Gorilla's SCP-RP GM Application

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1285
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Deleted member 1285

Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Gorilla ?
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Since the 20th of December.
Age: 16 (11th February)
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom. ??
Time zone: GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): MTF-E11 SPC Julien White
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A (I do not have a Chaos character.)
Civilian name: Julien Whyte
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60476980
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I have a fully functional mic.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes, this is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I've received a ban for "Wasting staff time" this was given to me on the 20th of December when I was confused on what to do as I went into the vents and saw an 096 picture, I requested the sit due to me not knowing how to get out and with no response I thought they couldn't hear my microphone but apparently I was wasting staff time. I also have an NRP warn for using a gun as a chef, an ERP warn for joking with d-class, my final warn was for RDM as I was a cadet and killed a D-class without warning. I've recently gotten a warn for "mixing" but I was told to not worry as all I said was "Lag" due to the 049 breach.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: I used to be a Games Master on a CITY-RP server.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes, I used to play on a CITY-RP server where I was positioned as the Chief Inspector and my role was to make sure the whole police force were doing their work right. I've also specialised in doing the police forces paperwork.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
2-4 Hours every day.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I'd love to become a gamemaster due to my highly creative mind and my fast thinking I think I could easily adapt to anything that goes on into the event, the role of a gamemaster is to add enjoyment to the server and with this role I could implement great and excitable events for all people, with the implementation of new SPC's the choices are unlimited meaning I can work on great ways to entertain the server. If I was given the role I'd try my best to take feedback and take the servers word just so anything that would happen is fully dealt with, any rule breaking that would happen would be resulted in being reported and that's why you can trust me within event making to make sure no one does anything bad and while that happens I can still keep the server busy and on the edge of their seats for the next Event!
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I have a great imagination and with my fast responses I think that I could help boost some dull and boring times on the server when no breaches or testing is happening. I feel that I'm special over the other applicants due to my great ideas and cooperative personality, any event that I host will be non biased to feedback and I think that anything I do as an event can always be made better. I can prove myself to be a great games master, I can include everyone to make sure no one is left out and bored and I will make sure frequent and well thought of events will happen at least every 1-2 weeks as it takes me time to think of a great one to have. With help of the SCP wiki I can bring lore characters onto the server and include all ranks like Jr. Researcher, Cadet's and even trainees! I want to make everyone feel included with my events as I think that's the prime reason the job is right for me.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
- Chaos insurgency - A group of MTF have been reported observing a surface based SCP, with coordination and teamwork the chaos intercept the MTF group and take the SCP for personnel benefits as it could grant access to reading minds and breaking the fourth wall which would greatly benefit each side. Through the interception of the chaos team MTF will respond and will have a battle over the anomaly which could cause a great a raid on each sides to obtain the SCP back. (The SCP could be inanimate or Living depending on what is favoured)
- MTF - The MTF team are investigating a recent outbreak in high amounts of radiation from 914's location, the team enter the room finding out that there is an anomaly like SCP-049 or SCP-035 inside the area, SCP-049 could be putting in personnel as he could be trying to make them ready for his cure. SCP-035 could be inside SCP-914 with the knowledge that SCP-914 can greatly boost their breaching capabilities.
- Chaos Insurgency - A recent breach of information regarding the chaos insurgency has spread all over the internet, with use of deep cover agents they will intercept these CGITV members and put a stop to the leaking of all information, if they do not succeed there will be a big outbreak in concern that someone is behind their walls taking this information and it's up to the whole chaos insurgency to find out who's been leaking it.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)


KEY: ███████ = SCP-990
(The "Dream Man") has intercepted someone capable of contacting him, with an up rise in his secrecy he decides to warp reality itself to trap the certain personnel and questions them with a breach of ███████ information he could possibly cause an XK-Class end of the world scenario in rage of this incident, it is up to one of the best agents to negotiate with the SCP and while on the other hand E-11 Biohazard units are ordered to scan the area for his presence, every where ███████ goes a field will be created which might be lethal or beneficial to the facility as it could make them track their presence, ███████ will travel to 4 specific locations within the facility attempting contact with the personnel capable of contacting ███████ due to this being so dangerous MTF will have to escort the person as if anything goes bad they can easily de-escalate the situation. On the other side Chaos Insurgency are given intel on ███████ and want to use him for their personal gain, with an attempt to raid the facility an all out war starts between both sides to attempt contact with the anomaly and while this is happening one of the chaos troops will be transferred to ███████ reality and will be interrogated along with the foundations personnel. In an attempt to execute both of them ███████ opens a gate-way into his dimension which can be anywhere from 914 to inanimate object storage. E-11 Biohazard units and Chaos Insurgency rush to contact the anomaly before it's too late and they've missed the opportunity.
SCP-990's map will result with puzzles and reality changing areas due to his reality bending capabilities.
(Map which would be used to meet 990's reality)

