Ikaros "Siri" (MODIFIED) Lore Application+Pac 3 Application

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SCP-RP Staff
Aug 20, 2023

Background Information
Ambassador Ikaros "Siri"

[REDACTED] "Siri" [REDACTED] was born in [REDACTED] a small town within the United States, from a very young age they took an interest in all thing paranormal and often this made them a bit of an outcast in social settings. Despite this however, they thrived in school and managed to graduate with honors to which they then enrolled in a local college partaking in classes for Criminal Justice and Psychology. There was one thing that interested them almost as much as their love of the paranormal and that was catching and understand criminals. Once they finished their college courses they managed to successfully enlist themselves within the United States Army where they served honorably for 3 years as a Military Police Officer.

They were often known amongst their local group as a steadfast officer, strict officer within the military. They were not easy to push around and nothing seemed to rattle them. Despite their young age, its clear they were not going to allow any form of injustice to take place in their beloved core. Though, despite being in the military and leading a rather professional serious lifestyle, they did still dabble in their old hobby of understanding and studying the paranormal. Often this interest took the form of ghost hunting, or following up on leads of places that some people thought didn't exist in the first place.

During a leave once for Christmas, "Siri" decided that they were going to track down a lead during their down time to a cave, the origins of which were provided to them via a cryptic email from an [REDACTED] email address. This Email has not yet been located nor is it known whether or not it ever existed or was just a possible alteration of reality at the time which managed to subside over time. Regardless of this, Ikaros made their way to the site of the forgotten cave located at [REDACTED]. Once they arrived they had described experiencing bright lights and sounds coming from within the cave, and upon stepping inside they immediately felt a sharp burning sensation in their eyes and ears. This sensation did not last very long, though once they were capable of seeing and hearing again they noted no longer seeing the inside of a cave, instead they were in a large open field.

Things were not quite right, the grass was a bright white color, and the dirt underneath it blue, there were three different suns in the sky all varying shades of red and blue. Of course this took "Siri" off guard and despite their often stoic and unshakable nature they were clearly a bit disturbed by what they were seeing. Though having armed themselves with a backpack and a side arm before venturing in they reassured themselves that they likely had the proper arms to defend themselves in this new land if it proved to be hostile. They reached for their camera inside of their bag pulling out and raising it to eye level to attempt to capture the moment in time. Though as they snapped the photo and looked back upon it, the stumbled backwards with fear and nearly dropped the camera they were holding. The picture they received was not at all what they saw through the lenses, instead what they saw was the same world before them but decrepit and filled with large lumbering bipedal creatures, their features were masked in a shadowy veil and they seemed to be slouched over and standing at anywhere from 7-9 feet tall.

There were what seemed to be 20 or more of them in the picture alone though as they brought themselves back to their feet and shook off the initial fear reaction they decided to swap their camera to recording mode and began to record instead. When playing back the video they realized that these creatures were in fact moving albeit very slowly. Their long shadowy legs took slow purposeful steps, though it did appear that they had no goals nor did they seem to care or even be aware of "Siri"'s intrusion into their space. "Siri" took another step forward in the field and as they looked down within their hands was their standard issue Military Rifle, kitted exactly the way they had it set up at their base, though... they always had this with them did they not? They shook their head trying to remember exactly where the rifle came from, did they actually bring any of this with them, the camera, the side arm, even the backpack and... was I always wearing this uniform?

Nothing seemed to quite make sense in this world but one thing was starting to become more clear was that whatever was happening likely wasn't meant to be. As they brought the camera back to their eye to take yet another video allowing the rifle to drop using its sling to keep it secured to them they began to record, though as soon as they hit the button to do so, their vision went black once again, and they found themselves laying on the ground near their military base, wearing their standard issued military gear with the Rifle they had, as well as their backpack and side arm in their typical military fatigues. They were rapidly approached by a patrol of men who pointed their fire arms at them asking them to identify themselves immediately.

"Siri" was quickly escorted to a private room where they were questioned by the Military Police officers that she once commanded. They asked her some basic questions about where exactly she went and if she knew she was listed as AWOL, asking her simplistic questions like the date and time. All of which they were unable to answer properly except for things like "Who is the president of the United States" which they were able to accurately answer. Due to the strangeness and Ikaros not yet explaining fully what had happened to them, a senior officer was called in to speak with them, during the interview the Camera that "Siri" had was obtained and searched. Upon the search of this Camera it was instantly flagged to the SCP Foundation through anonymous channels.

An agent was soon dispatched to speak with "Siri" who explained the entire situation to the operative. After the explanations were over the Operative gave them two options, they could either forget everything that happened, or they could continue their work with the Foundation. The choice was quite easy for them as they had always wanted to hunt for the paranormal and now they were being told everything they believed was real and that they could now work with the team who was responsible for containing them. They immediately accepted the opportunity and became a member of the Foundations Internal Affairs team, though do to the nature of the emails and strange circumstances happening around them, they were monitored where it was determined that "Siri" appeared to be a sort of Semi-Unintentional Reality bender of sorts. This information was of course kept highly classified though "Siri" themselves were informed of it and were receiving proper guidance on how their abilities can be harnessed more efficiently and safely by the Foundation Thaumatology Department.

