Accepted Increase punishments for severe tox, threats, etc.

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove?
Increase the punishment handouts for things such as:
  • Racism / Severe Toxicity
  • Inappropriate Conduct (Including pedophilic comments)
  • DDoS Threats
  • Cheating

I am going to leave the length of various bans, etc. up to SSL/NL as I think obviously there are different cases but from what I have observed with bans being given, etc. the minimums need to be increased and ideally permanent bans need to be given more often.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't think so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Less toxicity.
- Less people thinking "Oh well it's just a 3 day ban".
- More people taking the rules seriously which may lead to better interactions in-game.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- None.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?
I think this suggestion should be accepted because I have noticed that comparatively to most standards on other platforms, some of the things I've listed would result in permanent bans on those platforms. I've also noticed a trend of people just getting unbanned, and coming back and doing the exact same thing; more than likely because the punishment they received just didn't phase them. I think honestly if we were to increase the punishments, we could decrease the amount of toxicity on the server especially with the offenses I've listed being punishmed more severely.

I have plenty of examples that I'd love to bring up to SSL/NL when this suggestion gets reviewed; just feel free to DM me on Discord!
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Racism should be a perma ban, three days isn't enough for someone to learn it isn't okay.
Also any jokes about being a "pedophile" should be an immediate blacklist. I've literally seen people say the most disgusting things towards minors and it only being a one week ban for "ERP" is not going to change how those players act.
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we live in a s
we live in a somciety where if i say "i fw the O5" nobody bats an eye
but when i say "i fw A1 O1 Alpha Warhead SCP 008 is a Zombie Virus which O5-1 authed Mass Termination of D-Class to prevent the spread of" everybody loses their minmds
View attachment 15871
  • Haha
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- Support, but only due to the section regarding MRDM.

I think lumping MRDM in here is a huge mistake and that's because of one huge reason: You can MRDM without being a bad person.

You can't be extremely toxic, or threat someone, without being an ass. You can't make jokes about serious problems that endangers people without being an ass.

You don't have to be an ass of a person to run around D-Block shanking people while screwing around on a Saturday getting home from your 9 to 5. There are genuinely a lot of people on the server who have MRDMd in the past, took it on the chin when they came back, and had a great time and became members of the community.
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Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
Inappropriate Conduct (Including pedophilic comments)
If i am not mistaken saying any type of "pedophilic comments" is an perma ban due it being an sensitive situation
also +support
the mass rdm thing idk if the person is like level 30+ and mass rdm's schould get an longer ban just not new player with like level 1
If i am not mistaken saying any type of "pedophilic comments" is an perma ban due it being an sensitive situation
also +support
the mass rdm thing idk if the person is like level 30+ and mass rdm's schould get an longer ban just not new player with like level 1

This is not true. I've reported people for pedophilic comments and they got a 1 week ban.
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