"Halo"'s Sp. Agent Application (USA)

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Been Playing since February 2023, 50 Days vtime


In what country are you located?:


Time zone:

Character name(s):

Bashar "Halo" Mousa (Foundation)
"Respirator" (CI)
Bashar "Halo" Bumijdad (GOC)

Civilian name:
Bashar "Halo" Chawily

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

What are your total levels?:
Total level 152
Combat 40
Research 19
Support 32
Dclass 33
SCP 28

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


GSD Captain
Medical Consultant
Overseer Assistant
Ethics Committee Assistant

CI Beta X2
E-11 PVT (UK)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 Expired RDM warn

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- A month

Why are you applying for Special Agent?

- I wish to gain more CL4 combative experience as I've enjoyed combative work way more than non-combative work. I would be more efficient in terminating enemy GOIs with the loudout of a Sp. Agent and I wish to help expand the leadership capabilities of DEA as a whole and bring my aforementioned Skill and attributes to DEA which would also help me build and enhance on them.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:

- My traits and attributes are all witnesses to my suitability to be a Sp. Agent. I have alot of Cl4 Experience with those being: OSA, ECA, Captain and consultant. I am very mature, respectful and professional which are the most important things are all required to become a Sp. Agent. As 3 added bonuses, I am very good at combat and killing GOIs, I have been following the CoE and the CoC. I also am very knowledgable about the duties and responsibilties of a Sp agent.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

- I Have written a total of 6 documents, most of which are from my non-combative CL4s. What makes a document good is having good formatting, and grammer.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:

-Give MC&D permits
-Train new DEA
-Assisting Agency Managers
-Authorizing and planning raids (When eventually promoted to agency manager)
-Combat surface infobreaches
-Watch over DEA and make sure they are following protocol
-Blacklist MC&D
-Job ban mingey DEA and follow the punishment Guidelines

-Host Senior agent tryouts (with auth from agency manager)
-Maintain good relations with GOIs
-Follow orders from Agency managers, DEA Directors & CL5

-Behead CI

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[Welcome to SCIPNET]
[Loading file: /foundation/identities/CL4/dea/"Halo"/]
[Verifiying Clearance...]
[Scan failed, Please put your keycard in again.]
[Verifiying Clearance...]
[Displaying (CL4) Version of file.]

Orders (1)
A new CIA agent has been scouted. Orders are to retrieve the agent and [REDACTED].

Complete the operation swiftly and quietly.
Order Status: Complete
Agent has been [REDACTED] and brought to the foundation.

Bashar "Halo" Mousa was a former CIA agent that was brought in by [REDACTED] and has been given a CL3 Clearance

immediately. He eventually worked his way up to Sr. Agent where he had CL3.5 Clearance and was under the eyes of the DEA directors. He was very good at combat, and helped deal with every single code out there. He also got invited into 'Bortac' by [REDACTED] Which helped raise his reputation in the foundation.

Orders (2)

Retrieve Bashar "Halo" Mousa and [REDACTED]

Complete the operation Swiftly and Quietly


Bashar "Halo" Mousa Was a Former DEA Director in which he helped DEA rise from the mingiest department on-site to a department that is looked at much more favorably.

Orders (3)

Save Bashar "Halo" Mousa

Complete the operation while killing all
enemy GOIs on the way.


It was a cold night. "Halo" was roaming around surface. He encountered a group of ci walking around and so he pulled out his sniper. He sniped 2 people with 1 shot, they were at the back of the group so the rest didnt notice since it was a silenced sniper, he sniped another, then another, and for the last one...*Click* He ran out of bullets. The last guy started shooting at him. He tried to go back to base but the CI was faster than him. He chased after him with a knife. He stabbed "Halo" in the leg but he kept going, he took a swing with a knife at the CI but he dodged it. He secretly pulled out his pistol and shot him in the leg. They were both in a stand off now, disarmed as they didnt have the strength to pull out a firearm. They started to punch each other intil "Halo" Punched him in the head with his bare knuckles, knocking him out. He sent a distress signal through his radio but they were not quick enough to respond. In his final moments, he looked at the ID card of the CI, "The...Liar" Were his final words. When help finally arrived, They found both his and the CI's ID card. They tried to revive both but both of them were fully dead. They look at the ID of the CI. "CI-C Com "The Liar"

(The End)
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Active member
Jun 24, 2023

Application Denied

After reviewing your application with the Senior Team of External Affairs we've come to the conclusion that you are currently not fit for the position of Special Agent. If you have any questions regarding your denial feel free to message me on my discord. [silent.eb]​

Thank you for applying. Feel free to apply in 1 week.
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