Internal affairs ambassador application [UK]

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John the "professional"

Well-known Member
May 8, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:536873706
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP: one year
In what country are you located?:North America
Time zone: central
Character name(s): John
Civilian name: Jack
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI (held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: i have three bans and five warnings three of them for rdm and fail which they are all expired
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador? i have been playing is IA on the server for a while and i feel that i need to advance for more serious roleplay
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: i am Complient, i have good leadership skills, i work well with others and i have a lot of experience as a IA ambassador
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: i have written a couple one of them was a murder report and the others were misuse of chemicals and abduction, a document is good based on details and information, if a document is sloppy and does not have many details or information then it can be harder to picture what happened this is why it's important to add every detail to make sure the even was recorded was recorded sufficiently.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: the responsibility of an ambassador is to make sure lower ranking IA agents are doing their job correctly and supervising and also handle situations which an IA agent is too inexperienced to handle and guide them through it and help them along the way
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: John Carver was born on June 5th. 1985 and went to school to study criminal justice. after school he managed to land a job as a detective in Oklahoma police department, over the course of a year is colleges and superiors were impressed by Johns analyzation skills and work ethic,4 years later john was promoted to lieutenant since he was only 26 at the time john was the youngest person to become a lieutenant but john wanted more, he wanted to solve bigger problems this lead john to eventually join the FBI at 28 years old, over the course of years the FBI director was impressed with Johns skills, the director knew he had potential, the director was considering inviting John to the scp foundation to work as a internal affairs agent with some hesitation the director called john to the office and told john to have a sit the director then told him "john, I have a new job opportunity for you, but before i tell you this... YOU are not allowed to talk about anything we are going to discuss about this is highly classified information and i can't have anyone know about this, i talked with some people and they want you to join the scp secret foundation. John was confused and didn't know what the SCP foundation was he gulps and says "sir... what's the SCP foundation" the director says "well john its foundation that specializes in containing and researching these creatures called SCP, now I don't know too much about it as its highly classified. but they are looking for new internal affair agents, and I think you are the most qualified person here now I must warn, this is a very dangerous job and there is a chance you may die on the job if something goes wrong" john hesitates and thinks but john accepts the offer to join the SCP foundation. a month ran by and john received a letter in the mail it was a message from the SCP foundation, it showed the coordinates of where he needed to go, he got in his car and drove out to the location , he was greeted by a mysterious man in a black suit and behind up was a gated military base the mysterious man says "follow me" john gulps and follows the man into the foundation and heads down an elevator the man hands john a book he said "in this book is everything you need to know about the foundation" the elevator stops and the man walks away, john confused walks off the elevator and walks to light containment zone he is then greeted by the director of internal affairs and is welcomed into the foundation, john follows him walking past all the security guards and researches around the area, they eventually get to the director's office and they have a seat, the director says "well john the director of the FBI told be you were the best suited for this job do you think you can handle it" "yes sir" john says "good" the director says and he handed john with equipment "ok john this is your equipment there a radio a gun and some handcuffs if you need any help come to me or an ambassador" john nods his head and walks away, later comes by and greets john she says "you must be the new agent around here nice to meet you I'm going to show you to your dorm" john follows the lady and they reach the dorm the lady walks away and john checks out his room, it was rather small but cozy john then hears his radio go off, he couldn't fully understand what they were saying because the radio was staticky but they were saying something about 939 and they were saying it was breached john did not know what 939 was but he heard screams and hurried into light containment zone he was horrified with what he saw, there was blood and body's everywhere all of them had deep lacerations and cuts just then john hears heavy breathing from around the corner john hides in a nearby closet trying his best not to make any noise but he accidentally knocks down a bottle of bleach and the creature hears him, he rushes out the closet and makes a run for it but the creature eventually caught up to him, it slashed johns face with its razor sharp claws and knocked him to the ground, john tried to crawl away but the creature kept getting closer and closer john for sure thought he was done for but out of nowhere a group of armed men dressed in blue uniforms shot the creature until it ran away the men picked me up and dragged me to a nearby med bay and got him to safety. john woke up in a hospital bed confused he looked in a mirror saw his face had huge cuts and stiches for a second he forgot about what happened and it hit him, he remembered all the horrible screams and blood everywhere and that thing that attacked him, from that day forward John was never the same but it also dedicated him to make sure the foundation is as safe and secure as possible from then on.

Application Denied

Good day, Agent John

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with the ambassador team, we concluded that you are currently not qualified for the position.

(You've barely been seen on site as Internal Affairs by any Director or Ambassador in the last week. We would like to see you as an agent more often, especially when there are other ambassadors and/or a director on site so they can keep an eye on your performance. Please come talk to me or any ambassador and we'll be more than glad to assign you tasks to see how you perform.)

If you want further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the ambassadors. Do not let this discourage you from reapplying in the future.

You may re-apply in two weeks.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Tim Drake
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