Harcourt Security Captain Application (USA)

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Well-known Member
Dec 16, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Almost 1 year


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Security Captain (Held)
IA Ambassador(Held)
MTF-E-11 (Held)
MTF-Nu7 (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Received 2 warnings for FailRP, and FearRP

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
The reason I am applying for the role of Security Captain stems from my self starter support for fellow Captains whenever required. Demonstrating impeccable dependability, I routinely rove D-Block during times when no one else can. I am very excited about assuming leadership of D-Block to ensure stable operations through out D-Block, to GENSEC. With my ability to lead a culture of consistent protocol adherence, I aim to establish an environment where everyone is held to the highest standards, regardless of their role, and obey orders of those appointed over me.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
-I can take on many different tasks at one time
-I make sure everyone is following protocol at all times no matter what
-I feel like I would be a great fit for this job. I know I could make a big difference in the GENSEC department.
-I'm an active existent, which means I can force ethical canons on others when they can not apply them themselves.
-I have CL4 Knowledge which makes me a perfect individual for this position
-Last but not least I can communicate very well with others and I hold the trust of many other personnel

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
The responsibilities of the Security Captain are to make sure everything in D-Block is going smoothly and not causing problems for others. Captains wanna make sure that everyone inside D-Block is not breaking any rules or regulations. Captains make sure all of GENSEC are not going out of line and keep them in check at all times. They also make daily/weekly reports on all of D-Block for future construction of all of D-Block to make it better to the best of their power.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Harcourt was working for IA for quite some time and decided he wanted to try something new. After Harcourt had enough time to think about it, he wanted to pursue a GENSEC personnel. Harcourt thought to himself that the IA Department no longer needed him due to new individuals every day being recruited into our IA Department.Harcourt then started training to become a GENSEC personnel, he worked hard every single day and wanted to make it to a high chain of command for GENSEC for a better and brighter future. After hard work every single he would still go back to IA to help others that still have questions about the facility. After Harcourt's hard work and experience at GENSEC and IA, the Chief Of Security saw something in Harcourt that he knew that would bring a change to GENSEC. One day the Chief Of Security pulled Harcourt and wanted to talk to him about the recent work he has brought to D-Block and GENSEC altogether. After a long talk with the Chief Of Security, he has proudly promoted Harcourt to GENSEC Captain. Harcourtwas feeling great for all the hard work that he pulled off for the GENSEC Department. The Chief Of Security told Harcourt " I want to see more work like this. I want you to make a big change to GENSEC and this facility altogether". There was only one more choice for Harcourt. Since he had been made Captain for GENSEC, he was thinking to himself whether should he resign from IA to focus more on GENSEC. He is still questioning himself that until one day he had made a decision.
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New Member
Dec 22, 2023

This unique individual has outstanding communication skills, leadership skills and is really involved with his in game community!
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Well-known Member
Sep 14, 2023
+ support

I've never met a better man for the job. Amazing communication skills, extensive knowledge and overall an enjoyable person to be around.


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 21, 2023

Good guy, consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic, knowledgeable, great communication skills. All over he's a good fit for this role.


Well-known Member
Jan 14, 2023
We always need more security captains, plus he has previous experience. Good luck!
Good GSD
Knows the duties of GSD Captain and what is expected
Teaches other GSD well
Cat Ears

Harcourt is easily one of my top picks for captain, I see him frequently on site and he is always making sure D-Block is taken care of and teaching other GSD the ropes. He deserves Captain and others should shadow him in order to further understand the duties of the General Security Department.
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