I was banned becouse of my bad accent

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Dokter niklas

New Member
Dec 21, 2023
Your in-game name: Bors Hoffna
Your SteamID: Bugo Hoss
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198318899375/
Date of ban: Thurs 21 Dec
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Severe toxicity
Who banned you: William stealth
Ban length?: 4 days when he said 3
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will not do anything becouse i dont usualy get in trouble like this
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Never banned or kicked only warned once for rdm
Why should you be unbanned: Becouse i enjoy playing on the server and i would like to help to have fun and to make the roleplay good
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: Becouse ive read the rules now and i know what i can and what i cannot do
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Becouse its a fun and a good server and i think its one of the smoothest gmod servers there is

Merry christmas and a happy new year (=
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Blacklisted Player
Dec 4, 2022
Appeal Response

Hey @Dokter niklas ,

Thanks for taking the time to make an appeal.

I will provide some further context regarding this situation, whilst within the CI Training room you had said the N word in front of several people including a staff member. Due to the staff member handling the tryout he had sent me the clip in which clearly presented you saying the N word, which is considered Severe Toxicity. Due to this I had brought you to the staff room and explained everything to you, I understand that during the sit and now you are saying that it is due to a specific discussion. However, within the clip you clearly said the N word in which I considered Severe Toxicity and banned you. As explained within the sit you must consider that anyone can take offense to specific words which is why I maintained the punishment regardless of whatever "discussion" you may of been having. I'm unsure why the ban has popped up as being 4 days as I definitely put 3 in, I'm sure this error can be fixed by the server leadership member that deals with this appeal.

Kind Regards,

Dokter niklas

New Member
Dec 21, 2023
Ok man But still where in the SCP RULES does it say i cant say it U damn well know i didnt use a Hard R And didnt point it at anyone and ofcourse Im only one saying like you have pointed out after waiting for 3 fucking hours in that CI room only to been told that I cant become a Ci "becouse" my combat level wasnt in lvl 10 So ye I hope you take your snowflake and reconsider that you cant base a players action by a word DID I WRITE IT IN CHAT LOUD no DID I RAN AROUND SCREAMING IT no i said it once And you say i said the "NWORD" to you on a admin sit do you rlly think im that fucking stupid and bytheway Good Job banning me and setting a false LTAP Something do you think i can just suck my computer off to stop it from crashing no i couldnt not. And for an instance on the american server i saw a guy LEGIT screaming the Nword with hardr And the only thing the admin did was tell him that YOU CANT SCREAM THIS WORD AND THAT IT WILL RESULT IN A BAn and what happend He got quiet so the ways you handle your sit is just the typical UHHHH not this ADmin again type behavior You dont try fixing the problem you only strive for what you want and how you think things are gonna be wich is wrong becouse in the rules i dont see There saying if you say The N WORD ONCE YOU WILL BE BANNED IN 4 DAYS AND WILL NOT HAVE YOUR TIME EXPLAING yourself YOUR lucky i didnt clip it becouse my computer crashed otherwise i wouldnt Be writing this long fucking Essay.

Dokter niklas

New Member
Dec 21, 2023
Discrimination is not permitted - This refers to unfair treatment, unfair opportunities or offensive behaviour towards someone based on their appearance, sexuality, gender, religion, nationality and so on.

It says not permitted where does it say you will get banned instantly and receive no warns and also get additional bonus bans becouse we can. MHM i dont think so

I dont mean to offend you nore say something bad about you William but i think i havent been rightfully judged and i will not let go of this until i am
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi @Dokter niklas,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Under no circumstances should you be saying that word on our servers, and this is something that will always lead to a ban. Furthermore, you say this:​
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: Becouse ive read the rules now and i know what i can and what i cannot do

Yet, you say that this something that is not on the rules, when it clearly is: 1.10 Disrespectful Conduct - Derogatory Language designed to target players in a disrespectful manner is prohibited; this includes racism, homophobia, and other derogatory slurs; jokingly being racist is not an exception to this rule).

I would highly recommend that you take a more careful look at our rules before playing on our servers again, and to keep it respectful with our staff team to avoid any further issues.​
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