How to: Ban Appeal

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Ban Appeals

If you are reading this, it is very likely that you have received a ban from the server and now you're wondering on how to get yourself (possibly) unbanned. First things first, it is very important that you go through our rules to familiarize yourself with them and to prevent any mistakes in the future.

Ban Appeal Rules

Before submitting your ban appeal, please make sure that you've read and acknowleged the following rules:
  1. Don't advertise your appeal (contacting staff about it).
  2. Don't post on appeals you are not involved in. You're only involved if it's your appeal or you're a staff member involved in the ban.
  3. Please edit posts rather than making multiple in a row. You're allowed to give your side but posting 5 times in a row makes you look impatient and rude - please edit your posts instead if you want to add more detail.
  4. Do not use ChatGPT, or similar, to write your appeal.
  5. Don't get toxic or argue - you're just giving your side, and the staff member is just giving theirs. Insulting staff members will be taken very negatively and may result in your ban being extended alongside a forum ban.
  6. Make sure to put reasonable effort on your ban appeal. Don't expect staff to put effort into your ban appeal if you don't put any effort yourself.
  7. Be truthful in your appeal - acknowledge your mistakes rather than being argumentative or dismissive, as this gives you a better chance of being allowed back into the community.

Failure to follow these rules may result in your appeal being denied or deleted. Forum warns and bans may also be issued.
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