Denied How to make the server more fun/playable and more RP orientated

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Jul 5, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Buff E-11 by removing cooldown off scrantons, give them a shittier version of orange suit that goc have that can only be authed during bad breaches (3+ SCP Breach and at least 2 in LCZ and let them spawn with M249, Scranton)
7 minute cooldown 150 hp 200 shield

Make the timers on picking up NVG's/Scrambles off the wall different from AA Cooldown
Increase main raid cooldown from 45 minutes to 60 minutes
Increase DC Cooldown from 30 minutes to 45 minutes
Increase minimum MTF/Special agent on for CI raid to 5
Increase time in between breaches (up to content team)
Remove breach tool from SCP-966
Remove lights going out and other stuff going out randomly for no reason during breaches (why is this even a thing???)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Server is more fun for non-combative jobs
Server is more RP based
Server isn't as laggy with constant breaches and nukes
Server is actually playable
E-11 has a unique job that no other regiment has so E-11 activity spikes, gets more members etc
E-11 can recontain SCP's faster and cause less lag

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
SCP's get bored waiting longer
SCP mains/CI mains complaining
Dev time

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
To be honest, the server is in constant shambles 90% of the time. Every single time I get on the lights are off, keycard scanners are off etc. And then you have C.I raiding very often and this causes even more breaches so on top of the auto breaches, you have CI breaching stuff as well. This is unplayable for ANYONE trying to do any sort of non-combative RP and wanting to actually play the server. So many times researchers complain about finally getting a document signed, getting d-class and as soon as they go down to HCZ breach alarm happens and it ruins there entire test and they have to wait at least an hour for the breach to get recontained and this makes players just play MTF or GSD or any other combative role because its the only gameplay they can actually get.

If you think anything should be changed in the suggestion please put it in a message instead of saying
"-support cope"
its boring for them because you guys dont DO ANYTHING!! most of the time you guys are literally sitting in base doing absolutely nothing you cant say that its boring when you guys dont try anything
what do you want CI to do on surface
genuinely curious what RP you want them to do up there.

im not the commander lmao im not even in ci
maybe you should go talk to the US COM (Currently LTCOM) about actually RPing if the problem of CI destroying RP/Mass breaching constantly is really that bad
Since the UK have the problem sorted, idk why yall cant sort the problem unless the US COM/LTCOM are that hell bent on destroying RP
If 45 minutes without raiding is boring for them did they try playing CS go's? This is an RP server not a shoot people server, do RP, it isn't that hard, maybe you could decide to take after the UK CI, maybe you could decide "Hey, maybe I should not be a shit commander and make it so that my regiment is filled with people who only care about combat"
you gotta settle down buster, you are being quite mean! anyways I can't simply just tell CI "hey, start roleplaying for 45 minutes!" that's not how it works and trust me, many COMs have tried that strategy. UK CI have the same issue as far as I'm aware, they have even documented their issues and I have looked over and agreed that UK and US CI have fundamental flaws in their gameplay loops that sources toxicity and little to no activity between raid times.

Foundation has D-Block, they have testing and breaches, they have entire structured departments with independent jobs and get events regularly. What does CI, it's own faction with ~150 people in it get? They get to run in and shoot shit every 45 minutes. Is that a good thing for the server? Absolutely not, but maybe ask ventz about this and see if he has any better ideas, because this is what he intended. CI does what the server wants and allows them to do, and can only RP so much. Not saying I never tried, and hopefully people don't see me as a "shit commander" in the 3 months I was around for, I tried adding departments and I did events for my faction to add RP and it only goes so far and clearly goes under the radar for gentlemen like you.

I do say, feel free to try out being a Delta Command member some day and try to make CI and entirely RP based regiment, you will be there till doomsday.
its boring for them because you guys dont DO ANYTHING!! most of the time you guys are literally sitting in base doing absolutely nothing you cant say that its boring when you guys dont try anything
I love the irony that the E-11 player whose job is to literally stand at a checkpoint for hours at a time until something happens is poking fun at another regiment for doing the same thing. The jokes write themselves
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Remove breach tool from SCP-966
So, remove 966 from the server, got it

Buff E-11 by removing cooldown off scrantons
So, remove TG & 8837 from the server, got it

Increase time in between breaches (up to content team)
So, remove SCPs from the server, got it

- Soup, obviously. This whole thing could've been "Make hacking out SCPs remove breach tools and increase the hack cap" and would've gotten 10,000 + Supports
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Dec 20, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Betriv ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We are currently in discussion about E11 and dimension raids however we believe an increase to raid timer is unnecessary as CI do not often raid off Cooldown everytime. We also believe this wouldn't necessarily fix the issues you list.
In regards to the SCP breach nerf we think a nerf of 966 isn't needed and that breach timers are already long enough at 2 or 3 hours in between.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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