Insulin's ECM Application

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Apr 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85170969
Discord name: Foxatron
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Years
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST
Character name(s):”sly fox” ‘Insulin’
Civilian name: 'Jack'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Ethics Assistant
  • Chief of Security
  • Security Captain
  • O1 Commander
  • CI Commander
  • Medical Consultant
  • IA Ambassador
  • Ethics Member
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 warning for body blocking
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member. Since I joined the civil gamers SCP server it has been my aspiration to join the Ethics Committee from the very start , which is partially the main reason that I joined O1. Since being in O1 I have kept a keen focus on maintaining the regiment to a high standard, as well as training others to be able to do the same, which in part has been down to my prior experience as ECM, but also so I can create a high level quality of RP which I intend to further enforce and produce in the position.

I really enjoy the administration side of things like department reviews ( having an irl career in business administration). Which I have demonstrated via internal O1 documentation, and my participation in the Site Command rework, which is still in place within the server. This helps show I have a key understanding of the role and its requirements, and how to act, what I am able to do and generally push forward the face of the committee that works well with what is expected, which then allows me to have a lot of fun doing these kinds of tasks.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee? :
I personally believe I am the most suitable candidate due to my documentation and administrative skill I have demonstrated with prior documentation during my original tenure on the server which can be referenced by my prior application, and since producing internal documentation for Omega-1 that the committee can request, such as my TLB handbooks, guidelines and training documentation. As well, this is a skill I demonstrate in my day-to-day life.

When I first came to the server, I enjoyed the policies implemented and found them intriguing. I read the now historic Code of Ethics out of curiosity and for fun. Now, I view the foundation legal codex, one of the committee’s most important tools in the same light. I find it entirely interesting how you can define something in character for people to follow for the betterment of Roleplay.

I am able to keep a level head and separate OOC and IC issues. I am someone who has been historically turned to for advice regarding a multitude of situations, whether staff, or general in-character based questions, I have a history of keeping them to the game even in disagreements. This skill helps me as a member of staff, but also within roleplay in my high ranking positions where I have performed well, and always admitted fault where it is due. Most importantly, I keep calm in these situations, ensuring that all participating feel heard, and all are able to come across correctly or know when escalation is appropriate.

I have performed many roles in this community and within this specific server , I am the perfect leader because I don’t expect anyone to be perfect but I take upon myself to mentor people and get the best possible results out of them. I have mentored a lot of people within this server and they have grown into amazing leaders because in my personal opinion I believe my teaching methods go unmatched in learning how people prefer to work and getting the best out of them in every aspect.

An example of this is when I was offered to take over CI for a brief time of I believe 2 months as there was issues in regards to the population of CI not performing roleplay as expected , I went into a hostile environment with the right attitude , I was there to fix something and the overall attitude and RP of CI was improved; communication with DEA and NU7 was on the rise and they gained ability to obtain unique RP ideas such as attempting to domestic 939 whilst not teaming of course. I implemented new policies and procedures within CI to make the quality of RP more sustainable thus reducing the risk of boredom because a lot of departments / factions drop in activity at some point and is 99% of the time due to players being bored or the effort of a department leader being non-existent.

My 2nd example of this is Omega-1. Omega-1 has always been my place on this server which is why as i’m sure many notice I have left it then returned a total of 3 or 4 times , when I first joined in summer 2022 it was quite frankly dead and I worked very hard to build that regiment to what it was and find a suitable commander to replace me for all the work I was doing to build and maintain it as an ECM, Omega-1 will always be my greatest accomplishment because after I had finished all of the work within Omega-1 that I planned to it ran like clockwork ; all of the document within omega-1 was done by myself with the exception of 1 Trello board that is used. I can provide examples on all of my previous paper work in my interview but do not wish to leave documentation here obviously; and I say with pride that I have had the pleasure of training a large majority of CO’s within Omega-1 and they perform beautifully.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
The main responsibility for the Ethics Committee is to of course maintain the FLC in-part and maintain it throughout the facility whilst using O1 to help them do so. They will take on the responsibility of doing departmental Ethics reviews on every department with the exception of SA and give that department a rating based on their performance in regard to ethics. They are also responsible for approving research tests for researchers that want to use more than 4 Class-D personnel on an SCP as well as: cross testing of any SCPs , human testing on SCP 914 and testing on SCP 008 . In addition to this they would be responsible in approving documents relating to them , so for example if someone did a test on 008 they would then have to read the research that had taken place then approve/decline it. Also, They would need to give orders to O1 with tasks to complete throughout the day only in regards to ethics not to maintain the regiment and with help from O1 prosecutors (of which I am a squadron leader) of which you need a perfect understanding of the FLC they would be the Judge by assessing all the evidence and the witnesses from the events, for the tribunal to decide whether CL4 personnel kept their positions within the foundation. Since I am hoping to return to the committee I do realise that there are new systems in place and new responsibilities ; in the most respectful way I know and understand everything single one of these responsibilities as part of the SC guidelines ( which I did write) such as : Using assistants for tribunals and other tasks , notifying O5 when a member of CL4 breach the FLC that they cover as it would be rude to over-step , managing the internal affairs directors , involving assistants with liaisons, conducting audits, creating a interesting and enjoyable roleplay for the server and including the other side of site-command , conducting meetings on changes we wish to make to the FLC , management of site crisis after SA have failed or aren't available to do so , using code black / the warhead to reset RP following the guidelines for that and ensuring ethical & humane treatment of D-class material.

