Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Hantrollo (if i remember correctly)
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Over 2 Months now I believe.
Age: 1 month from 17
In what country are you located?: France
Time zone: GMT+1
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Exec. Researcher | Intel Ambassador | MTF E-11 LCPL Huff
Chaos name (include your rank): CS Huffington (used to be CI-B ;-; )
Civilian name: Jack "Ape-Together-Strong" Jim
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:182299438
Do you have a mic?: Yep
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
I'm not sure if you mean for GM or if you mean in general, This is my first GM application but I'll link my Exec app just in case.
Exec Researcher Application - Huff
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:182299438 Discord name : Hantrollo - 我的哥哥不是明智#6370 For how long have you played on CG SCP : At the time of writing this ; 1 Week 2d online Age : 2 months from 17 In what country are you located? : France Time zone : GMT+1 Character name(s) : Edward "Huff" Huffles...www.civilgamers.com
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 6 warnings (& 2 AFK kicks), they are (in order of events) NRP, RDM, NRP, NLR, FailRP, FailRP. These all took place between January 2nd & February 2nd, I am proud (and actually surprised tbh) that I haven't had a warn in over a month :3 I've never been banned before btw so that's cool![]()
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Some but not too much, I did some Arma 3 a while back & a bit of Minecraft.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Similar to as Pustel's situation, I have not had much serious roleplay outside this server but have had a decent amount while here.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
This is a bit volatile, I might be on for 6 hours a day for a week then like 1 hour a day on a different week, it depends on the situation. However I can safely say for the next week or so I can be on for around 2 Hours a day on average. I'll notify you if anything changes.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I really like making events for people to enjoy, it's a way to express creativity and add some extra RP that you can't quite get in day to day routine in the foundation. I think I'd do a decent job and try to take some of my events to the next level and do some map switches and involve as many people as possible, not have it be just another combat event.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I think I can make RP scenarios that people wouldn't think of instantly but would enjoy in the long-term. I have a decent amount of creativity, my events would be crazy, but overall fun and not completely outlandish from a lore perspective. I also think I could be more help on the technical level, I'm very quick at learning so I think my events could become pretty advanced in a decently quick time period.
I'm not sure if this adds value but I believe I have a rather decent technical level with pac3 if I ever need to use it for an event.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Event One :
Event One :
A group of Researchers, led by an Executive, go rouge, thinking that the knowledge gained from their experiments are worth more than the d-class, they defy ethics, arm themselves, take an ethics member hostage, and decide to do the experiments anyway (these experiments would be torturous to the d-class and very deadly), all the while staving off attacks from MTF (namely O-1) & Gensec. Eventually the researchers would be terminated but in the end their research would prove helpful in the study of these SCPs, thus adding some gray area to the who was in the right. (The event would start in a dormant mode, where the researchers get ready undetected and start the experiments before they get found out and the action starts)
Event Two :
A squad from the Canadian military come to site 65 and ask about why the military facility isn't registered on their maps or lists (I know that obviously the foundation would have made it so that it was but for the sake of the event, I'm deploying the suspension of disbelief), Nu-7 try to keep them out of the facility but end up being forced to give them a tour of the facility, while attempting to cover up everything they see, they get to LCZ when some escaped d-class gun down the Nu-7 escort, surrender to the military and tell them about everything, the military attempts to call for backup but the foundation blocks their transmission so they decide they need to get out of the facility, they team up with the d-class and the d-class tell them about 914, they attempt to use it but are caught by Nu-7, the military decides that they will defend their position to the last man, Nu-7 will have a chance to try an negotiate with the military if they'd like, if the military ends up refusing the negotiations, nu-7 will have to breach the well defended 914 room and take out both the military squad and the d-class, and then provide the military commanders a false story about the squad being killed in a militia attack on the base. if the military agrees to the terms they will be amnestized and told a false story about the checkup going well and that they can add the site to their maps and lists to avoid further confusion.
Event Three:
An unknown anomaly (not sure if an SCP like this exists so I'm just saying unknown) begins to seep into the thoughts of random site personnel, researchers, gensec, technicians even ethics and O5 (etc., not gonna list all of the jobs) and they become convinced that the foundation is evil and must be destroyed. at this point they become sleeper agents, inconspicuously getting ready to gun down everyone around them while knowing who the other sleepers are, eventually there will be an announcement to everyone on site that read "Sleepers, Commence." at this point they will take out weapons and with an HP boost, start gunning down everyone around them that isn't a sleeper agent, they will converge to the lobby outside d-block and begin defending themselves as waves of MTF & other combative roles begin to attack them. (the sleepers may have limited use of the heavy Armory). Eventually, after many deaths, the sleepers are all gunned down (even the CL5s, careful for keycard thefts :3) and the anomaly announces again 'I will return', this is so that incase people like the event I can do it again sometime.
