"Halo"'s (5th?) Captain application (USA)

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Been playing since February 2023, have a month of vtime


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Bashar "Halo" Mousa (foundation)

Bashar "Respirator" Mousa (CI)
Bashar "Halo" Bumijdad (GOC)
Civilian name:
Bashar "Halo" Chawily

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- 096, Consultant, E-11 SGT, GOC CPL (held), CI Beta (Held), CI Alpha

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- I've got 1 RDM warn for killing a dclass on the railings during a sweep

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I am currently applying for Captain because I believe I have the required skills and qualities to be one. I am apart of the sub-division named AXO that teaches leadership to be a captain. I have CL4 experience with me being a medical consultant but I want to be a future ECA so it would be nice to have even more CL4 experience. I want to help out managing gensec and RRT. There is no where else to go but up for an RRT sergeant so being a captain is the next big step in progressing through my career in gensec and in the server as a whole.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
-I am mature, respectful, professional and i have experience in leading gensec with me holding sweeps of dblock and commanding lower CL1/CL2 of gensec. I have prior experience with being in a CL4 job and im in the sub division AXO. I know the responsibilities of a captain well and i probably have more time in gensec than some captains. I have read the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct well as an added bonus to my qualities and skills.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-Hold sweeps
-Host RRT/HWL Tryouts
-Take away RRT Licenses
-Strike RRT license holders
-Manage Dblock
-Job ban inappropriate Gensec
-Follow orders from the CoS, SA and CL5
-Act as a role model for lower gensec
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"Say Cheese!"
(For those without clearance)
<Accessing log file: "Halo"'s identity">
<Unauthorized access detected>
<Access failed>
<Deploying anti-mematic agents>
(For those with clearance)
<Accessing log file: "Halo"'s identity>
<File accessed>
<Loading File>
<File loaded>
Captain Bashar "Halo" Mousa Was an exceptional captain but let me tell you his backstory
"Halo" was a previous member of the Kuwaiti army, he rose up to the rank of Lieutenant then received a
letter from a mysterious organisation saying He was scouted to be in a great mysterious organisation by the chief of security. He hesitantly accepted the letter and took a flight to Canada in a place called pinewood. From there a guy in a suit who looked to be from the matrix welcomed him to pinewood and directed him to the secret organisation. He and the guy in a suit entered the base but had to go wait in interrogation. He had to sign so many nda forms and contracts that he thought he would know who killed JFK. He later actually entered the site through the elevator. He saw the logo, the name but didnt know the objective. He learned that the place held mysterious entities called 'SCP's and that they were all anomalies in reality.
He was placed in the general security division which is long for GSD. He started out as a cadet and was placed in dblock. He was exceptionally skilled in combat and won gun-fights over many dclass. He was soon promoted to officer where he got his RRT license then placed as a riot officer. He contained many breaches, killed many ci and stripped many dclass (not in a weird way). He skipped the rank of sergeant and became the highest obtainable rank in gensec before becoming a captain, an RRT Sergeant. He had made great efforts in GSD to push it further into a department that was actually respected on and not a minge department full of weirdos.
His efforts were not unnoticed by the chief of security so he was later promoted to Jr. captain. From there he made even more great efforts within GSD and got promoted to captain. He was looked upon with great respect and dignity by most of the foundation, but the rest looked down upon him. The same day he got promoted to Sr. Captain, he got ambushed by a bunch of dclass in dblock. He got captured by a dclass brute who put him in dblock bathrooms. He was interrogated by the dclass and he had to relay CL4 information to them.
He couldnt die like this though, it would be too embarrassing to die to 4 measly dclass, So he thought quick. He dropkicked the dclass with the gun and very quickly broke out of restraints when they were focused on the dclass, He took the gun which was a 44 magnum and quickly shot one dclass in the head and another in his private parts. He ran as fast as he could to the airlock but he forgot one thing, the dclass stripped his keycard so he made a last resort to hack it. Luckily he was a fast hacker but right when he was on the last line... *Boom*. He got shot in the stomach but still wasnt dead. He shot the dclass back in the heart and continued hacking

He successfully hacked the airlock but forgot there was a second door to get out. But it was a CL1 door so it should be eas-*Boom*. He got shot again in the leg. The dclass dragged him back to the dblock bathrooms since "Halo"'s gun is out of ammo. He stole the personal tablet from the captain and took a picture with him "Say cheese!" Before he put the final round in his head. It was a sad day for all of the foundation, He rode on his horse intill the end and didnt stop. But hey, atleast sometimes the entire foundation dream about cheese right?

The End(?)
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Active member
Apr 9, 2023
Damn 5th app
Well +Support

I’ve seen you on gensec and you were always a great leader even when the captain wasn’t there. At the end of the day I reckon you will make a great captain


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 26, 2022
+ Well experienced with Gensec and the duties coming with it
+ Seen in the game a couple of times prior
+Previous leadership role experience

Hope to see you soon as a Gensec Captain, and hopefully one day as a ECA as well
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