Harold Brdiger Jr's COS Reassignment Request [UK]

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From: @HaroldBridgerJr@Site-65.scp.fn
To: @SiteAdministration@Site-65.scp.fn
Subject: Reassignment to Chief of Security

Dear whomever it may regard

Attached below is a copy of my application for the position of Chief Of Security. My current position is GSD Captain, I hope that you consider me carefully for the position of Chief Of Security.

Kind Regards

Harold Bridger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:808706279

Discord name: lil_pat.

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: BST

Character name(s):


Harvey Bridger
Harold Bridger Jr

Gerald Partino

Raymond Fisher

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Currently, hold the following positions:

- GSD CPT (Since, 30/06/2024 which is 62 days of being a CPT in total)

- GSD SGT (Around 2.5 weeks prior to being appointed to GSD CPT)

Has held the following positions:

- E-11 LT

- IA Ambassador

- E-11 LCPL

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?

I believe that my experience in GSD from being a cadet to an officer and then SGT and now a Captain gives me a unique experience and after 2 months of being a captain I believe that I should attempt to help in an attempt to reform GSD through leading GSD as the next COS. Through my time as E-11 GSD and IA, I hope that I shall be selected to help lead the next generation of Captains and SGTs who might then take on the position of Chief of Security in months to come.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:


I have experience as part of GSD leadership in total I have 3 months being both a CPT and SGT. which allows me to know how GSD works internally on a day-to-day basis in regards to getting D-class to coordinate sweeps and then getting them done and ensuring that such is done swiftly and efficiently.

My time as both an E-11 LT and IA Ambassador has had me lead people within a regiment during C5 situations and also during investigations and with this I have gained the experience of being a leader and having to be able to delegate and use my resources in a sensible manner during a set amount of time due to a different set of situations which might be occurring which require for swift response so that no casualties or faults may occur on your watch.


During my time as GSD, I have written 3 documents...

GSD SGT Cross-Training Guide: This is a guide for both CPT and SGTs that is mainly focused on SGTs in helping them create cross-training as they might need more guidance.

CM X SRU Handbook: this was a guide focused on expanding on both combat medics and security response units in regards to their duties as during this time there was a new agreement between the CM lead and GSD.

SCU Containment Guide: this gave an in-depth description of how SCU personnel can contain SCPs in regards to how they should proceed in doing so such as if an SCP is terminable or not or if they have specific skills that might pose a higher threat and if so what to do to counteract them and so on.

During my time as E-11, I wrote 3 documents...

Jackals Handbook: this was for a Squadron that I helped run as a Supervisor during my time as part of the E-11 CO Team. which went over the duties of jackals a squadron that dealt with surface SCPs and any other SCP that makes its way to the surface. There are just two duties of Jackals other duties include setting up ID checkpoints and escorting tests.

E-11 X CI X DEA X NU-7 CT proposal: this went the plans for my upcoming CT with DEA, NU-7, and E-11 in regards to how it shall occur its rules, and also end notes oh how it went in regards to its aftermath.

E-11 survey responses: this was a document I made in response to a form I put out regarding the health and recent events of E-11, how people thought about these changes, and also how the CO team could react in an attempt to resolve matters that occurred to theses recent events which had occurred.

Most of these documents can be found

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:

Being in charge of GSD.

Ensuring GSD leadership is running smoothly:Ensuring both CPTs and SGTs are performing their duties properly and also ensuring that they have the means to do so through giving them guidance and access to proper documentation and guides shall achieve your goal of making them able to perform their duties properly in regards to running sweeps manning d-block ensuring all POis are manned and other situations which
Maintaining policies within GSD:This is through making sure that all the policies that are within GSD are up to date in regards to other policies that might link in with GSD duties such as the ZJP for one example.
Being a direct line for SA/SC:This means that whenever SA/SC might have an issue regarding GSD they will have you as their contact when it regards your personnel due Status as the Director of the General Security Department.
Ensuring that the department is stable:This is through making sure that all aspects of GSD are well maintained. These aspects include policies personnel leadership skillsets and opportunities within the department.
Being a role model:This is through maintaining a professional attitude to all situations that you shall face and whilst doing so allowing people to learn and see a more kind side to you when there are no issues and it is just a normal shifty for you, but whilst doing so you need to set an example through making people know your actions have consequences and that we take all matter seriously and whilst doing so you have to be strict and stingy so that you set an example 0of what you will have to deal with if you cause issues.
Ensuring that GSD is well trained: This is through Training where you shall develop skills that are needed for performing your daily duties within GSD and whilst doing so ensuring they also have the skills required for being in an MTF through doing Cross-Traiongs or skill-specific training.

Plans for GSD

All my plans can be found here

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

<!> Clearance level Required 4 <!>

Confirming Credentials
Credentials confirmed

OfficeMate.aic: Hello Site Director Pennington, What can I do for you today sir?

