Heading out.


Well-known Member
Sep 8, 2022
To put it short, I'm heading out of CN but here a few things to say before I do.

Doubt I'll be coming back due to just pure confusion along with stress. However besides that I really did enjoy hanging out with all of you. Even some of you that I hardly knew!

Going from Executive then learning of Ethics, after that going to director. Was a bit of a handful, but I attempted to handle it the best I could, I was always afraid I'd slip up, Guess I did in the end but that's not the point. I enjoyed every moment in the server for the most part, it had increased many of my abilities! Along with having my friendships expand.

Now, just to name some cool guys that I met along my journey.

@Weather Was a great guy in my eyes, he had a passion for IA and Research. It's a shame he had left due to drama to my knowledge. It's a shame he left due to drama|

@Lunaro Another great guy, he had assisted me in hard times. It was always fun to hang around with him, he always was able to brighten my mood.

@A.R.A. Is a amazing leader, working along side him I was afraid I was not helping him enough, but he always reassured I was doing perfect. It was amazing to work along side him.

@Pulsewalker while I never got to meet the guy in person, I had heard plenty of great things about him. Along with speaking to him in DM's, he seemed very nice, wish I got to know him more.

@DINO HERNANDEZ While yes, we did have out drama. I have to admit it was nice to see him, He was kind and what not. Perhaps I didn't understand him as much as I should have, Maybe I was in the wrong. Maybe I wasn't, I never got a full clear answer to my questions. But in the end Dino does make a good friend I can tell. I just wish we had more time
@Ghoully He was always great at his job, I will admit he was a bit overboard with his methods. None of them which I condone, however from what I had seen personally. He was good at what he was doing.

@henbrk Never fully talked to him much, I can admit he was good at what he was doing though.

@Mickle While I haven't seen him much after I became Executive, I can say that he is a good guy.

@AzraelAODTR I do remember seeing him previously as a researcher, I will admit that we did get off at the wrong foot. However he was very professional on dealing with situations that were negative.

@Sage Corleone You were always my role model, even when I was Executive. I looked up to you dearly, I wished we could have talked more and worked together more. You were awesome!

@Biggz I knew you for a very short time, but even then I had always respected you. I don't know what happened with you and Ethics, but you were always my go to when you were DoR

My main goal was to inspire, guide people to the right. Maybe even help the best I could.

Now with that out of the way, it was amazing to work with all of you! Even the ones that are not mentioned. This is just for my personal health, who knows? Maybe I will come back, only time may tell.

Love you all!


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
Thank you, friend. Working with you (while we were both researchers, stacking on top of each other in PW, or conducting tests), and under you as Sr. + Executive has been an honor. Twas a joy to be a part of your journey at this site!

We'll keep in touch! Thank you for all the memories

I'll also never forget the time you called me old...the rudeness