To: EthicsCommittee@site-65.scp.fn From: HarveyBridgerSA@site-65.scp.fn Subject: Reassignment request |
To whomever it may regard
I am writing to you about applying for ECM, I currently hold the position of Site Advisor. I truly hope that you carefully consider this attempt for Reassignment to ECM.
Kind Regards
Harvey Bridger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:808706279
Discord name: lil_pat.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s):
Harvey Bridger
Harold Bridger Jr
Ronan Graysphire
Gerald Partino
Raymond Fisher
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Advisor
Ethics Committee Assistant
ISD Agent
DEA Senior Agent
Combat Medic
DEA Special Agent
IA Ambassador
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Discord name: lil_pat.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s):
Harvey Bridger
Harold Bridger Jr
Ronan Graysphire
Gerald Partino
Raymond Fisher
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Advisor
Ethics Committee Assistant
ISD Agent
DEA Senior Agent
Combat Medic
GSD Chief Of SecurityDEA Special Agent
IA Ambassador
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for ECM.As of right now we are in a crisis of RP. We are currently heavily Combat based which is an issue as this Server is a Roleplay server with the key word being ‘Roleplay’ which isn’t really the case, whilst we have way to many breaches constantly it is also a issue which we are causing, and if I was to become ECM I would work on that on a site wide level. This would be through putting in place Roleplay requirements for all cl4 whilst delegating and assigning Roleplay to those bellow me such as SA, and ECAs.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
During my tenure of this site I have held a 7 CL4 positions with 2 of them being Senior CL4, GSD CoS and Site Advisor and with this i have really got to see how the administration of the site occurs, mainly on SA though. With this experience I have a unique POV into many situations from having most likely been there at some point.
During my time as COS, I implemented several policies, which allowed me to develop GSD personnel and their RP experience.
For example:
- Cross-Test Escort program: this was a program made and decided on by E-11 Commander Mason Phillips, myself, and Site Manager Jax, which allowed for GSD SCU personnel to be utilized during Cross-Tests as Containment Specialists.
- GSDs CL4 Requirements rework: this has made the Requirements of GSD CL4 more orientated on making RP that benefits and involves GSD, as that is a gray area for GSD and needs to be improved on.
These are two more recent policies that I have implemented. Other which have been put into place by myself include the following:
- Rework of work permits: This cleared up the issues of proper authorization being given as there were no signature spots for if MLT needed to sign off on a work permit, and introduced a new Work permit which was EZ receptionist.
- Cross-Training Manual: gave CPTs and SGTs a guide on how to plan Cross-trainings and make them happen.
- SRU X CM Duties handbook: this was proposed by the CM lead at that point and then implemented by myself
- GSD CL4 induction guide: this guide introduces Captains to the department while ensuring all the info they need is given via the guide.
- Cross-Test Escort program: this was a program made and decided on by E-11 Commander Mason Phillips, myself, and Site Manager Jax, which allowed for GSD SCU personnel to be utilized during Cross-Tests as Containment Specialists.
- GSDs CL4 Requirements rework: this has made the Requirements of GSD CL4 more orientated on making RP that benefits and involves GSD, as that is a gray area for GSD and needs to be improved on.
These are two more recent policies that I have implemented. Other which have been put into place by myself include the following:
- Rework of work permits: This cleared up the issues of proper authorization being given as there were no signature spots for if MLT needed to sign off on a work permit, and introduced a new Work permit which was EZ receptionist.
- Cross-Training Manual: gave CPTs and SGTs a guide on how to plan Cross-trainings and make them happen.
- SRU X CM Duties handbook: this was proposed by the CM lead at that point and then implemented by myself
- GSD CL4 induction guide: this guide introduces Captains to the department while ensuring all the info they need is given via the guide.
During my time as an E-11 CO I was the Requirement manager for a quick second, however, for the majority of my time as a CO I was jackal supervisor and activity manager. Whilst I held these roles i mainly focused on trying to improve the state of jackals as when I first joined way before it had been near to non-existent. Some of the documents I made can be found below.
During my time in IA (ISD now) I learned valuable lessons from many of my colleagues, especially from Merrick Travolta and John Mainfrezzer. My time as an ambassador was mainly a welcoming into being a cl4 member of the site, and a time for me to really gain an understanding of the FLC.
As a DEA Special agent, I did not take part in any Major RP as I was mainly holding this job as an Escape from what was at that moment GSD CPT but soon after being accepted to ECA, I resigned as 3 CL4 jobs was too much. During my time in the DEA, I got to learn how SOP personnel worked and what their procedures were.
