Deleted member 982
Steam ID:
Discord name: boxyserbian#4728
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I started 5-6 December 2021 So 1 day after the official release.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: UAE ??
Time zone: GMT +4
Character name(s): Gustave "Hurt" Pollos
Civilian name: Offrin "Hurt" Jira
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Nu-7 COM & CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes I have received 18 warnings.

Now I believe that 18 warns is a very very big amount of warns for the server. I can understand my history with rule breaking during my history in the server, but I believe that my behavior has greatly improved, in the month of march I have not been warned once, witch can show how I improved my behavior and rule breaking issues. I also understand if anyone -Negative supports my app for this as I don't have anyone to blame expect me.
Discord name: boxyserbian#4728
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I started 5-6 December 2021 So 1 day after the official release.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: UAE ??
Time zone: GMT +4
Character name(s): Gustave "Hurt" Pollos
Civilian name: Offrin "Hurt" Jira
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Nu-7 COM & CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes I have received 18 warnings.

Now I believe that 18 warns is a very very big amount of warns for the server. I can understand my history with rule breaking during my history in the server, but I believe that my behavior has greatly improved, in the month of march I have not been warned once, witch can show how I improved my behavior and rule breaking issues. I also understand if anyone -Negative supports my app for this as I don't have anyone to blame expect me.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- Well Firstly I wish to expand my career and enter site administration and reach higher and higher ranks in the server. The experience, the site advisor role helps build up someone's portfolio to reach a good rank in the future such as O5 or ethics, so that will help me in getting experience having a administrative role and building up my reputation.
Its also my time during Nu-7, I believe I have built up Nu-7 to be self sufficient and my time in Nu-7 was great but I believe it has ended, its time for a new role in site-65.
It also stems about not much lower ranking site admin being on as much (during my time playing) I see too many times O5/Ethics ordering NCOs/COs to do stuff even though its lower rank site admins role.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- Well firstly my experience with leading and organization, as Nu-7 Commander I have had difficulties with manpower and with having too many units at once, witch can create issues with TS, but after getting help from my CO team I have properly and efficiently organized a lot of units into different squads. This can help during times of breach's when the Site advisor is expect to act as the leader and shelling out orders during a disaster.
I can keep cool and focused during confusing and hectic times as the role of Commander is to take in info and relay back during multiple scenarios, I also believe that I have balanced fun and task of Nu-7 great by having people guard the site from CI, at the same time enjoying the regiment .
Creating RP, I believe the first day I was the Commander of Nu-7, Nu-7 wasn't in the place it was today, I believe with the addition of a lot of new tasks, achievements and roles in site-65 for Nu-7 that I have placed made it a fun environment for new plays to join the regiment and to stay.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- All running good, the Site advisor is there to get information about how the site is running can be looking for any drawbacks or issues, he can either go and order someone to find a fix and keep things running and efficient, he is also suppose to report things to the site director or any higher up on site if the issues arises. The site advisors should also act like the ears and eyes for O5/Ethics so they don't get in harms way. He is also to keep tabs on regiments/sectors performance to see if they need aid in there department or field. Approval, the site advisor is also the Peron who takes in the responsibility of approving tests/Checkpoints if no high authority is available.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Gustave, Born in Irbid Jordan at 1993, when Gustave was 18 he joined the Jordanian military showing amazing talent with hand to hand combat and CQC, after 2 years in, Gustave reached the rank of Eraif (CPL) he got invited to do a tryout in King Abdullah II Special Forces Group, after passing with amazing record and physic. The year is 2014, the JORSOF was sent to raid a suspected ISIS base, it turned out to be a scuffed raid and his squad was wiped out by a SCP-3341 instance before being terminated by a Close by Oria sniper. After this Gustave was taken in by foundation agents to be ammnesticated and returned, but after agents took a look at his file. He got offered to join a MTF unit and his death would be faked, or he would be ammnesticated, Gustave chose the MTF path and was enrolled in Nu-7 in site 65, has trained up and shown courage and leadership during his time and reached high points in his career.