Hybrid - Leaving CC Staff


CC Executive VIP
Jul 12, 2021
Devon, United Kingdom
Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately, due to University commitments, I have taken the hard decision to resign from the CC Staff Team. I felt that I was unable to balance both my responsibilities as a student and as an Admin on the server, to both the staff team and our community to the best of my ability and as should be expected by someone holding my position. I'd like to thank the Server Leadership, Staff, Community Team and the community for the fun and enjoyable journey we've shared. Below are a few special mentions and final messages composing my final essay as staff.

@Temmp - Best dam Punk on the server! This guy bleeds for our community on a daily basis, don't go too hard on him, the amount of work he does in the background to moderate the server is commendable!

@Kvarkar - Another honourable mention, I doubt I'll ever know exactly how much of his day he dedicates to testing, coding and moding the server to help make it what it is today, he works as if it's a full-time job on the server and deserves a lot of respect during town halls etc. Give him a chance to build his confidence and grow, you'll see this guy fly!

@Relman -One of the other oldies (if we can call ourselves that) on the server, this guy is worth his weight in gold, another grinder of the server who puts his blood sweat and tears into making the server great! Those who claim he's biased etc or worse, you couldn't be further from the truth, the number of times I've been in conversations with him, discussing staff or players, he's always seen the best in people and always been fair and unbiased. He stood up for both players and staff more times than I can count and gave second, third or more chances to people I wouldn't have given more than one. He's really a great guy if you give him a chance!

@Cope - Our talented map maker, always giving us something else to look forward to and responsible for making Civil City feel like a living breathing organic city. The amount of map updates, tweaks and work you put into the server, all whilst doing your own studies IRL, is impressive, I wish I had the organisation and time management skills to do the same!

@Kevin -FOR LIZ! I remember our 1-2 am basing sessions with The British Empire, who would have thought we'd both end up here! Congrats on all your progress within the staff team so far, from day 1 you've been giving it 110% and I haven't even seen you flinch! You're still pushing through at 100mph, bossing it on the community team and in your new role at Head Moderator. Keep up the great work and I'm sure you'll surpass me in no time!

@weekenzie123 - Our OG Head Moderator! I remember when we first met, you and Siggen at DNB, I was next door with Civil Bank, trying to steal your staff and bragging about where our bank was on the leaderboard to gain more business. How quickly the tables turned and we were on the same team, bossing it to the top!

@Eyes - Stay strong bother! Remain focused and keep your eye on the prize, you'll get to where you want to be! Remember it's just a game, people talk smack, they're annoyed about the game or what happened to them today IRL etc, it's rarely about you. Keep up the good work and climb the ranks, you know you can do it!

@tony schleck - Heyyyyyyyyy! Man, you can be a nutcase at times (in a good way) but dam, your one hell of a staff member, I don't think, I've ever seen anyone go on holiday, to another country, take their laptop with them, just so they can help take sits and support the server! You didn't just do it for the first few days, then go have fun abroad, you did it the whole time you were away, roughly 3 weeks!!! Keep up the good work man!

@KayKay - Our friendly neighbourhood American! I'll never understand how you guys work over there, but one thing I do know is. You're a machine, you take sits like Captain America takes punches, one after the other. Regularly doubled your sit requirements, doing around 120+ sits a week! Bring that spark back and be the captain we need!

@Spuds & @Epicstorm - Dream team, enough said... No seriously, you two were firing on all cylinders for as long as I can remember, I loved our time back in 2020 is NoT with kvar, between you two, Kvar and Temmp, you were the inspiration that made me want to rejoin the staff team!

Be kind, Be understanding, Be forgiving. The staff team truly sheds blood for all of us as a community, staff old, current and future all join to help our community. They'll make mistakes, the same as we all do as players, they're here to help! Take a moment to step back and evaluate the situation from their perspective or even the perspective of the person opposite you in a sit. People rarely mean any harm, we're all here to play a game and make some friends.

I'm proud to say I've done that on our server, thanks to the community and our staff team.

And I'm not going anywhere! I'll still be around, from time to time, playing or going VOD to help out (it's really rewarding, you should all try it! https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/civil-city-vip-on-duty.482/) VIP++ & up

If anyone wants to stay in touch or have a chat Discord below!

Thanks everyone!

Kind Regards,

Discord: Hybrid Jones#9992


CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020
Goodbye Hybrid. I have known you close to 2 years, even from NoT. It was great knowing you and I hope to see you again, if that's at my return or not. You will be greatly missed. Cya ?
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Deleted member 12

Sad to see you go Hybrid, I know what it's like trying to balance all this stuff. I hope you are able to return one day when you're not as busy, you'd be welcome back.
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CC Executive VIP
Dec 25, 2020
It was great to work with you on the staff team hybrid, and I am sorry to see you leave. Best of luck with whatever you do next.
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