Steam ID: 76561198865624806
Discord name: dedrockey555
For how long have you played on CG SCP: my online time is over 90 hours on server if im not mistaken
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Latvia
Time zone: EEST (GMT) +2h
Character name(s): johanson harbour
Civilian name: michael mayers
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: unfortunately dont have any
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: i have one warning for FailRP when i started the server cause i was escaping the facility as an jr.researcher i may note i was about only 5-6 hours in and did not know it counted as failrp at the time
Why are you applying for intelligence ambassador ? id like to help out more the facility cause as an intelligence agent theres not too much to do if there are no leaked classified information or intruders, aswell durkng scp breches ensuring safety of other staff members like researchers by closing blastproof doors, aprooving intelligence agent papers, helping new agents how to interrogate/ write papers and mostly steping up my rp experience and others by helping out in the facility as staff. aswell in bad situations gather the agency and help as much as possible to facility.
What makes you suitable for intelligence ambassador?: i have enjoyed my experience as an agent and i know how to do things properly as an agent or mostly any other staff in the facility, i have many hour experience of being an intelligence agnet and most of all its my favorite job to do. aswell i try so any documents i wrote in any job is not lower than average.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? im not fully sure how much i have written and excellent counts as professionally made documentation and with some extra noted information that is genuinely useful or adds great to the document.
What are the responsibilities of the intelligence ambassadors in rp? intelligence ambassadors are responsible of information safety so the ci or any outsider is capable of receiving any information of the facility or its files, ambassadors ensure if intelligence agents are working properly and if something is missing in theyre work they help them sort things out.
Please give some lore about your intelligence ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
intelligence ambassadors are intelligence staff that ensure the intelligence agency staff proper work so the director dont have to deal with it, aswell as paperwork of interrogations and any incident reports. intelligence agency mostly is an admission staff team that ensures the safety of facility documents and its privacy against any outside information of the facility.
Discord name: dedrockey555
For how long have you played on CG SCP: my online time is over 90 hours on server if im not mistaken
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Latvia
Time zone: EEST (GMT) +2h
Character name(s): johanson harbour
Civilian name: michael mayers
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: unfortunately dont have any
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: i have one warning for FailRP when i started the server cause i was escaping the facility as an jr.researcher i may note i was about only 5-6 hours in and did not know it counted as failrp at the time
Why are you applying for intelligence ambassador ? id like to help out more the facility cause as an intelligence agent theres not too much to do if there are no leaked classified information or intruders, aswell durkng scp breches ensuring safety of other staff members like researchers by closing blastproof doors, aprooving intelligence agent papers, helping new agents how to interrogate/ write papers and mostly steping up my rp experience and others by helping out in the facility as staff. aswell in bad situations gather the agency and help as much as possible to facility.
What makes you suitable for intelligence ambassador?: i have enjoyed my experience as an agent and i know how to do things properly as an agent or mostly any other staff in the facility, i have many hour experience of being an intelligence agnet and most of all its my favorite job to do. aswell i try so any documents i wrote in any job is not lower than average.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? im not fully sure how much i have written and excellent counts as professionally made documentation and with some extra noted information that is genuinely useful or adds great to the document.
What are the responsibilities of the intelligence ambassadors in rp? intelligence ambassadors are responsible of information safety so the ci or any outsider is capable of receiving any information of the facility or its files, ambassadors ensure if intelligence agents are working properly and if something is missing in theyre work they help them sort things out.
Please give some lore about your intelligence ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
intelligence ambassadors are intelligence staff that ensure the intelligence agency staff proper work so the director dont have to deal with it, aswell as paperwork of interrogations and any incident reports. intelligence agency mostly is an admission staff team that ensures the safety of facility documents and its privacy against any outside information of the facility.