(I am aware there aren't a lot of peaceful events listed here but I promise I'll think of an event like that eventually, these are just the ones I'd be most excited to do if I get GM)
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Operation Flaming Sword :
Operation Flaming Sword :
Aight I think you might like this... Announcement : A Neighbouring Site, Site 73 is in critical condition and is requesting urgent help, all MTF Regiments get to surface. when they do the map switches to the old site 65 map, except it's not site 65, it's site 73 and its in critical condition, CI had a large raid on it and breached SCPs litter the hallways, (even inanimate ones as traps). Corpses litter the hallways and some important staff are being held hostage in the personnel wing with a large amount of CI who have barricaded themselves inside. The event job will be access to all regiments depending on level, Level 5+ Get field agents, level 10+ get Nu-7, Level 15+ Get E-11, Level 20+ Get O-1 & Level 25+ Get A-1. these will of course just be event jobs and these people will not be whitelisted for these regiments after the event. There will also be CI Event jobs, I want a good number of CI so that this isn't too easy. It will be the job of everyone (except a few trusted RPers for hostages) in the foundation, to raid the facility, re-stabilize it and rescue the hostages. I want this to be challenging but not too much. After the CI have been killed, the hostages rescued and the SCPs in cuffs. the site O5 & Ethics member, who will have been hostages will thank the members of site 65 for having saved their facility, and will announce that they'll take over from here. at this point all site 65 personnel will go to the surface, get on choppers (if we cant do this then just have them get on surface with some personnel trucks) and start driving away, the map will switch back at this point. (I think there can be a lot of RP between hostages and CI, maybe CI will tell some low level about O5 and then the O5 that is hostage next to him will have to react to the staff members displeasure of being lied to, there will be some time before the MTF get to CI's position so I think there's some good RP potential there)
List an example mission for each of the following:
Omega - 1 "Law's Left Hand"
Omega - 1 "Law's Left Hand"
Regular day in the foundation when people start noticing little remote controlled cars running around, they're hard to catch but eventually they manage to catch one but it self-destructs before they can get use of it (not big explosion, just enough to destroy the car). The cars eventually flood into floor 3 and manage to get very sensitive footage and audio. after this happens, anonymous voices call out in comms which provide major CL5 Leaks to the foundation personnel, now being an emergency O-1 has to deal with the data leak and find out who's responsible for the cars while knowing only that they're from within the facility as it's the only thing the car revealed through it's speaker before self-destructing. Eventually (through RP with tech experts/IT/engineers) they manage to track the person controlling one of the cars that didn't self destruct, revealing they're in personnel wing, in the LCZ Electrical Centre, when they get in they find a couple of tech experts, who claimed they were quote "bored and wanted to do something fun", O-1 can choose whether to kill or amnestize them knowing they might try again one day. Inevitably there is a lecture where everyone is amnestized except Ethics, O-1, A-1 & O5. (thought of this event after literally being bored and wanting to do something fun as a tech expert, used my pac to turn into a toy car and did a bit of RP with O-1, A-1, Ethics & O5, was fun. )
Alpha - 1 "Red Right Hand"
An announcement to A-1 Reveals that a highly skilled assassin has been contracted to kill an O5 member, the assassin can disguise as any member of the foundation, the O5 is escorted at all times by A-1 including their commander, the A-1 Commander wanders off in order to pursue a man matching the description of the assassin, he loses his trail and then gets killed by the assassin who disguises as him, the assassin informs A-1 and the O5 that the assassin has been taken care of and he'd like to talk to the O5 in private, the O5 gets killed and the assassin flees the scene, trying to get to the surface, A-1s job is to kill the assassin before he makes it to the surface where a transport will be waiting for him. Whether they manage or fail is up to their skill in the event. I will give the assassin a spy-card, biometrics of A-1 for the event and a health boost to make it a bit easier for him since he is supposed to be highly skilled. (much like the O-1 Event this one was also inspired by a thing I did in game where a GM authorized me to try and pull a hit on the ethics director Marco, I didn't manage because 173 killed me in a breach, I'm hoping that I can stop this from happening if it becomes an official event.) The RP will be rich while the assassin has to disguise as A-1 and manage to convince other A-1 that he is one of them.
