Hanz Powers Site Advisor app [USA]

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May 30, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:429540382
Discord name: roro3138
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Mid 2022/1100+ HR
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: PST
Character name(s):Hanz Powers “roro”
Civilian name:Han Power
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GSD SR Captain 1 Year [HOLDING]
Nu-7 CSG 4 Months [HOLDING]
Combat medic 3 Weeks [HOLDING]
GSD AXO HOP (Commander) [HELD]
GSD Alef 6 COM 2 Weeks [Held]
GSD Alef-6 LTCOM 6 Months [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1x Micspam
(from October for a 3 second audio clip in IA room)


Why are you applying for Site Advisor?​

My entire career since late 2022 has been almost entirely to the Department of General Security. Over the course of the last 11 months I have been a leader in the department serving as a JR CL4 Security Captain. Over that time I have worked closely with every chief since Trap in July. I have the strong feeling that it is time for me to seek a higher leadership standpoint on the site. As Gensec I interact with players who have maybe been on the server for at most a dozen hours, I have seen it in tryout by tryout by sweep, a general feeling of misunderstanding of who are the people who command them. Many people that are even clearance 3s in my department have never even met a member of SA, let alone any Site Command members.​

In my line that I have dedicated almost 2 years to at this point I have seen people that I have mentored or guided along their path in my department go on to rise to important positions that deal with legal codes and important decision making, many have joined ISD and hold respected NCO ranks, and many others hold SR clearance 4 positions and even the Chief of Security.​

What I want to do in the position of site advisor is be someone who can be easily identifiable as someone who has worked endlessly with others who are common around the site, not a Site Advisor that is only on surface or the Site Advisor who shulks in HCZ for the majority of the time.​

With my position I would like to take many of the policies for the people I have worked with like the Work Permit program and Alef-6/SRU and work to improve and take genuine feedback on them without having to go up a chain of command to spread the word.​

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:​

In my Year of holding a Junior Clearance 4 position I have risen to the highest achievable stature in my department aside from the Chiefs, I may have not held any SR Cl4s or have led any MTFs but I do believe my experience in leadership in general is parallel to most of those positions.​

In GSD I have lead as the commander of every sub-regiment in the department, with the Advancement of Elite Officers (AXO) in September I worked the formerly Shelved Sub from the ground up with amassing a total of over 15 people at one point, holding weekly meetings in Teamspeak, having legitimate Permissions and Jurisdiction over D-block at one point, as well as completely overhauling the hub for such Sub-Regiment sites.google.com/view/axonewhub​

With my time as a Captain, and even being the longest standing Captain, I also have Stitched the Legal Codex as well as the Code of Ethics into something which I educate and enforce on my units constantly, I would like to think my experience upholding these codes as well as obeying the with my various work in the department is crucial to being SA. Many of this work would include projects I have worked closely with SA to establish, such as the D-class work program, the Gensec Rework, and the GSD Lecture Program.​

I believe my experience with many In Character programs and documents will go well with Site Administration and the creation of relevant documents, as well as leading In-Game operations such as GSD Patrols in LCZ/PW, Leading over 50 sweeps, and Utilizing the Advanced Armory when authed for my units makes me a good candidate. I believe my Out of Character experience in dozens of tryouts, and my position as TGM in CivilNetworks will also continue to assist me if I earn Site Advisor.​


What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:​

Site administration, no matter what position, are in charge of almost all of the major changes in the site as well as site wellbeing. They are to have personnel overseeing every department in the facility to maintain order with their feedback. With that they oversee and approve Department Directors to their positions and stating orders over those departments when necessary.​

Along with the administrative positions SA Upholds they also deal with many SCP and Combative areas such as Authorizing the use of the Advanced Armory when necessary, Authorizing mass Terminations in D-block, Approving sweeps for Gensec Officers, Allowing Passive SCP breaches (Site Manager+), Authorizing KOS past airlock when needed, Authorizing the use of Heavy Weapons in D-block when needed, and Authorizing GOI to assist with breaches when Foundation Combatives are overrun, as well as authorizing raids on GOI when applicable.​

Site Administration also conducts Tribunals on personnel when necessary and act as the judge during such incidents, they are expected to have no bias whatsoever to either party.​

