Accepted Hackable FOBs

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Apr 2, 2022
(I made this suggestion on discord before, I've changed it up a bit and made it fit the format)

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Make it so you can hack FOBs which can benefit your team in different ways, there would be different hacks with different difficulties
1 - Marks all FOB locations on the map to the hacker OR the whole team
2 - Disabled spawning on the FOB for ??? time
3 - Makes all the sam sites and missle defences on the FOB switch to your team for a certain period of time

Also it would not be too OP as hacking with enemies constantly spawning is not an easy task

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Gives a purpose to the Special operations job that STS and SOTF have access to, this job is very rarely used because the spy job is just so much better for base raids and base raids don't occur that often especially after recent changes

- It's a counter to god modded players defusing C4 on FOBs ( or CO's spawning on the FOB AFTER it has been destroyed and placing a new one with full HP instantly

- Gives players more of a reason to get good at hacking and more individuality to STS / SOTF

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Making it too imbalanced if one side has better hackers, I guess, pretty much what happened with warfunds getting hacked

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It adds more things to get good at to get an advantage in a war
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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 3, 2021

Even though all of UAN will probably -Support I would like to say this is a very good suggestion and it will make it so defending FOBs is actually worth it. Also adding more things to hack during war will be fun for both sides and the hacking jobs will be used more in war. But make sure this FOB hacking can only happen in war time not in peacetime. Also this is a good suggestion because every 20 seconds around 1-5 people spawn on that FOB so to be able to hack it is near to impossible but it would be fun trying to hack an FOB whilst having people defending you.
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Reactions: Hoxton


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021

i think hacking could be implemented in a lot of other ways other than doors and servers. For example hacking maybe vehicles or SAMs so i think this is a great idea

Jim Jones

Well-known Member
Apr 5, 2022
United Kingdom

Even though all of UAN will probably -Support I would like to say this is a very good suggestion and it will make it so defending FOBs is actually worth it. Also adding more things to hack during war will be fun for both sides and the hacking jobs will be used more in war. But make sure this FOB hacking can only happen in war time not in peacetime. Also this is a good suggestion because every 20 seconds around 1-5 people spawn on that FOB so to be able to hack it is near to impossible but it would be fun trying to hack an FOB whilst having people defending you
Time to prove you wrong.
The reason I support this is because at the moment SOTF do not bother with hacking in general compared to STS who actively seek to do so. Perhaps, this might just spur them on to actually put their training to use and hack enemy FOBs to give us an edge as well as make it more enjoyable for them. Plus, it would be one hell of an adrenaline rush when a SAM starts opening fire on me from a friendly FOB.

This is all hypothetical of course but a man can dream.
May 23, 2022

While more things to hack sounds nice, it just means one more thing to at least partially defend with threat of being put at a disadvantage, I dont think anyone would enjoy sitting at a fob to make sure it doesnt get hacked when theres a war going on.

Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi @Hoxton , Your suggestion has been accepted.

I can see this being a good feature. We will think of a way to make it balanced and fun.
Don't expect the outcome to be 1:1​
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