Accepted IA arrest record

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion would add a record of every player's instances that they have been arrested in a new menu inside of the personal tablet, this menu would only be accessible to Internal Affairs, Assistants and SA/SC. In this record would be a list of every time they have been arrested using the IA arrest officer NPC inside of interrogation with some information:

Date of arrest, Reason of arrest, length of sentence, IA who arrested, role of the person upon arrestation

If somebody was falsly arrested, the Director of IA or SA/SC can remove a sentence from your record.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not that I know of.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Would allow Internal Affairs to view the record of a person and adjust their punishment on that (for example somebody has been arrested 5 times that day so they would be given an extra sentence). Note that this can already be done at the NPC itself but now it would also be visible on the person for quick access.

- Easy to determine if somebody "didn't know" or if they are an actual minge and are just trying to get away.

- Would add some extra "severity " to being arrested by IA as now you just serve your sentence and the punishment is forgotten about. This could stop or slow down some people who minge.

- Adds just a little bit of extra depth and responsibility to the IA job as you know "scar" a person on their profile.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- Could make people feel as if they are being "controlled" more and aren't allowed to have fun.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I think this would a welcome change at it makes IA and other people such as dpt leaders' life easier when determining if somebody is trustworthy for a position or a task. It wouldn't be the biggest change both visually and to implement I think but it can add a lot to RP when arresting somebody etc... I do not see why this couldn't be added.

Thank you for reading!
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I like this idea. What if though, instead of it being in the /character menu, it would be in the personnel tablet on a menu that only IA (and possibly other jobs such as SA) could access, and they could view the records from there :)
tbh that sounds great, give an extra use to that damn personnel tablet, imma edit the suggestion. Done, what do you think? I added Assistants to the list of jobs aswel because I found they should be able to check for such things too.
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I like this idea. What if though, instead of it being in the /character menu, it would be in the personnel tablet on a menu that only IA (and possibly other jobs such as SA) could access, and they could view the records from there :)
Could also be reflected on ID card possibly how MRP does their ID cards and where you can flip it over and see how many times you've been arrested etc.
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