Heretics Captain Application (Uk) (4th)

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Steam Id

Discord name
Vladimir Vlad Russo#5932

For how long have you played on CG SCP
Started since december 2021


In what country are you located?
Czech Republic

Time zone
Gmt +1

Character name(s)

Civilian name
Vladimir Russo

What server are you applying for?

Do you have a mic?
I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
Holding o1-
Pvt Held Nu7 Csg/CplLdr, Captain

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?

1st warn.

Nrp, I was new. I called a a1 a1 and runned of, i went to bathrooms and when he commed I left. Jan 6

2nd kick.
AFK Lag reduce. Feb 5

3rd warn.
Metagame, didnt knew what was it. Disquised dboys went in d block and left, i then heard gun shots and told over comms rogue mtf. Feb 15

4th warn.
Job abuse. I dont even know i got this. Feb 25

5th ban.
Ltarp. I was researcher having gun, then i left when e11 seen me with it. Mar 25

6th ban.
Rdm A Ltap A (I had high ping, and i didnt know how to say something for my defense.). Was gsd, I killed a gsd when he was in airlock (I tryed to restrain him with elastics. tho when i tryed it was like i seen the elastics but i had the gun?(Simply ping issue)) and about the Ltap? i Relogged, cause i had again mentioned high ping. Aug 30

7th warn. Rdm. There was a brute shooting a captain, i then shoot at a cell where the brute was (He was already dead) so i shoot the wrong one with a guy standing in front of him. January 11

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
Well, the reason is pretty simple. When i was captain, i left cause i seen that gsd was doing verry good. And when i looked now at the captain team now, i see some of them doing good and some of them doing terrible. So i want to rejoin the captain team to help the captains that dont know how to do stuff like sweeps, licenses and managing gsd personel. Then I was missing the gsd in general
I also. So yea, im mainly joining to help others.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?
Well, probably mainly my experience, and my leader ship. I also am verry active ig. I also have good temper with others. I then know verry well the legal codex. I am also all ways trying to be fair to others and not punish someone for no reason. I am also trying to be now verry proffesional and i thing i am mature.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?
-Doing rrt/hcz Licenses

-Updating gsd docs like handbooks.
-Managing dblock in general, like putting cadets into airlock and then crediting them
-Helping hos
-Doing+Leading sweeps
-They also helps new cadets

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in
In year (Redacted) was found a Soldier with rank of Sgt. His name was Vladimir Russo, also known as Vlad. One day a field agent named (Redacted) Code name: Delta noticed what a great job soldier Vlad is doing. The agent reported to his supervisors about Vlad cause he was possible recruit for the General Security. After that the supervisors responded with a simple order to restrain the soldier. The agent shortly after putted a letter under sgts bunks a letter for Sgt Vlad. After that Vladimir found the letter that had inside coordinates, time and date. Vladimir was curious and arrived to the location. He arrived into a old abandoned building where he yelled "Hello? Someone there?". Shortly after Vladimir was injected with sedatives in his neck. He then woke up inside a weird modern place, sitting in a chair. After he woke up a guy with sunglasses and black suit with red shirt came inside the room. The uknown man Introduced him self as "Desteny". He explained him the situation about him being a possible recruit for a place named "Foundation" a place that holds anomalyes. Vladimir was suprised and asked what job will he do? He was told he will be in a place called d block and that he will be ranked as a cadet. After that he was explained what that would mean. He after that accepted the job offer. After that he worked and worked.

2 Years later....
After 2 years Vladimir was ranked now Rrt Sergeant and had a new codename "Perseus". He was then after called over comms by Chief of Security with the codename "Gladiator" to the captain office. After Perseus commed to office he simply asked "Whats going on?" The chief Gladiator then simply told him to take a seat. He then asked him a lot of question, a Interview. Perseus responded to all questions verry good. Perseus the asked "Why do i have to answer all of those questions?" The gladiator told him "Well, Its pretty simple, you in late years did pretty job. So you were called here for possible promotion. Perseus was shocked and didnt know what to say. The gladiator then told him "And by the look of your answers, it looks like you passed. Congratulation, Welcome into the team of captains.
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Active member
May 26, 2022
-/+ neutral.

U put mod on this and there kept separate from game roles.

Your motivation for applying is lackluster.
Basically went 1 sweep bad let me do it.


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021
+/- Neutral
+ Seen on GSD a few times
+ good rule knowledge

+/- Haven't had many interactions
- Lack of detail in application

Good Luck!


Well-known Member
Jan 21, 2023


Dear Mr ..Heretic
I am happy to inform you that your application for Security Captain has been accepted. Please contact either myself or Chief Gladiator ' for the next processes of your application.

- Cpt.Nexo hell
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