Internal Affairs Ambassador Application [Mire "Locust" Oren USA]

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Active member
Jun 12, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:596613212
Discord name: NeoAltra#331
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 Days and 40+ minutes
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: MDT
Character name(s): Mire "Locust" Oren
Civilian name: Anton Marivaldi
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I am Nu-7 LCPL and CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have one warn for Fail RP and RDM. I was playing 860 and left the forest, killing a gensec and a researcher. I was not aware at the time that I was not allowed out as someone had told me you could leave it. I was banned from Site Affairs yesterday for accidentally killing someone with a Spas-12. Asked a gensec officer if I could test my weapon and tried to shoot him in the chest. I have been having hand spasms sometimes and my mouse is frustratingly sensitive to movement, so the cursor went too far up and it hit him in the head. I was banned for 3 hours.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
- I believe it will show more people that they can ask me for help and it will show that I can handle responsibilities in more than one area of the game. I have enjoyed playing Internal, and believe that this is the next step towards showing that I can be a pillar of this community like some others.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
- I am not afraid of admitting I make mistakes and like to fix them when they happen. I also have seen a lot of issues with some parts of the staff here at the facility (Not admins or moderators) and I know that this will help me start to fix those issues faster. I also like to help people, and this will show others at Internal that they can ask me for help if they need it.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I have not written documents so far, as I have only handled about 3 cases where they were necessary, but did not have the time to do them. Every time something has happened where the punishment is big enough, I have let others know what happened but it always happens to me at the worst times. A good document is in depth and fast to read. It doesn't need to be long, but it needs to be comprehendible. You want the reader to understand the situation as fast as they can and as much as they can.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
- Ambassadors handle the higher tier investigations and will be the person who acts as the bridge between Internal and others parts of the Facility as needed. When the Director of Internal needs something done, they go to their ambassadors.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: Mire Oren was born on a farm in Missouri. He started working with his 3 siblings at the age of 8, and in an effort to prove himself, he became the hardest worker there. 4 years later, a swarm of locusts, numbering in the ten thousands, came to his farm. Instead of going for the vegetation, they went for his family. Mire saw a figure standing among them, later learning this was an SCP controlling them. After the swarm finished his family, it surrounded him, and the figure told him, "I leave you here as a monument to my strength, to tell the world what I am and how strong I can be." It left shortly after, walking in the direction of the closest farm to the Oren family's. Hours later, the Foundation arrived, and a lone researcher, brought along to document it all, helped to comfort Mire. This researcher would go on to raise him at the Foundation, explaining the secrets they kept from the world and training him in an effort to make him stronger than he ever would've been. Mire decided to take the code name Locust, as a reminder of what he had experienced and what he works for. Oren now works as an Internal Affairs member, striving to protect his new family as he searches for the SCP that killed his family.
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"Dirty" Dan

Active member
May 16, 2022
+ Support
+ Active
+ Good Knowledge

Good work on the application, I can see you put good thought into what you wrote. Keep up the good work around IA and the foundation. I like what I see, I approve. Of course I am not the final deciding personnel. Good job.

- IA Ambassador "Dirty" Dan
- O-1 LT "Dirty" Dan
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Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022
I like it a lot and I know your character and how much you love to help anyone in need you would be a good fit for the position!
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Well-known Member
May 24, 2022
+ Support
+ Great knowledge of the site.
+ Dedication to the job is fantastic.
+ Easy to speak with and discuss issues with.

I'd love to see this man rise up the ranks. I've personally had experience with this man as a Researcher and as an Agent and his skills when it comes to his job are a step above most of the Agents I see moving around the site these days.

This is your guy, Dalton.
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Reactions: NeoAltra
The 1.png
Application Accepted

Good Evening Agent Mire,

Congratulations, you have passed the IA ambassador test and have received a significant amount of support from my current ambassadors and other foundation personnel, your dedication to our department hasn't gone unnoticed! We are glad to have you as a member of the ambassador team.

Best wishes,
Director Dalton Bruno
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