Accepted Hacking, breaching and base raid changes (Not clickbait)

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

It changes the way base raids, hacking and breaching works all together - or at least the way that it comes across and the way each method is seen.

Basically, to put it short. Every single door inside of the UAN and NWO base should both Breachable or Hackable - however they should be seen as the 'sneaky and longer' option or the 'loud and fast' option like in other games.

Breaching -
Leaves a loud explosion behind however the doors of the room you are trying to access is removed quickly and efficiently. Although the fast option, if you are trying to sneak/hack war funds efficiently, this may not be your best option.​

Hacking -
Quiet and stealthy although takes a noticeably longer duration of time to get through the same doors you would with a breacher. Although the quiet option, if you are looking to enter the base to base raid, this option is near impossible due to the alertness of the opposing faction.​
Changes needing to be made:
  1. Hacking would need to be quieter with the exception of a server being hacked. The sound for hacking a door and a server should be different, the latter being significantly louder to ensure this does not subsequently buff hacking war funds in the long term.
  2. Every single door in either base would need to be breachable and hackable

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • It allows for base raids to be much more 'in the realms of possibility' as right now, both bases are not in a suitable position for a base raid to be won.
  • There's a clear cut definition to the two ways to access each base. You have the option to build teams dependant on those that can hack and those that a more comfortable with hard, loud breaches and more CQC.
  • We may see more use of the hacking that was introduced rather than loud breaches

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • If done incorrectly, it would subsequently buff hacking war funds and so if added needs to make the server stay the same audio level

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

This suggestion should be added as it really allows base raids to be in the realms of a possibility as at the end of the day, that's what the point of wars are. To capture the map, base raid and then get a total victory.
Although I personally do not know the values or have to knowledge to tell you how to reduce the audio volume for the hacking tool, there are a very competent team of developers in the staff team that I'm sure would be able to figure it out. Currently, as it is you need both breachers AND hackers to be able to successfully complete a base raid and with this being added, it gives us a better way to infiltrate the opposing factions base.
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