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1 Mission:
: O-1, A massive breach of the ethics code has happened, CGITV's leading unit has found the ethics guide and has released it to the entire internet to see, with works of technical experts they work with SCP-079 to give them the files so they can transfer them online, if 079 is not cooperative they will threaten to unplug him and O-1 must to a data check to make sure 079 cant access himself onto the internet.
A-1 Mission:
A-1: A-1's best unit will be given a highly defensive suit of gear and a highly damaging weapon and is ordered to protect the O5 council at all costs, with the expense of the Chaos Raid only A-1 and O-1 are left to fend for the councils lives to make sure they don't die, Chaos Insurgency captured LCZ and HCZ and are using 914 to gain access to level 5 cards and lethal weaponry, the A-1 team will be deployed in entrance zone while O-1 is deployed to LCZ to seize the 914 operation to request all help against the chaos team. A-1's best unit will be given the code-name "Death" which can be called for by any cl4+ units to their location in an event that floor 3 get's breached. "Death" will be given 15000 health and max Armor, he will be equipped with an auger minigun and a sanctum SR to fend for the council's lives, with the event that "Death" does not make it out alive the whole of E-11, Nu-7, A-1, And O-1 will be entering from the facility entrance to save the Council's lives
Nu-7 Mission:
Nu-7: Nu-7 receive reports that marksmen have been spotted above the facility's entrance, with the distraction of the marksmen Chaos Insurgency will rush towards the gate's entrance with many people joining them. Nu-7 will be given full access to heavy armoured vehicles and the marksmen will be dropped off on the hill's cabin roof to act as a cover spot for any Nu-7 personnel. Nu-7 will fend for their lives as they request for the help of E-11 while they hold their position. One Nu-7 will be equipped with heavy weaponry and will be given 2000 health to act as a juggernaut for the team.
E-11 Mission:
KEY: ███████ = SCP-008, 008-2
KEY: ███████ = SCP-682
E-11: E-11 Will receive reports that a plant life form has been growing down ███████ cell and is made up of flesh matter, the plant seems to be growing ███████ instances and with the help of the biohazard team and an biohazard researcher they will inspect the area, if anything goes wrong the team will close off the whole of HCZ in an attempt to not let ███████ spread anywhere. One of the biohazard team members will bring ███████ into the security sector and will be eliminated in an attempt to not spread it anywhere else. The plant spreads to another sector of HCZ which is feasting on ███████ acid, this causes ███████ to breach and the whole of E-11 to stop this with a mighty firing line with access to the advanced armoury.
CI Mission:
CI: The Chaos Insurgency will deploy 5 deep cover units to intercept an Nu-7 escort, with help of intel units from the Chaos Side they will take their disguises and intercept the facility. A breach happens which causes 939 to breach and with the help of the deep cover team they will attempt to escort 939 out and return them to their base. With an alert that there are Chaos among the facility a code-1 is called but there is no use, E-11 have failed to stop 939 breaching and with the help of chaos they are preparing for a super raid. Chaos are armed with two juggernauts, two 939 instances and their team and with an attempt to gain a gauss cannon they head off to 914 and the hole to receive these so they can cause a full on fledged raid onto the O5 council room, they are met with a powerful firing line and are shot at in an attempt to enter 939-2 and 939 enter the floor to kill all MTF located at floor 3.
Foundation Mission:
KEY: ███████ = SCP-657
Foundation Staff: ███████ Has reported to arrive onto the facility's ground, with his arrival all A-1 and O5 council members are
given the chance to have their death predicted for their safety and to see if they can prevent any deaths. Executive researchers are allowed upon Floor 3 to note down all instances of ███████ predicting death, with one of the members of the O5 council receiving a prediction of "Within one hour" the code-1 alarm starts which causes the whole MTF units to protect the member at all costs, with this being in success reality is broken, it stresses out ███████ to a point where he becomes mentally unstable and emits mass amounts of radiation and distortion fields, it's up to researchers to calm the man down while Containment Specialists bring reality back to normal.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022

+/- Neutral ( leaning towards +support)

+ Well written application
+ Good playtime
+ Good imagination/event ideas

- Warnings
- Haven't had interactions with

Deleted member 1285


+/- Neutral ( leaning towards +support)

+ Well written application
+ Good playtime
+ Good imagination/event ideas

- Warnings
- Haven't had interactions with
Thanks for the reply! I appreciate it a lot ?


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021


+ Very Active
+ Rps Well
+ Told me ideas which sound.. "Interesting"
+ Not a douche


Civil Gamers Expert
May 25, 2021
-Personally interacted with him alot, he's a good fella
-Is really motivated towards his ideas

Good Luck

Deleted member 1285

You seem like you have great intentions for the community.
Amazing effort on your event ideas.
Commended by a trusted TGM
Thank you so much for the reply, i appreciate it so much! ?


Well-known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I've never had a bad experience with Julien. One of the most fun people to be around on the server, stays in character, and has been a positive impact on our community his whole time here.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020

Application Denied

Hi @FakeLts,

Thanks for taking the time to make a Game Master application.

Unfortunately you seem to have received several warnings while your application was up which is not a good look for upcoming GMs.

Your event ideas do seem very promising though, I would recommend trying to stay clean from now on and reading the rules as it may help your future outcome when applying again.

You may re-apply in 1 week.​
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