Finally, an ethics member can decide whether or not a lecture is to take place , they can authorise a mass termination of D-class which would only ever happen in extreme circumstances , as well as activating a code-black and setting off the nuke for the facility which again would only ever be a very last resort.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

As a member of the Ethics Committee , you are responsible for acting as a liaison with all departments on the server if they need help with anything you should be there to offer it but never forcing it. You are required to be monitoring and overseeing everything that you see happening on the server because as roleplay leader it is vital that you take it upon yourself to keep updated on all policies and processes that are taking place , it is not the responsibilities of department leaders to be doing so nor should you act that way.

In addition to this you are expected to liaise with your fellow committee members on Ethics Assistant applications and discuss whether or not that applicant will be a well suited person for a role as it has a direct reflection onto the committee.

As well, it is our responsibility to ensure that policies stay up to date, especially the foundation legal codex, and we contact the O5 council for changes we wish to recommend, or implementation of new FLC charges as a whole.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Title: The Ethical Conundrum

Chapter 1: The Call to Duty

Dr. Elizabeth Dawson, a respected psychologist, had always been fascinated by the unknown. When she received an unexpected invitation to join the Ethics Committee of the SCP Foundation, she couldn't resist the opportunity. Little did she know the moral labyrinth she was about to enter.

Chapter 2: The First Test
As a new member, Elizabeth's first task was to review SCP-173, a statue that could only move when not observed. The Foundation's containment procedures seemed effective, but they involved leaving D-Class personnel alone with the statue. Elizabeth couldn't help but question the ethics of using human lives as bait. She raised her concerns with her colleagues, sparking heated debates. Her idealistic nature clashed with the pragmatic attitudes of her peers.

Chapter 3: The Price of Safety
Elizabeth's next assignment was SCP-682, a highly intelligent and dangerous reptile. The Foundation's primary objective was to contain, but Elizabeth questioned the ethics of keeping it alive. The creature had caused numerous casualties, yet terminating SCP-682 went against the Foundation's principles. Elizabeth found herself torn between the need for safety and the desire to end the suffering caused by the anomaly.

Chapter 4: The Human Element
Assigned to review SCP-231, Elizabeth faced her most challenging task yet. The containment procedures involved the periodic "termination" of a pregnant woman, supposedly to prevent a catastrophic event. The Foundation justified it as a necessary evil to protect humanity, but Elizabeth couldn't accept such a callous disregard for human life. She began a personal investigation, seeking alternative solutions that would save both the woman and the world.

Chapter 5: A Desperate Solution
Elizabeth's investigations led her to a hidden group within the Foundation, working to find an alternative to the cruel procedures. They had discovered a ritual that could potentially seal SCP-231 without sacrificing lives. Elizabeth faced a moral dilemma; she had to decide whether to risk everything to save innocent lives or maintain the Foundation's secrecy and allow the atrocities to continue. The path she chose would have far-reaching consequences.

Chapter 6: A Ripple in the System
Elizabeth confronted the Ethics Committee with her findings. Some members were outraged by her actions, viewing her as a traitor to the cause. Others were sympathetic but feared the Foundation's retribution. Elizabeth's idealism clashed with the practical realities of the Foundation's mission. She realized that change would not come easily, but she couldn't turn her back on her principles.

Chapter 7: A New Perspective
Elizabeth's actions caused a ripple effect within the Foundation. Rumors spread, and dissent grew among the ranks. Some saw her as a beacon of hope, while others saw her as a threat to the status quo. Elizabeth's determination to challenge the Foundation's practices and push for a more ethical approach inspired others to question their own beliefs.

Chapter 8: The Consequences
The Foundation responded swiftly, branding Elizabeth a rogue agent and initiating a manhunt. She became a fugitive, forced to live in the shadows, always on the run. But Elizabeth knew she had done the right thing, even if it meant sacrificing her own career and safety. The choices she made and the lives she saved outweighed the personal cost.

Chapter 9: A Legacy of Change
Although Elizabeth's actions had consequences, her efforts were not in vain. Her defiance sparked a movement within the Foundation, leading to internal debates and reforms. The Ethics Committee, now under scrutiny, began to reevaluate its practices, striving for a more compassionate approach to containment.

