How to get a Job


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2024
Also, hard truth, is no matter how hard you practice, your first interveiw is probaly gping to go poorly. Use it as a kesrning experince for your next ones.
Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
Hello my name is Harold and today I will be teaching YOU fellow sweaty Gmod player, how to get a job.

First thing you need to take into account: Do you meet the basic requirements to obtain and hold down a job? Depending on your state, region, or country, your requirements could differ.

Here are the minimum requirements for work in the United States:
-According to Federal Law, you must be at least 14 years old to work non-agricultural jobs.
-You need reliable transportation to wherever it is you're going back and forth to from work.
-For most places, you may need a high school degree.
-Lastly, you'll need a resume.

Now if you lack a high school degree you can most likely just find work at your high school depending on how large it is. But it will be hard to find work anywhere else without one. Not to worry! Despite your options being slimmed down without a high school degree you can still do quite a few jobs with the proper licenses or just through luck.

Setting up a resume is easier than it sounds. Through modern technology you can simply utilize a gmail account to open up Google Docs (a free online document creation application) and search for resume templates. You then fill out your information there and print it out. Make sure there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes, along with that remember to CAPITALIZE properly and not Every Other Word because of your OCD as it will not come off as looking finer to the recipient. No need to color anything for dramatic effect and make sure to embellish without making claims that are too outlandish. Putting yourself down in any application, even here on CivilNet, can signal to your employer that you lack confidence and that you may make poor decisions or fail to make decisions due to an uncertain mindset.

With a resume out of the way, you may now apply for your job of choice. Doing this online is one way, but making any sort of human connection, be it by phone or in person, with the job you're looking into is imperative if you want them to see you as a potential applicant rather than just another number to gamble on.

When it comes to the interview, depending on the job you're applying for and the location, you can likely just wear casual clothing. Lower end places such as fast food or supermarkets you can probably just attend in clean jeans and an unassuming shirt and sneakers. For those higher level jobs such as working at a non-chain restaurant or maybe a cellphone store just as a random example, you will probably need some finer clothes such as slacks or khakis and a polo shirt or something else along those lines.

For the interview, it can go any way. Sometimes they'll be direct and sometimes they'll test your thought processes. Here's some general rule of thumb tips:

-Don't slouch, avoid nervous or energetic ticks such as tapping your foot. Try not to cross your legs. These can all be distracting.

-Try to reciprocate the vibe they're putting out. Sometimes it's professional, sometimes it's informal, either way they're going to be evaluating you here and now and you don't want to come off as someone who can't understand social cues (even if you do have trouble with that.)

-Answer their questions honestly and directly where possible, however try to avoid deprecating yourself in anyway. Saying you may be slow at tasks, you may not be the best candidate, or that you aren't great at certain things is typically a no-go. Though sometimes it's unavoidable and you do suck which is ok. If you need to say "I can be slow at this task-" then you should follow that up by then saying "-but I am willing to learn."

-Firm handshake but not a squeeze, show that you are attentive, listen and reply organically. And finally for fuck's sake, just take a shower you smelly bastard.

Congratulations! That's really all there is to it. My favorite job so far has been working part time doing pizza delivery on evening shifts, it's just you and the radio for a couple hours and you get tips for it too! Though I definitely prefer my current job as it pays much more and while there's not nearly as much hubbub, it's still challenging enough. When you go for a job, you should first consider where you see yourself in that position going forward and what you'll do in the future, as uncertain as it may be. It can give you perspective on what you want out of it.
Can confirm I regret doing this. But it works tho

John Kild

Active member
Feb 14, 2025
Hello my name is Harold and today I will be teaching YOU fellow sweaty Gmod player, how to get a job.

First thing you need to take into account: Do you meet the basic requirements to obtain and hold down a job? Depending on your state, region, or country, your requirements could differ.

Here are the minimum requirements for work in the United States:
-According to Federal Law, you must be at least 14 years old to work non-agricultural jobs.
-You need reliable transportation to wherever it is you're going back and forth to from work.
-For most places, you may need a high school degree.
-Lastly, you'll need a resume.

Now if you lack a high school degree you can most likely just find work at your high school depending on how large it is. But it will be hard to find work anywhere else without one. Not to worry! Despite your options being slimmed down without a high school degree you can still do quite a few jobs with the proper licenses or just through luck.

Setting up a resume is easier than it sounds. Through modern technology you can simply utilize a gmail account to open up Google Docs (a free online document creation application) and search for resume templates. You then fill out your information there and print it out. Make sure there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes, along with that remember to CAPITALIZE properly and not Every Other Word because of your OCD as it will not come off as looking finer to the recipient. No need to color anything for dramatic effect and make sure to embellish without making claims that are too outlandish. Putting yourself down in any application, even here on CivilNet, can signal to your employer that you lack confidence and that you may make poor decisions or fail to make decisions due to an uncertain mindset.

With a resume out of the way, you may now apply for your job of choice. Doing this online is one way, but making any sort of human connection, be it by phone or in person, with the job you're looking into is imperative if you want them to see you as a potential applicant rather than just another number to gamble on.

When it comes to the interview, depending on the job you're applying for and the location, you can likely just wear casual clothing. Lower end places such as fast food or supermarkets you can probably just attend in clean jeans and an unassuming shirt and sneakers. For those higher level jobs such as working at a non-chain restaurant or maybe a cellphone store just as a random example, you will probably need some finer clothes such as slacks or khakis and a polo shirt or something else along those lines.

For the interview, it can go any way. Sometimes they'll be direct and sometimes they'll test your thought processes. Here's some general rule of thumb tips:

-Don't slouch, avoid nervous or energetic ticks such as tapping your foot. Try not to cross your legs. These can all be distracting.

-Try to reciprocate the vibe they're putting out. Sometimes it's professional, sometimes it's informal, either way they're going to be evaluating you here and now and you don't want to come off as someone who can't understand social cues (even if you do have trouble with that.)

-Answer their questions honestly and directly where possible, however try to avoid deprecating yourself in anyway. Saying you may be slow at tasks, you may not be the best candidate, or that you aren't great at certain things is typically a no-go. Though sometimes it's unavoidable and you do suck which is ok. If you need to say "I can be slow at this task-" then you should follow that up by then saying "-but I am willing to learn."

-Firm handshake but not a squeeze, show that you are attentive, listen and reply organically. And finally for fuck's sake, just take a shower you smelly bastard.

Congratulations! That's really all there is to it. My favorite job so far has been working part time doing pizza delivery on evening shifts, it's just you and the radio for a couple hours and you get tips for it too! Though I definitely prefer my current job as it pays much more and while there's not nearly as much hubbub, it's still challenging enough. When you go for a job, you should first consider where you see yourself in that position going forward and what you'll do in the future, as uncertain as it may be. It can give you perspective on what you want out of it.
Let me add something to the part with no high school degree, people might not like it but the trades such as most smaller HVAC, Plumbing, maybe some electrical if your lucky, or anything in those types of work will take you in if you meet the requirements which I will list:

- Can breath
- Can walk and move enough to work
- Can handle work loads without passing out
- Can take some injuries without trying to get workers comp
- Can get to work on time
- Can learn without being helped 90% of the time (If you want to keep the job without being fired, if not most of the time people will train the newbies and then the newbies will get the experience and either leave or just get fired. Either way its free training)

I have a Highschool degree but I work in a place where there are quite a lot of people who do not and also know practically nothing about anything we are doing, but they still get hired and 9 times out of 10 I or someone who knows what they are doing will train the new people. Normally they last about 2-6 months then they get fired or they quit but it's easy over minimum wage pay (most of the time) and if you can get good at it you can go even higher.