How does everyone think surface combat is?

I do not enjoy the way surface combat is balanced and feel like it could be substantially better, I think surface in general is under baked, boring at it's best, and annoying at it's worst.

I think the fact people use their civilian character to minge is really annoying and it should be earned to some extent, like you get whitelisted for escaping to surface as a D-Class or something? It would drop the amount of Civilians or Parawatch around, but of course theres not many of those to begin with. I feel like that change would honestly effect the GOC more then any other faction, but escaping as a D-Class isn't too difficult and it would incentivize players to actually get to surface as a D-Class besides whatever the XP reward is.

I also think CI's loadouts are just too oppressive, it feels like they get really good guns while Nu-7 and DEA Agents / Sr. Agents usually get weapons that are poor or not tuned for surface combat. Weapons that come to mind are the Fang 45, L85, and the Mk8, though the Mk8 very much so the best of the 3, I just dont think its good for surface combat.

My main though when it comes to trying to balance something like surface combat would be ensuring that CI are still powerful during their raids, but not as powerful on surface normally, which I think starts with their juggernaut:

Why not give CI warfunds and make it a call-in? It wouldn't have to be anything crazy, but it would definitely be a lot more fun to call in a jugg suit and decide who gets it before a raid, and the person wearing it could call it in near vents or something so people wouldn't have to cuff and drag a jugg(which feels like a bug...), and instead maybe when you cuff a jugg it makes you run slower, like you were hauling a mop bucket or vacuum as a janitor.

Maybe some other stuff CI could get would be a call in for weapon shipments or weapon upgrades that gives them like 5 weapon upgrades or hacker upgrades, which I think would be nice since it would let CI have more powerful weaponry for their upcoming raid rather than just permanently. Maybe another call in could be combat stims or something to that extent that makes them all into basically D-Class scouts(+50 hp & extra run speed), so they dont have to use chems collected from off-CI?

I dont wanna give CI something like mortars or air strikes, since mortars dont help during raids, and air strikes are kind of the UN's thing, but maybe a bomb drone or something they could send into the site to terrorize them? Maybe give them another cooldown for it, like a Drone Raid cooldown, thats like 15 or 30 minutes, so they can send a bomb drone in to deal some damage during or before a raid?

Just some thoughts so far, not really planning a suggestion unless people like this, but I could easily come up with some stuff Nu-7 could get in terms of warfunds.

Speaking of actually, why couldn't hostage-trades use warfunds instead? I hate that its just money transfers from someones personal wallet to another's personal wallet for no other reason besides server rules says and something completely out of your control happened(someone else getting kidnapped). It also just doesnt help CI out? Like it helps the INDIVIDUAL out, but it doesnt help the FACTION out, so maybe warfunds would be the punishment / reward for kidnaps instead, allowing CI to get another jugg suit or something before a raid if they didnt have the funds, and it would allow larger prices to be made for higher ranks, like theres NO WAY someone in the OVERSEER COUNCIL is worth a mediocre 40k. No way. Most people have like 3 times that money? If warfunds could get used for hostage negotiations, O5 could be worth like 1 mil instead, and it wouldnt hurt an individual's pocket so bad or make people flag off DEA / Nu-7 / CI when they realize theres a kidnap and they dont wanna pay.
its bad and in need of desperate need of a rework. snow and dark is overdone and boring. GOI bases are impossible to raid/DC without NHU. DEA bleed for no reason. I wil say the sniper buff is good but that was like 6 months ago and the only positive change to surface I can remember from my whole time on the server. The reality bender nerf did not do very much.