As an Assistant of the ethics committee, I have gained the role of Senior Assistant which for me is a massive achievement and I believe would also be if it was anyone else in my position. During my tenure as ECA, I have made the following project
Project enrollment: This project has involved dea attempting to recruit Civis under the cover they were going to enlist in the CAF and they were being given a tour. After being given a tour they would be interviewed, and depending on whether they passed or failed they would move on to the next stage. If they passed they would be inducted into a CL1 job of their choice and if they failed, they would be amnestic and taken off the site like this never happened.
The summary of the operation can be found here:
EC | NTF-456789873230: This is an operation where I worked on investigating E-11 and the security of HCZ. During this time I interviewed E-11 operatives on what they thought about the safety of HCZ and whether closing secondary BD impacts the security of HCZ. My verdict based on my findings was that secondary BD closed decreases the risk of HCZ’s Security.
RSD Cross-test Survey: for this program, I interviewed around 10 members of RSD about what stops them from doing Cross-tests and how that could be changed. Overall I found out that it was mainly that they had a lack of knowledge and that they just weren't bothered i also found an approach that could act as an incentive to promote Cross-tests.
Operation Cleanup: this operation had D-block and Interro be checked for Environmental conditions which could promote/endorse going against the site or Was classified. From that, I found I concluded that D-block was clear of this anomaly however we did find out that Interro cells need to be
repainted as it had some random clutter on their walls.
The summary of the operation can be found here:
EC | NTF-456789873230: This is an operation where I worked on investigating E-11 and the security of HCZ. During this time I interviewed E-11 operatives on what they thought about the safety of HCZ and whether closing secondary BD impacts the security of HCZ. My verdict based on my findings was that secondary BD closed decreases the risk of HCZ’s Security.
RSD Cross-test Survey: for this program, I interviewed around 10 members of RSD about what stops them from doing Cross-tests and how that could be changed. Overall I found out that it was mainly that they had a lack of knowledge and that they just weren't bothered i also found an approach that could act as an incentive to promote Cross-tests.
Operation Cleanup: this operation had D-block and Interro be checked for Environmental conditions which could promote/endorse going against the site or Was classified. From that, I found I concluded that D-block was clear of this anomaly however we did find out that Interro cells need to be
repainted as it had some random clutter on their walls.
During my time in SA I have done these projects
Health awareness campaign: This was a campaign that aimed to help medical get some attention and allow for RP to be made with all site personnel, through getting a physical evaluation and in return helping your department have the chance to win the prize for the department that receives the most evaluations. This unfortunately did not get a lot of attention and was not completed a lot, but some did. For this program I learned how to more effectively to promote programs through comms lines and posters as they draw more attention. Interviews also occurred seeing what personnel thought of medical and the idea behind this project.
Aerosol EMP Grenade: This project only went up to the procurement stage as during the procurement phase we found out that the grenade could not be created. However this was a great experience which has many researcher working together in hopes of a new chemical weapon being created. A test occurred to see whether or not the grenade could be created, in addition to an interview with a Nu-7 CO whos name I have forgot to see if the grenade could serve a purpose.
Research Initiative Program: This program aimed to have Research personnel get to learn more about the capabilities of the position they are in. This was done by getting cross-tests created that had both a simple and interesting aim. In this case it was SCP-330(Candy bowl) cross-test which occurred with humanoid anomalies. This occurred on scps of various Clearance levels to allow for maximum exposure in the hope that people would be more likely to try it out themselves. Interviewes occurred to see where people thought RSD leadership could be better and more helpful.
Site Accessibility Assessment: This was done with ECA Harry Nolan and aimed to see whether the site as a whole was accessible for both the transfer of disabled site personnel and for diplomatic meetings. Overall as you might be shocked to learn the site was very inaccessible for people in wheelchairs as mentioned by the regional chief architecture director(Kake).
MC&D Contract- This had me interview DEA to see where the contract could need some improvement, in addition to an edit and republishment of the Document occurring.
Aerosol EMP Grenade: This project only went up to the procurement stage as during the procurement phase we found out that the grenade could not be created. However this was a great experience which has many researcher working together in hopes of a new chemical weapon being created. A test occurred to see whether or not the grenade could be created, in addition to an interview with a Nu-7 CO whos name I have forgot to see if the grenade could serve a purpose.
