Content Suggestion Improve D-Block

Content Suggestions will be reviewed by Content Team weekly, please allow time as not everything can be reviewed at once.
Apr 8, 2023

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

My suggestion changes D-Block, the suggestion is to mainly just make D-block bigger and add new NPC's to D-block

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not sure

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Improved RP
- Better opportunity's for D-class

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- D-class might find hiding spots to avoid gunfire from GSD, Via catwalk.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

- Main reason for this to be approved is so that D-class can do more things instead of collecting scrap to obtain a knife and kill GSD.
- Another reason is it gives D-class more things to do while waiting for research personnel to test them.
- Finally it also can allow D-class to have more room instead of being so close together.
see, i was considering making a suggestion like this, but i didn't because i feel a large part of what needs to change about d-block is largely down to mapping and just reworking it with a focus on really just improving the new player experience with the aim of trying to improve retention while also coming up with ways to deal with the existing issues d-block has (primarily my gripes with 096 gameplay in the area that i've iterated across multiple suggestions in the past and got nowhere with them, because CT and I are diametrically opposed when it comes to 096)

...the problem there being that this being primarily a mapping thing, necessitates the involvement of the level design team.

and from my experience, while they're great, they're pretty eccentric (with very good reason - i feel that they are completely justified in their viewpoints and reasoning) and there's that

how do i explain

you know that thing with creatives where it's harder to design to spec than it is to just do stream of consciousness type stuff? that. like, the level design team do what they feel like, when they feel like it and honestly, just let them. they do amazing work. you can't rush art

but at the same time, d-block does need love. it's a weird dichotomy. real talk, we should have player moneypot bounties for mapping projects. i'm sure that would be appreciated
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