During emergencies they can also issue the Code-Black Evacuate order when needed.​

As they are one of the highest powers in the facility they are also expected to work hand in hand with Server Leadership and Network leadership when needed in OOC. Other OOC duties would include hosting the SR Clearance 4 meetings when needed.​

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:​


Hanz Powers natively from the island of Male in the Maldives moved to california with a major in communications into one of Site 14’s Shell companies “Donovan Telecommunication LTD” in 2012. His dedication to the logistics of the site brought him to have an interview for what he was told was an “Executive Assistant to the Chairman of elevated Logistics” which was really the Security Department bringing in a Customs and border protection agent to drill Hanz (a Legal immigrant) on his loyalty to the United states in place of the SCP foundation (Numbers for site 14 were low due to consistent raids by the IRS as well as Mobile Site ██ being ███ █████ ██ ██ ███ ██████ ████ in 2011.
([FOOTNOTE 1] *Later the driller was handed a sum of $2000 dollars and beaten over the head with Security officer William █████████’s
baton to get him to not tell anyone. This was due to the former incompetence of the Security department at site 14 and lack of amnestics at the telecommunication bugging Site*)

Hanz after being told of this and what the SCP foundation was he had a prompt mental break which involved a series of incidents in the Sacramento area, one the Censors allowed us to depict showing something about Gunpowder, Railway Installation spikes, and brain damage. In the direct quotes of Site 14’s Director of Medicine after the events: “No you cannot sell the morphine to get funding for your own MTF. oh Hanz? I gave him 500 ML of Quetiapine and 300 ML of AMN-A103 and Threw him on that plane to that Site 65 in Regina or something,- Er… Saskatchewan.” ([FOOTNOTE 2] *in 2015 the Former Director of Medicine at site 14 was Arrested by the UIU and Used a cyanide pill in a sacramento police holding cell for attempting to import 19 D-Class for SR Researcher Bantoni’s D-class Mobile task force Kappa-9 “Literal idiots which was later raided by MTF A-1 in 2016 were the D-class were held out in a site 14 storage room and all immediately surrendered”*)

Hanz was tired of working in logistics and wanted to take a break of what he deemed the “Drama” that he had experienced at his former site and went on to join Site 65’s General Security Department (GSD) ” ([FOOTNOTE 3] *Site 14’s Ethics Committee Assistant told Hanz that there was a massive amount of drama which caused him to be transferred, in reality it was because O-5 Command did not want a site’s highest level Executive Dealing with Infobreaches with a literal Gunpowder-Blasted hole in his head.*)

Hanz went on to Achieve the rank of Security Captain in 2023 after one of the Site wide lockdowns was thwarted by Hanz un-pressing one button in the LCZ electrical center ([FOOTNOTE 4]* The button was the Site wide lockdown button that he had Bumped into while escorting a RAISIA Auditor. The RAISIA Auditor simply looked at Hanz with a disgusted look and left the Electrical center running into EZ Checkpoint, which he promptly got his Keycard lanyard caught on the Tesla gate and got turned into fried turkey in 1 second according to CCTV Footage provided by SR Cadet John Gensec*)
Hanz worked Vigorously to provide a better (NON-MTF RELATED) Experience for the D-class at Site 65 and worked to Establish many Revolutionary programs such as the D-class work permit program in 2023 and the D-class Assistant program in 2024.
Hanz Later Bumped into One of the Site Advisors in the Heavy Containment zone scaffolding, which caused his Death by Falling and him being accepted into the Site Administration Recruitment Program in 2024.

([FOOTNOTE 5]* as of his Mental Incident in the Early 2010s Hanz still repeatedly Pukes blood every other month randomly. He has Depicted the reason for this as many reasons stated:
The elevation
The Hanz Virus
The D-class’s Tone
Maldivian Syphilis
Aids Sequel
Bluetooth Long-Range Exorcism
And: Just a common cold stop asking me

RETRACT KEYCARD >>>> [000-0]


Thank you for your consideration
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Hanz Powers "roro"
Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Greetings Hanz,

We thank you for showing interest into the Site Advisor position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. Unfortunately, I must relay to you that you have not been accepted as a Site Advisor.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at (Skyfire1355).

You may re-apply in two weeks should there be an opening position.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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