Research Initiative Program: This program aimed to have Research personnel get to learn more about the capabilities of the position they are in. This was done by getting cross-tests created that had both a simple and interesting aim. In this case it was SCP-330(Candy bowl) cross-test which occurred with humanoid anomalies. This occurred on scps of various Clearance levels to allow for maximum exposure in the hope that people would be more likely to try it out themselves. Interviewes occurred to see where people thought RSD leadership could be better and more helpful.
Site Accessibility Assessment: This was done with ECA Harry Nolan and aimed to see whether the site as a whole was accessible for both the transfer of disabled site personnel and for diplomatic meetings. Overall as you might be shocked to learn the site was very inaccessible for people in wheelchairs as mentioned by the regional chief architecture director(Kake).
MC&D Contract- This had me interview DEA to see where the contract could need some improvement, in addition to an edit and republishment of the Document occurring.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
Authing AA- This is a key piece of equipment which can be authorized by SA+ and allows for MTF NCO+ in most cases to deal more rapidly and efficiently with the SCP breach at hand. 2 keter/Euclid SCP must be breached.
The Alpha Warhead- As a CL5 member of the site you now have the ability an responsibility to set of the alpha warhead. This is done in cases where the breach which is currently active has reached a point which is beyond saving.
Authing tests- This could be anything from your regular 008 tests to a Cross-test which requires Ethics permission from a CL5 perspective, any thing only requiring ECA auth should be delegated to an ECA.
Authing mass terms- This is when d-class are rioting heavily, and attempting to escape d-block, leading to all D-class past airlock being put on KOS. This should only be authed in dire circumstances.
Acting as an ethical advisor- As an ECM you are assigned to an member of the O5 council who you must advise regarding ethical matters.
Acting at a representative of the Committee- This means that you should present yourself in a suitable way that does not badly represent the Committee and its image, as when you are an ECM you are key figure of the committee meaning your actions highly influence how you and your colleagues are portrayed. If you cannot attend then you should delegate it to someone who can such as an ECA.
Interviewing candidates for O-1 Commander- This means that you would be looking into the leader who will lead the key regiment that insures your protection and the rest of the Committees, within the site.
Interview candidate for DOISD- This means that you would look into the person who would lead the main authoritative force who insures that the FLC is being followed, whilst also ensuring violations of the are being investigated and dealt with.
RP creation- As usual RP creation is key, especially for a CL5 member as this links into the representation of the Committee leading it to being imperative that Site-wide RP is created so that everyone may be included.
Dealing with Ethical Violations- As an ECM you must still continue to ensure that ethics is being followed. This will lead to investigations and queries to occur either on behalf of said ECM or by themselves depending on if they believe it could be delegated to someone of a lower rank, such as ECA.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
An ECM deals with the applications for Director of ISD and the Appointment of O-1 commander, from an OOC point of view it is mainly accepting or denying the Application for DOISD in forums and for O-1 commander it is really IC from what I would think as there is no forum post and the interview is mainly if not fully IC.
As an ECM you deal with the applications for ECA, mainly it is the same case as DOISD where all you need to do is accept of deny the application on the forums. The qualities I would say i would look for in someone applying for ECA is someone who is open to being criticised and told where they could improve, whilst they should also have some basic skills such as teamwork, communication, and most importantly an understanding of ethics the FLC and key site-wide policies which could be referred to whilst performing their duties as ECA.
Another thing that ECMs would do is deal with appeals. In this case it would be if someone has elevated their appeal from Level 1 to 2 and has most likely been demoted or removed from their position.
They also are role models of what high-ranking personnel within in the site and community are, because of this a higher level of maturity is expected from an ECM as by this point they should be mature enough.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
> ECC: Cairo, access the personnel file of Harvey Bridger.
> Cairo.aic: Of course, sir. Accessing file now. Welcome back.
> Cairo.aic: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?
> ECC: An echo.
> Cairo.aic: Correct, sir. Access granted. Initiating file retrieval...
> Cairo.aic: 100% accessed. Personnel file retrieved.
> Name: Harvey ‘Yapper’ Bridger
> Position: Site Advisor
> Clearance Level: 4
> Date of last promotion: 01/12/2024
> Notes: Yaps too much
> Personnel file link: Terminal Solstice (ECM LORE)
> ECC: Thank you, Cairo. Log out of session.
> Cairo.aic: Of course, sir. Logging out now.
> Cairo.aic: Session terminated.
My plans ECM are:
To work on getting more ECAs one way would be through the Ethics Internship program. it can be accessed here.
To work on getting more ECAs one way would be through the Ethics Internship program. it can be accessed here.
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