"Halo"'s Site Advisor Application (USA)

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I have been playing since February 2023, I have a 1 week and 3 days vtime.


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Bashar "Halo" Mousa (F)
"Angel" (O1)
Bashar "Respirator" Mohammad (CI)
Bashar "Halo" Bumijdad(GOC)

Civilian name:
Bashar "Halo" Chawily

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes (Although I do keep it unplugged alot of the time due to inconvenience)

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-I am currently holding: O1 SPC, ECA, Captain, Special/Senior Agent, CI Delta (LSP-EN)
I have held: OSA, Consultant, E-11 LT (FR-2), Nu-7 LCPL, GOC CPL, CI-B X2

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-1 Expired RDM warn from September

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
-I am applying for the role of Site Advisor because I want to better advance into the foundation and it's ranks and take lead of the site when there are no SC on along side leading the RP in it. I also want to enhance my RP experience by playing a bit more Non-Combative roles as I have been getting sick of combative roles recently. This will be my next step within the server, and with that I will cherish this position greatly and enjoy the newly found experience within the server.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
-My most important ability for being suitable for Site Advisor is my documenting skills, Since I have written a lot of documents during my time as an ECA/OSA/Consultant/E-11 LT and sometimes even researcher. My second most important ability is being able to lead the foundation during tough times and unique RP scenarios. Those skills are upheld and proven by the amount of CL4 experience I have and have held. My other attributes being mainly professional at serious times, Having a mature look on everything and Working with partners to achieve a better RP experience for others and the entire server. Adding on to this, I possess great knowledge of the CoE and CoC which help me bring even more competency to the job.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
-Authorizing AA/KOS on D-Class past airlock during Code 5s/4s/3s/2s
-Authorizing sweeps of D-Block
-Completing monthly reviews for other departments
-Signing off work permits/Certain research documents
-Vote on appointing MTF Commanders/Department directors (Except O1, A1, Research and IA)

-Voting on other members of SA
-Looking after a assigned department(s) and help with the management
-Help maintain GOI relations

-Take lead of the site when no other higher ups are on

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Bashar enters the interview room nervous, Resume ready in his hands. His whole body is sweating and is currently struggling to hold his paper.
The BTAC guards checked him for weapons and checked his keycard.
"You must be!... Who are you again?"
"Bashar, Sir"

"Welcome to your official interview, But first, explain your background"
"Well first my name is Bashar Mousa, I was a former E-11 LT, and a current ECA. Going back further, I was a police officer within Kuwait in the town of Al-Sideeq. I was recruited into the foundation when I saved the life of a mother and her child from 2 criminal gangs coming to rob them and execute them. A DEA agency manager scouted me and recommended me to the CoS in which I was recruited as a cadet. I rose up to the rank of officer to which I was recruited again but as a E-11 PVT. I had big plans to change the regiment for the better after Hotson left, But was halted due to some unforeseen objects on the road. I
transferred my position into being a ECA. I wrote some documents, worked with departments, did some things here and there and now I'm here."

"Truely an impressive background, now answer my following questions:
You see a researcher looking to seek approval for a 914 biological test, but the document is very weak in terms of format and grammar, How do you respond?"
"I would suggest to improve the document and if he comes back with a better one that meets the requirement, I would sign it off."

"A site manager is telling you to go help manage D-Block but a Ethics Committee Member is telling you to report to EC Wing, Who do you listen to and why?"
"I would listen to the Ethics Committee Member, as he is higher on the Chain of Command and overrules the words of the site manager."

"You receive a report that the commander of E-11 is secretly conspiring with the Chaos Insurgency, How do you respond?"
"I would relay it with other members of SA and investigate further into the evidence"
"The Chief of Security has been reported to be corrupt with the treatment of his captains, How do you respond?"
"I would once again relay the information to other members of SA and investigate the evidence."
"Last question, The Global Occult Coalition has requested to make contact with the foundation. There is no one higher than you on site at the moment and they are requesting to sample an SCP with an active treaty, How do you respond?"
"I would ask for a document signed by the appropriate rank, and bring them in to sample that certain SCP within the limits of the treaty."
"Very well, we will look into your results with great interest, You are hereby dismissed."
Bashar went back into ECA Offices, scared out of his mind. "Did I stutter too much?" "What if my hair wasn't having a good day?" "Did he think I was too weird?"
He wakes up. "Dang it! I knew it was all a dream!" The back of his head hurts, and a discovered a small bandage on his neck with what looks like to be covering a syringe wound. He takes a look at his surroundings. This isn't the same room he slept in earlier. He sees a CL4 door within his room. He takes out his keycard but the name on it was different. "Site advisor Bashar "Halo" Mousa". He opens the door to see site manager "Skyfire" sitting down.
"Where am I?"
"Your new workspace. You have passed your interview and I shall be doing your orientation for being a site advisor."
"It wasn't a dream..." He thinks to himself

"Well first, Thank you. Second, Give me a moment to clear my head please, I feel dizzy for some reason."
"Take your time"
12 Hours go by and his orientation has been completed.
9 years go by and he is now a site manager. During his time as a site advisor, he fixed relations with the GOC after a rogue site manager tried to destroy them. He removed a corrupt agency manager from his position and he did 19 total investigations on the departments around the site.

Another 4 years go by and he is now the site director. He made many achievements during his time as SA but unfortunately his time as a site director would come to a halt only 2 months after he got instated, after a disguised CI Deep cover acted as his PT escort and stabbed him 3 times in the eye, 4 times in the stomach, and shoved the knife on his throat.
His body got reported 18 minutes after his dead after a tech expert was looking for supplies in the supply closet but to his horror Bashar's body dropped out of the closet with no signs of life.
The funeral was big, tears were shed, but in the end, he was just another director of Site-65's history

The End.

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Active member
Nov 7, 2023
Detail application

also can you just add [UK] or [USA]in the title depending wwich server you apply for :D


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
Greetings Halo,

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for the Site Advisor. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied due to not being seen fit for Site Admin.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: chad1).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards,
Site Director "Plug"​
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