Site Director Pennington: Access the personnel files of the Bridger Family.
>>> File Loaded <<<

OfficeMate.aic: Here you go, sir, the requested files are linked below:
The Bridger family personnel files
Last edited:

Ace Linguini "Spades"

Game Master
Game Master
Nov 21, 2023
Harvey has put in work on captain for quite a while, I would recommend you try to get yourself a bit more known in the community because a lot of people won’t remember how great of a captain you are. Your one of the only good canidates for Chief I hope you be accepted!
I updated my applicaation to include some of my plans which i hope to introduce during my tenure as COS if appointed the next Chief Of Security.

Plans for GSD

- Introduce a reform to SGTs and their weekly requirements as at this moment there are no requirements and the slots are just being filled quickly and wasted.

- Introduce more involvement for Captains regarding our sub-department and their aims. Such as for T&DL (The Training and Development Arm) should focus on allowing for quality training to occur within GSD by hosting training within the department or with other departments or regiments too, ie Cross-training. For the bureaucracy Arm should assist the chiefs in maintaining documents and assisting Arms of GSD with creating documentation such as training protocols for T&DL.

- Possible introduction of mandatory GSD Training sessions which happen regularly around every 2-3 weeks due to GSD having to man D-block and us having to get a regiment to Sub in for us we can't do them so regularly however I believe that it should be done whenever possible to allow for personnel to get out of D-block and possibly have some fun whilst improving on necessary skills.

- Possible reform within GSD in regards to being able to contact them through making a GSD website that has all our main policies, upcoming events, and contacts for all of our senior leadership (CPT+).
-actually does sweeps
-somehow maintains the chain of command in d block
-a good friend and is lovely to play with
Harvey has put in work on captain for quite a while, I would recommend you try to get yourself a bit more known in the community because a lot of people won’t remember how great of a captain you are. Your one of the only good canidates for Chief I hope you be accepted!
Thank you!


Well-known Member
Dec 4, 2022

Dear Harvey, your application is overall, really lengthy, but not in a good way. First of all, I have read through your files, and your plans for GSD are very overwhelming. I understand you want to reform the entire GSD files, put them onto a completely new website, and work off there. I do not know why you would want to do that as google sheets are already safe enough and are not broken at all. The transformation of the files and of the way of keeping them would also result in a mess for both old and new senior GSD members.

I also have read that you want to introduce weekly requirements for the SGT job pack. I believe that this is not the best idea for a CL3 job, as making something mandatory for a CL3 job, will burn them out before they hopefully apply for a CL4 job (aka. Captain). I also believe that this is just making the grind for SGT way harder, and has a much worse payout in the form of Clearance access than the Captain job, as they only have access to CL3 areas and knowledge. I believe you could get the SGTs to do something else than the weekly quotas.

I would also like to point out that the sweeps I have attended, that you hosted, were pretty messy, meaning that you took a long time to tell people what to do instead of being quick and smooth and getting rid of any danger in D-Block.

Also, as soon as I had any critique of him, he responded in a really rude way, trying to fight back as if I said something offensive.

I believe that you are not suited for this position even though you have been with us for some time. I understand that you are a professional character, however, I just do not believe that it is yet the time for you to receive such a high position.

Jeff "Lancelot" L. - Signing Off

Ace Linguini "Spades"

Game Master
Game Master
Nov 21, 2023

Dear Harvey, your application is overall, really lengthy, but not in a good way. First of all, I have read through your files, and your plans for GSD are very overwhelming. I understand you want to reform the entire GSD files, put them onto a completely new website, and work off there. I do not know why you would want to do that as google sheets are already safe enough and are not broken at all. The transformation of the files and of the way of keeping them would also result in a mess for both old and new senior GSD members.

I also have read that you want to introduce weekly requirements for the SGT job pack. I believe that this is not the best idea for a CL3 job, as making something mandatory for a CL3 job, will burn them out before they hopefully apply for a CL4 job (aka. Captain). I also believe that this is just making the grind for SGT way harder, and has a much worse payout in the form of Clearance access than the Captain job, as they only have access to CL3 areas and knowledge. I believe you could get the SGTs to do something else than the weekly quotas.

I would also like to point out that the sweeps I have attended, that you hosted, were pretty messy, meaning that you took a long time to tell people what to do instead of being quick and smooth and getting rid of any danger in D-Block.

Also, as soon as I had any critique of him, he responded in a really rude way, trying to fight back as if I said something offensive.

I believe that you are not suited for this position even though you have been with us for some time. I understand that you are a professional character, however, I just do not believe that it is yet the time for you to receive such a high position.