Though it was further determined that the abilities that "Siri" possessed were not quite the same as the Thaumatologists within the foundation, her abilities seem to be tied specifically towards her desire for adventure, and she doesn't seem to be able to fully control it. Because of her abilities though she actually became quite friendly with TG-B, despite this "Siri" always managed a professional separation from the entity as she herself didn't want to be labeled a threat to the foundation. Despite the unusual nature of allowing a reality bender to walk freely through the halls it did come with a stipulation. "Siri" was heavily monitored by the foundation when they were not working, they were supplied housing on site by the Foundation and were not allowed to leave without being on a mission. Though despite all of this they thrived in this new environment and worked their way up to a Foundation Ambassador of Internal Affairs along with this they managed to get a grasp on their powers. While she doesn't even come close to comparing to other reality benders like the Type Greens, she has demonstrated an ability to affect her own body clearing out minor toxins and the ability to resist minor Cognito hazards through a process she herself calls "Compartmentalizing".​


Site Administration Orders

Due to the nature of Operative "Siri's capabilities of reality manipulation she is to be kept under close watch by the foundation, and any deviations of her abilities or her loyalty to the Foundation is to be met with immediate and overwhelming force according to the nature of the situation. While she is currently an asset to the foundation any new abilities found are to be reported to Site Administration immediately. It is quite unusual for us to allow a blatantly obvious anomaly to work freely within the foundation, however her abilities are rather weak, and she hasn't posed any threat to the foundation. Though because of this the information of her being a reality bender should be restricted to CL4 only. While generally this information should be restricted to CL4 personal only it can be spread to CL3's (Especially Thaumatologists) if there is a situation that calls for it.

Operative Siri is to be kept away from Scranton Reality Anchors, as they appear to cause her discomfort which could spoil the fact that she is in fact a reality bender to personnel under the clearance level required to know it. This could also be used as an advantage for the foundation if Operative "Siri" was ever to become rogue and rebel against the foundation it's easy to shut her down with a Reality Anchor. While she is still capable of fighting, it does disorientate her, and it crushes her spirit to continue fighting.

While Siri is in fact a reality bender, she has been deemed not a threat to the foundation and instead she has proven to be a tremendous asset, despite this the supervision shall continue though she will be allowed to promote up to a CL4. Ambassador Siri to this current point in time has proven time and time again that she despised her old life and the idea of continuing to work within the foundation is what she sees as her primary objective. Fortunately, this position is an interior position anyways and keeps her well within reach of the foundation at all times, though due to her new rank and consistent showing of loyalty to the foundation she will be allowed limited leave of the foundation to investigate MTF groups who operate outside of her purview.

During "Siris" tenor in the facility its been noted that she has shifted dimensions multiple times now through portals that have appeared within the facility, each time she manages to come back while most or all other members of staff do not. During these trips she tends to give very short responses and testimonies to her journeys in these new lands. It is not believed that Siri is killing other operatives of the foundation, though it is believed that she is potentially hiding something about her journeys. Though some of her reports lead us to believe that she may have possibly visited [REDACTED]. These reports will continue to be investigated.

Operative Siri has been noted to be speaking with the B instance of our Type Greens. This is considered to be a threatening action by the foundation, and it needs to be investigated further and at this current point in time. Any time Siri is in the vicinity of the type greens she is to be under supervision by E-11 to ensure they are not trying to corrupt her against the foundation. While it isn't believed that Siri actually has any allegiances towards the type greens as she is not one herself, feelings of "Pity" or "Guilt" may arise from the actions of holding another that hold "SIMILAR" abilities to her.​

OOC Information

After speaking with the staff member who declined my last application for my characters back story, I discussed what exactly the issues were, and it appeared that comparing Siri to a low power Type Green was considered a level of power gaming. I have modified this to more clearly explain exactly what Siri is while still being cryptic about it. The entire point of the story is that no one knows how powerful Siri actually is, not even herself. What can be said however, is that in terms of gameplay she isn't a god. She doesn't act like a Thaum or a Type Green/Blue she can still be fear RP'ed and generally speaking can't create items out of thin air on purpose. Her reality bending seems to only be strongest when she is operating in different dimensions and it generally speaking alters her mental function to allow her calmness and the ability to not feel pain when she might generally do so. She is also able to use her ability to resist minor cognitohazards or brute force cognitohazards like ones that attempt to overwhelm her mind with information. I do understand the desire to keep a character balanced and fair, and once again from a game play perspective my character poses absolutely zero advantage, though they do stand to create unique and fun roleplay scenarios during events.​

PAC 3 Application

PAC Requesting Approval

PAC Requested (Which job):
Internal Affairs Operative/Agent/Ambassador (Plus all new IA roles coming up)
Steam ID:

Photograph of PAC:


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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Aug 20, 2023
+support, but it is a little bit weird that the character is a reality bender in other dimensions (i would assume this counts the 22245 dimension aswell)
She is always a reality bender, but the story is that her reality bending is specifically tied to her desire to explore the unknown. I am not the best writer, so trying to convey that subtly isn't easy lol.
Apr 13, 2024
Firstly i thought it was GSD
Then i thought it was ISD bc of the Cap
And then i see its an IA Model
And even if it has a lot of details about the story in the lore. people wont know the lore just by looking at your pac3

Sorry to say but its probably not gonna get accepted.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Aug 20, 2023
Firstly i thought it was GSD
Then i thought it was ISD bc of the Cap
And then i see its an IA Model
And even if it has a lot of details about the story in the lore. people wont know the lore just by looking at your pac3

Sorry to say but its probably not gonna get accepted.
You aren't in the loop on the goings on with IA; the new IA models are going to be quite similar. They have body armor listing them as ISD, and the new IA is going to be part of the ISD. Considering super admins have already given me their okay, I am not too worried about that part being approved this is mostly here to get my lore approved. The hat and body armor are literally from the new IA player model lol.


SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Aug 25, 2023

Lore/Pac Approved (On a condition)

Hello @Chii ,

Your PAC3/Lore Request has been approved.

Any changes to your Character Bio/PAC3 will have to go through the process of being accepted again, However, As stated you may not use this to powergame whatsoever, Furthermore Any sort of reality bending RP is to be done in conjunction with a GM only.

Kind regards, Revolutionary​
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