Nu - 7 "Hammer Down"
A Mercenary group contracted by the Marshall Carter & Dark Salesmen group manage to capture SCP-035 in mask form and take it to their base on the surface, as the MC&Ds are a surface group and SCP-035 has been taken to the surface, it is up to them to deal with the situation, the MC&Ds offer to speak with Nu-7 and send the leader of the mercenary group to negotiate, Nu-7 decide to organize an ambush on the mercenary leader in an attempt to take him hostage and have the mercenary group turn against the MC&Ds in return of their leader. The ambush goes as follows, the Nu-7 Commander chooses a location to speak with the leader of the mercenaries and brings a small detachment of men with him for protection (around 4 Nu-7), the mercenary leader brings the same number of his men and they begin the talks, during this time, Nu-7 Marksmen will setup in a building nearby (I will spawn in a building) in order to snipe the leader's guard at their Commanders orders, when the commander says the codeword the snipers will take out the Mercenary leaders guard but enemy snipers, from the mercenary group will take out the Nu-7 Commanders guard, the leaders, not daring to fight each other under the gaze of both snipers, call in for reinforcements from both sides as the snipers do a bit of a sniper battle, eventually the Nu-7 Reinforcements arrive before the mercenary reinforcements and they take the merc leader hostage, the merc leader calls off the snipers and tells his men not to attack, at this point Nu-7 will negotiate the release of the merc leader in exchange for the mercenaries aiding them in a raid against the MC&D's base, with the MC&Ds not expecting the betrayal of the merc group, the raid is swift and simple, and Nu-7 manages to retrieve SCP-035 and return the merc leader to the mercenaries (i'm thinking of modelling and naming the mercs similarly to the Mandalorians from star wars cause it would be added coolness, and maybe people would want to see them again in another event later).
Epsilon - 11 "Nine Tailed Fox"
SCP-019 appears in floor 3 and E-11 have to contain it, this could allow some researcher RP as well for when it gets contained. SCP-019 is a Greek vase and once in a while an SCP-019-2 comes out, SCP-019-2 is a small creature, vaguely humanoid but can be animalistic, they are very hostile and will attack all humans around it, the rate at which SCP-019-2 come out of the vase depends on a couple things but the in-lore reason I'm going to be spamming these out like hell is that one of the things that augment the rate is sudden shift in surrounding environments, so by some magic SCP-019 will appear in floor 3, due to the shift in surroundings it'll start pumping out SCP-019-2s and E-11 will have to organize to contain it. Instances of SCP-019-2 will become more and more strong as they adapt to the things destroying them. eventually the last wave will be very tough and after it the vase will cease producing SCP-019-2, at which point E-11 will be allowed to contain it and get researchers on it, the higher-ups of the research department will be informed before hand because as an executive myself I know how annoying it is for an event regarding a new SCP to happen and out of nowhere someone tells us "you, science men, come research this SCP with absolutely no preparation". Anyway, since this is on floor 3 all E-11 will have to be amnestized at the end and will have to guard the containment chamber of SCP-019 until the research is done. I realize this is a low-RP event for E-11 but I got the idea straight from asking them so I reserve the right of one Rambo event where it's just mindless shooting.
Chaos Insurgency
(This one may be the most outlandish of the events I've thought of) A remnant group of the imperial Japanese occult division (yes this is a thing in lore) joins up with CI in hopes of attacking Site 65 and destroying the a part of the foundation, the raid is successful, breach some SCPs & release a couple d-class with weapons into the facility and during all this they move to floor 3 and successfully get into the alpha warhead room & take an O5 hostage. Just when CI say to demand free passage out the remnant group denies, saying that everyone, including CI will stay to see the site destroyed by the warhead, one of their members promptly starts hacking the nuke. when the CI commander refuses to have him and his men stay he is gunned down by the Japanese men & they tell everyone that cowards will be killed. At this point they make an announcement to the whole facility and in this they O5 says his final words and is executed (by sword obviously) with as many MTF outside the room as possible the countdown to the nuke begins and the Japanese pass around katanas to everyone there (including the CI who didn't get terminated) at this point when the blast doors open the entire group does a banzai charge into the MTF, (the Japanese will be health boosted so that they get a couple kills) but is inevitably gunned down and the detonation is halted with a couple seconds left. the Japanese commander, with his final breath announces to the site "watashitachi ha fukushuu sa rema su" ("私たちは復讐されます"we will be avenged) essentially giving the possibility of a sequel because I like this idea a lot :3 (this was originally one of the 3 small events but then I realized that the nuke is actually activated in this event so it's a lot larger than I first thought, I switched it over to here after having trouble thinking of a CI event and realized this one is actually decently CI based so it fit the role well)
Foundation Staff
Ok don't laugh, I think this would be fun... So a MasterChef type competition for chefs, with O5 & Ethics as the judges & the winner gets a CL4 Keycard for the rest of the day and is the O5's & Ethics new personal chef. (for the rest of the day) (out of all the events I've said here I think this one has the most creative liberty assigned to the players which is pretty cool) The parameters for winning are yet to be decided but I think that since the level of the dish depends on your cooking skill that it wont be a part of the trial, instead speed of the dish and quality of it will certainly be part of the trial since chefs can get better quality ingredients on the surface and organize better to speed up the cooking process, the cook-off would take place in the server room with spawned in ovens.
Application design inspired by FakeLTS
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