Accepted Increase punishments for severe tox, threats, etc.

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Nov 26, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove?
Increase the punishment handouts for things such as:
  • Racism / Severe Toxicity
  • Inappropriate Conduct (Including pedophilic comments)
  • DDoS Threats
  • Cheating

I am going to leave the length of various bans, etc. up to SSL/NL as I think obviously there are different cases but from what I have observed with bans being given, etc. the minimums need to be increased and ideally permanent bans need to be given more often.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't think so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Less toxicity.
- Less people thinking "Oh well it's just a 3 day ban".
- More people taking the rules seriously which may lead to better interactions in-game.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- None.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?
I think this suggestion should be accepted because I have noticed that comparatively to most standards on other platforms, some of the things I've listed would result in permanent bans on those platforms. I've also noticed a trend of people just getting unbanned, and coming back and doing the exact same thing; more than likely because the punishment they received just didn't phase them. I think honestly if we were to increase the punishments, we could decrease the amount of toxicity on the server especially with the offenses I've listed being punishmed more severely.

I have plenty of examples that I'd love to bring up to SSL/NL when this suggestion gets reviewed; just feel free to DM me on Discord!
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I feel Civil Networks are a bit too lenient with people when it comes to dealing with general mingery. We have had people repeatedly get banned and then come back and repeat the cycle over again, as well as people who got perma-banned only to appeal it and come back.

There comes a point, where severe problems need to be permanently removed from the community, as they do more harm then good.

I feel Civil Networks are a bit too lenient with people when it comes to dealing with general mingery. We have had people repeatedly get banned and then come back and repeat the cycle over again, as well as people who got perma-banned only to appeal it and come back.

There comes a point, where severe problems need to be permanently removed from the community, as they do more harm then good.

There are people on this server who have 50+ warns. I remember just recently they perma banned someone who had over 100+ warns.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

Good Afternoon Recker,

Thank you for taking the time to write out this suggestion, after further deliberation with the NL team we have increased some of our punishments that we deem fit in the punishment guidelines.

We have done the following;
  • White offences now expire after 3 months and not 1.​
  • RDM - Increased punishments from Class A to Class D punishments.​
  • ERP - Has now been moved to an orange offence (expires after 6 months) and the punishment values increased, furthermore improved the description for the staff guidelines.​
  • Severe Toxicity - Improved the description of Severe Toxicity for the guidelines for staff and increased the Class A punishment.​
  • Macros / Scripts - Improved the description for staff guidelines​
Thank you again for making the suggestion and have a wonderful day.

Kind Regards
Network Leadership​
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