Accepted Increase vitronectin damage resistance from 15% (0.85x).

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion presents the changes that could be potentially made to Vitronectin (along with some other unlisted ones I wanted to suggest) in order to re-balance it to a stronger, less-resistant version of the previous Dynamic Damage Resistance (DDR) 008 Blood. I aim to make this suggestion solely for this chemical to be utilized more, and for it to be stronger and not as useless and overly-expensive as it currently is. It could have far more potential than just "god" drugs!

⇉ How do I propose this
My suggestion here to rework this chemical is to change the following on it's data values, in order to make it stronger but also have debuff perks that come with it, so as to prevent abuse or combinations using the chemical that could have a strong effect against damage, therefore turning it into a "god" drug which is unhealthy to play against.

1 - Increase it's damage resistance value from 0.85x (15%) to 0.70 or 0.65 (30% or 35%), this would give it a slightly better perk of "resistance" against damage dealt by other players. Vitronectin is commonly used against player-based damage intake and not natural damage intake like explosions or chemicals, so it would only make sense to increase it to allow for a stronger, more useful chemical to be used to fight against large-groups of hostiles or against strong weapons like energy weapons.
2 - Add a debuff like 20% slowness given to the player, or allow it to be stacked under cortico only so that it cannot be lengthened by twice it's duration off of corticosteroids. This will prevent abuse, and also reduce it's potential for an effective "god" chem which would therefore make it just a base combat chem used to fight off energy weapons or large-groups of hostiles as I mentionned previously.
3 - Either do the following to make it less "rare" and more obtainable (A), or increasingly difficult to create (B).

A - Increase the yield from
9.9ml per vial to 15.9ml~ of it's recipe combined into a centrifuge
B - Decrease the yield from
9.9ml to 5 - 4ml~ but turn the combation recipe into a method that can be done with a bunsen burner, or vacuum.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I do not believe so no. The closest thing here is reworks on 008 blood and god chemicals (already performed), so this would be invalid. There were mentions of it here however it doesn't relate to a suggestion at all and is just a comment so, whatever.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
The chemical could be used a lot more often in combative situations in order to repel boring and overpowered enemies and strategies like kill-funnel holds, juggernauts, TYPE-BLUE fighters and so on. It could also be made to serve more into research against SCP x human tests (i.e 076 vs a Class-D with a sword while he's on buffed vitro, imagine that!).
Two: Less of a hassle to create a new chemical intended to be used by the playerbase, it would be more open and friendly to large-faction chemist divisions who wish to create it for their own interests. It would be used more often, and add a new loop of strategies for combat against those who use this chemical in an orderly or smart method.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
This chemical could be heavily relied on by certain factions, and therefore abused; if this were to be the case, stronger weapons would be needed on a daily-basis and would not make a healthy balance. Although this cannot happen as the chemical would be too expensive (008) and wouldn't be made on a daily-basis due to server circumstances for 008 sampling not being avaliable everyday.
Two: The chemical could be underused even if changes were applied, it is almost never used by the playerbase as far as I can observe and even hear - this would be kind of underwhelming for CT to observe so I lay my prayers to this suggestion's verdict if they do think this is a possibility; however for now, I do not believe this will happen, but that the complete opposite will occur, and this chemical will get more popular and more used by factions if it is given a rework/slight buff and debuff list.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe some players will disagree; however I just want to bring attention and suggest change to this, - I heavily consider the fact that there is a chemical that is underused, and rarely ever looked at when it could have so much opportunity even without buffs. This just isn't enough however, if it were to be given a buff and debuff perks, so as to give it a balance and make sure it is healthy to fight against, I believe it would be used way more by faction chemist divisions and Foundation Research to enhance player-combat, roleplay and tests. I don't think it will be "overused" or spike majorly in popularity or research, but I believe it will affect the chemical itself enough to clear the dust from it's surface and rise it up to the surface once more like how 008 blood previously was - though it was pretty overpowered and underbalanced before.

This is my first ever suggestion, feel free to give me feedback if you want; I just made this because I didn't know where else I should take it to apart from suggestions. They open very rarely, and usually last for a while before shutting down for a long time, so this was my shot.


Game Master
Game Master
Oct 16, 2024

it takes at MINIMUM to even start making it a BCOM+ to auth to steal which takes a lot of effort and time and planning. or a Exec Researcher auth with supervision which is a whitelisted position for the ability to tank 1 or 2 more bullets. Then on top of that it takes a liquid anima to make which like its 10k at the minimum for a liter and it requires both the surface scps to get. All this work for that. For the time it took you to make this, you could of made class F and just sold that for 100k.


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 5, 2024
Suggestion Approved

Hi Skinner, Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

We will be moving forwards with increasing Vitronectin's Damage Resistance value.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.​
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