this is more important than the other raids. They have their lead priest captured within the site due to an interrogation taking place with the disappearance of random staff and anomalies, the church of the ███████ have figured out how to warp reality with a new SCP on their roster, with this they use their reality warping skills to retreat to their base in Belarus within the Russian mountains located near the fountain of life. The whole of the church of the ███████ have secured all bunkers within the area as a vantage point to engage on any enemy's, with the intel of where they are located they engage an all out siege onto the church as the members have also captured one of our leading administrators ███████ with the success of using the church of the ███████ portal they teleport within two big groups towards different spots on the map, E11, Nu7, ███████ & ███████ they move towards the airfield to get a position above everyone else and this is where the siege is initated, within a stronghold ███████ is located where he is kept at gunpoint while live TV broadcasts his execution with no time to spare the whole of Nu7 initiate upon the stronghold while E11 cover their back from destroying all flank positions. With the success of the siege onto the stronghold ███████ is saved and the church of the ███████ seize into the hills cowering at the defeat of their leader.

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: Mission - Traitor amongst our troops.
O-1's Captain - ███████ has recently been taken in by the Chaos insurgency within the hopes of joining their ranks, a traitor as he is know known gave intel about Ethics and the ███████ council, with this information breach O-1 will have to save any further intel from being leaked by casting an all out war upon the Insurgency, the nearest base being close towards Site-65 holds the O-1 Captain or now known as the 'Traitor' amongst his ex comrades. With the siege going in place the O-1 team intercept a cargo delivery and enter the bunker with all means of killing everyone and stopping the traitor.
A-1: Mission - The Councils Demise.
A-1, Site:65 - The ███████ are endangered, ███████ and ███████ are surrounded by CI and 049-2 instances, with help of E-11 to take care of the 049-2 anomaly's A-1 pull a final push to save the two endangered ███████ members. With hope lost due to two juggernauts being shielded by 049-2's the E-11 regiment intercept 049 in floor 3. While A-1 push CI to a corner position both 939 instances are let out onto the teams which causes Nu-7 to be called for backup. As 939-2 and 939-1 are gunned down the last mission is to break the mighty firing line of CI, with help of nerve gas the ███████ and ███████ are saved. Mission - success.1644960708819.png
Nu-7: Mission - Intercepted by the GOC.Nu-7, The Global Occult Coalition have picked up intel of an Nu-7 transport of the SCP "SCP-457" prior to a cross test which took place over at Antarctica at Site-38. Nu-7 have been given hint that the GOC will battle the foundation for means of eliminating SCP-457 but a problem is in hand, Nu-7 have already transported 457 into Site-65 and have been attacked for no means. With this in mind Nu-7 call into communications to cease fire but the GOC wont respond, and with this intel the Nu-7 task force charges into the hills around Site-65 to take down the snipers, with success Nu-7 are met with three LAV's which gun down their men. With their morals defeated Nu-7 are met with assistance by Beta-7 from their recent clean-up of pinewood of any 008 instances. With hope regained Nu-7 push back the GOC to a point of retreat and return back to their duties with a great success.
E-11: Mission - Reobtain SCP-073 (Cain)E-11, SCP-073 Has been sighted wandering around pinewood, due to his nature of destroying any form of ecological lifeform when touching it (Grass, trees and insects) he is a highly dangerous SCP who should always be kept within a 8x8 Square Meter metal box. With pinewood civilians making contact with SCP-073 Intelligence agents are also deployed to apply amnestic to get rid of any unwanted attention. E-11 roll up onto the CI hill, 073 is sighted being pulled into the CI base where E-11 have to intercept quickly before the CI get hold of 073. With a breach of the CI bunker taking place 073 is sighted playing with 939. With this danger backup is called and a siege happens upon the bunker. With success of breaching into the LCZ of the bunker they only face one problem, 939 guarding 073's room. With heavy weaponry issued CI and 939 are taken down and 073 is reobtained.
SCP Foundation: Mission - The unknown society."SCP-3743 is a series of interconnected anomalies with ties to a Hellenistic-era cult known as the "Many Hands Society" (rough translation). SCP-3743-A-1 is a thaumaturgical powered portal3 to an extradimensional space found within the greater Yorkshire area. SCP-3743-A-1 is located in a wooded area approximately two kilometres from Site-91’s perimeter. SCP-3743-A-1 is constructed with branches from the immediate area and thaumaturgical linked to an icon of Eros found hanging nearby."

Site-65: An SCP-3743 portal has opened up nearby the lake house, with means of 323 being located on the surface the two SCP's could relate with each other in some means. SCP-3743 houses an unknown cult who live within the dimension of the anomaly, the team of Beta-777 are sent in with five agents, three researchers and one D-Class who have hopes of contacting the mysterious society. The tall Greek-like structures suggested the society was still in the primitive age when it comes to technology, the translations on walls and scriptures placed everywhere suggested the cultists were somewhat literate as it related to 1200 AC English language. No cultists were found suggesting that they had left a long time ago, from something. With paintings of stories and battles presented all over the walls it suggested that they were a developing society which could tell us that they had to leave in a rush if there were so many of them. With the researchers nearing towards the main building of SCP-3743 a cracking noise is heard, with help of agents the whole team resorts back to our world and closes off the dimension with possession of many scriptures and paintings from the society. 1644862320198.png
Chaos Insurgency: Mission - Traitors of the councilCI, Renowned for their dedication to the ███████ council the CI were one of the best units the foundation had, until one mere day they became traitors. From their traitor ship they now order sieges and raids upon the facility with intel upon most sites, the CI had recently prepared for war against Site-65 with the use of 5 CI Tanks, 2 CI crosshatches and 3 CI tactical helicopters the CI intercept the new Nu-7 escort which are in means of returning off patrol. With the sudden war upon Nu-7 the whole of Entrance Zone is on lockdown while the facility is searched for intruders. Site-65's Heavy Containment Zone has one problem, there are over 7 Deep Cover operatives breaching SCP's while E-11 figure out who's breached and where. The siege upon the surface zone results in the question - What do they want? With open communications with the CI foundation they state they want to take down ███████ for his means of cruelty and killing ███████ . With MTF regiments questioning this amnestic are spread through the vents, but with a trick - they are laced with nerve gas and it knocks most of the facility staff unconscious, not dead but nearly. With most SCP's within HCZ breached the E-11 regiment were equipped with gas masks and are a barricade to fend off HCZ while they wait for backup. The CI are pushed back by assistance from an unknown group which could be the highly trained soldiers of the regiment ███████ . With hopes of helping everyone back to normal everyone is inspected and everything goes back to normal.
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Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021
+ Support
+ Nice guy
+ amazing looking events (Good ideas)
+ Active ingame
+ Good rp interactions


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022


+ Massive amount of time and effort poured into this application, looks great.
+ Active IG/TS
+ Mature/Friendly to speak to.

- Vast amount of warnings

Application looks great.
Good luck.


Civil Gamers Expert
May 25, 2021
-I can look past the warnings as most are first time offences or times where he has genuinely done something accidentally, no malicious intentions at all
-As always, really good application with lots of detail
-Huge potential


CG Super VIP
Feb 20, 2021
Hello, I will be giving you a +support for the following reasons.
Outstanding application.
Great potential.
Active and Mature.
Handful of warnings.

Best of luck.
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