Denied Increase the respawn time of GENSEC

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jul 19, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
increase the respawn time of gensec

Possible Positives of the suggestion
-Gensec can't NLR anymore
-give D-class a breathing time and don't have to kill the same gensec that was killed 5 seconds ago

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-People that play gensec would complain that they can't NLR anymore

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
gensec dailly breaks NLR and people cant tell if the same guy came back is that you don't know who you exactly killed cause it doesn't tell you so if they come back idk if i killed or not and causes gensec that break Failrp and say in come theres a escaped d class some where it gets harder for the D class when they finally control D block the gense that they killed 5 second ago came back in an instant and kill all D class and its not fun so add more time to their Respawn cause they keep coming back last i had take care of the same gensec 5 TIMES so please ADD MORE TIME TO THEIR RESPAWN
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Jul 19, 2023
Gensec have no other duties other than D-block or escorting reaserchers when they die they go back to their primary area which is D-block. Until a gensec rework happens D-block is gensec main POI
I know that but i had to deal with dumbass nlr breaking idiots a dude killed me thinking i still had a gun after i killed him even tho i died right after


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021
- Support

GENSEC already have to spawn in Security Sector to then run all the way back to D-block which takes around 2 minutes

I fail to see how increasing the timer would change any chance of rule breaking if someone is going to NLR they are going to NLR regardless if they spawn a few seconds later. Gensec Change suggestions also act like D-Class follow they're intended gameloop of actually escaping instead of running around disguised with easy to use weapons to kill people for no actual RP reason.
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