Jeff "Lancelot" L. - Signing Off
Personally, I haven't seen a single thing you've pointed out in Harold. He is a great GENSEC through and through if my applications denied I would be more than happy for Harold to get it because he's one of the only people I trust to lead GENSEC to its glory. He might be newest but has got the spirit he needs. His sweeps are quick, planned and effective from what I see. Also, highlighting things in red comes across as you not giving feedback but instead wanting to turn heads to your -Support, -Massive Support on a good captain from someone who hasnt been on in a very long time comes across as a bit oblivious in my opinion.

Dear Harvey, your application is overall, really lengthy, but not in a good way. First of all, I have read through your files, and your plans for GSD are very overwhelming. I understand you want to reform the entire GSD files, put them onto a completely new website, and work off there. I do not know why you would want to do that as google sheets are already safe enough and are not broken at all. The transformation of the files and of the way of keeping them would also result in a mess for both old and new senior GSD members.

I also have read that you want to introduce weekly requirements for the SGT job pack. I believe that this is not the best idea for a CL3 job, as making something mandatory for a CL3 job, will burn them out before they hopefully apply for a CL4 job (aka. Captain). I also believe that this is just making the grind for SGT way harder, and has a much worse payout in the form of Clearance access than the Captain job, as they only have access to CL3 areas and knowledge. I believe you could get the SGTs to do something else than the weekly quotas.

I would also like to point out that the sweeps I have attended, that you hosted, were pretty messy, meaning that you took a long time to tell people what to do instead of being quick and smooth and getting rid of any danger in D-Block.

Also, as soon as I had any critique of him, he responded in a really rude way, trying to fight back as if I said something offensive.

I believe that you are not suited for this position even though you have been with us for some time. I understand that you are a professional character, however, I just do not believe that it is yet the time for you to receive such a high position.

Jeff "Lancelot" L. - Signing Off
I never stated all the files would be on the site what I stated were key documents for GSD personnel such SCU handbook and GSD handbook 2.0 within this drive in addition to the contacts of the chiefs and captains within GSD. for that idea, it is a simple thing to do and it is just an extra idea I had which I chose to write down I have a similar website for my lore, and from experience I know how to do it and know it's not hard. for the great,

I have never met you to my recollection so if I did seem that way sorry.
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- Neutral

+ Good Application, one thing I noted though under your "During my time as GSD" section you list 3 documents that as far as I can tell are not publicly available and marked as "Coming Soon" in the #security-information-uk channel. Why were these not added? An SCU Handbook would be very useful.

+ Good Captain, though at times your demeanour and attitude can be questionable and even frustrating at times.

- Having looked over your plans for the department, I do not feel these are the correct changes to attempt to implement within the department, I won't delve any further into my thoughts on your proposals at this time though, feel free to reach out to me if you would like me to go over them though.

- With the above in mind, at this time I feel there is a better option for Chief of Security currently available.

Good luck regardless!
- Neutral

+ Good Application, one thing I noted though under your "During my time as GSD" section you list 3 documents that as far as I can tell are not publicly available and marked as "Coming Soon" in the #security-information-uk channel. Why were these not added? An SCU Handbook would be very useful.

+ Good Captain, though at times your demeanour and attitude can be questionable and even frustrating at times.

- Having looked over your plans for the department, I do not feel these are the correct changes to attempt to implement within the department, I won't delve any further into my thoughts on your proposals at this time though, feel free to reach out to me if you would like me to go over them though.

- With the above in mind, at this time I feel there is a better option for Chief of Security currently available.

Good luck regardless!
I believe in regards to the SCU guide was pending a review from the COS which is still to come and with you mentioned that I will seek for it to happen as I also believe that it would be useful. for the rest, all I can say is I'm sorry I have made you feel that way and I hope that I can get a chance to possibly change your mind in thee future.
- Neutral

+ Good Application, one thing I noted though under your "During my time as GSD" section you list 3 documents that as far as I can tell are not publicly available and marked as "Coming Soon" in the #security-information-uk channel. Why were these not added? An SCU Handbook would be very useful.

+ Good Captain, though at times your demeanour and attitude can be questionable and even frustrating at times.

- Having looked over your plans for the department, I do not feel these are the correct changes to attempt to implement within the department, I won't delve any further into my thoughts on your proposals at this time though, feel free to reach out to me if you would like me to go over them though.

- With the above in mind, at this time I feel there is a better option for Chief of Security currently available.

Good luck regardless!
I also added a new idea which is about a weekly event I hope that this could be done weekly most likely on Friday when there are no MTF Regimental meetings which will allow for us to get one of them to sub in.

the whole idea is posted below.

- Do a weekly training where all of GSD do an activity such as prop hunt within LCZ or TDM in KH as small groups such as 2v2s where they start on opposite sides. every week an idea would be chosen by voting and prior to voting, there will be an opportunity for the COSs to give any announcements which they would like to give. This would be an opportunity to have fun whilst getting to know other members of GSD which you may not interact with, whilst staying notified about key information regarding GSD and possibly your role within GSD especially.
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