Epilogue: The Journey Continues
Elizabeth's story became a legend whispered among Foundation personnel. Her actions inspired others to question the moral complexities of their work. The Foundation had learned that the pursuit of knowledge and safety should never come at the expense of basic human decency. Elizabeth's journey taught them that ethics and containment could coexist, challenging the Foundation to uphold its principles and protect both humanity and the anomalies it contained.
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Apr 1, 2023
MASSIVE +Support

Ever since I joined O1, Fox has been a huge supporter, supporting and helping most of O1. If not all, he has been mentoring me and other COs. He has also been running 2 squadrons. His dedication to the server and O1 cannot be denied. He makes sure everyone is having fun on the role while making sure he is teaching other people. He would never ignore anyone and make sure to answer any question that comes his way. He has also been making sure O1 has operations and RP to do. While not being on the game, he makes sure documentation for O1 is up to date and shows great initiative.
- Support / +/- Support

Before I go into the negatives in which I've found within this application I'd like to first of all mention that I do believe you are a highly competent individual in which has within the past shown great leadership skills and I have for the most part had good interactions with you. However, there are three main concerns in which I'd like to mention in regards to this. First being that your activity and lack of initiation of RP within the site has been minimal to none, I have not seen you within the server yet had any interactions with you within the last 3 weeks. This would be a priority when it comes to what could be future activity as a roleplay leader. Secondly I would like to mention that you have clearly copied segments of your application from your previous ECM Applications and that worries me in terms of your actually commitment towards this position and how much effort you have taken in making this application. Thirdly, I'd like to mention that the lore involved is extremely minimal and I'd suggest reworking and putting some more time into this as this would be key to what could be your character.

Regardless of what has been mentioned,
Good Luck

Your Previous Application

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  • Like
Reactions: Grong
Massive +Support
-Foxatron is probably one of the most dedicated players on the server whilst he may not be seen 100% on the server he works alot in the background with Omega-1
-Great App
-Excellent Leadership Abilities
-Extremely Friendly and never thinks twice about helping someone
-Alot of CL4 Experience aswell as Ex ECM
-Well known on site
-Already known in Ethics and Omega-1 so wouldn't be entering new territory

-Would be a shame if you left Omega-1

You have Sweden's Support Buddy!

When it comes to Professionalism and Getting the job done, Foxatron shines the most for his Dedication to O1 is very Remarkable and Inspiring,

He has held this previous position before and has a large wealth of Experience regarding this business.

He is well known by everyone and most associated with the Ethics side of things so to see him as an ECM is not too far fetched.

He's a Great and respected friend and he has an Excellent looking App here!

Although he has to increase his activity a tad more
-/+ Support

You definitely have the experience and you are more than capable, however I dont think you are really fit at this time. Personally I dont really see you on site at all and because of that, I haven’t seen you engage in major events. Regardless, if you increase your activity I will change this to a +Support

Good luck on your verdict

James Overscott

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 10, 2021
+/- Neutral, leaning towards -Support

You have held this position before, so it's clear to me that you know what the position is about and how to perform said duties.

That being said, you have clearly copied large parts of this application from your previous application. While you have updated certain parts of it to make it more applicable now, I do feel like this application follows the pattern of "Old application, plus maybe a paragraph at the end of each section". I think it's fine to reuse parts of an old application, but I would expect that changes be made to it as to make it more unique and better than it originally was. I don't believe adding an extra paragraph is making this application more "unique", and I believe there are still improvements to be done.

As I am one of the DoRs, I figured I'd correct a couple things mentioned in your application related to approving ScD tests: Researchers can test with a maximum of 3 D-Class before needing EC approval, not 4, and human testing on SCP-914 is DoR approval, not EC approval.

I have seen you in-game, however I am uncertain how recent that was. I would like to second @Biscuits 's request and ask to see your vtime of this month.

I have yet to see you initiate / engage in any major RP. I know you're currently holding O-1 MAJ, so maybe it's just that it's difficult to initiate RP for those outside your regiment? Can't speak much for that.

Should your vtime be great, I may change my verdict.

Best of luck!
Aug 5, 2022
good leader
good interactions
good knowleadge of Ethics
Captain Gensec

096 whitelist
Senior agent
May 3, 2022
+Support all around.

Since I have started playing on this server over year and a half a go, Fox has been there performing professionally and at his peak ever since the days of Gensec.

He'd often reach out to me and see if I was interested in ISD, even when I replied "later" he'd always reach out a few months after to check-in. Throughout my time going through different departments and regiments, Fox has always been maintaining high standards of a foundation personnel that everyone else should look up to - especially in Omega-1.

I have no doubt in my mind that he will make a brilliant addition to ECM should be be accepted.
- Support 10/12

I wouldn't say it would be a great fit from what I've seen from Fox he can be very argumentative and rather rude at some points, I am not saying that he is bad at roleplay he would be a great leader or commander though I do believe that as ECM he could have too much power and not think before he does actions, such as (10/12) and so on. If Fox is able to get this position I do not think he will stay professional for long.

About your application, I would unfortunately say that it looks rather rushed. I would like to see more in the lore part and some more time put into it.

No hard feelings.
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