Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 22, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:191875664
Discord name: GingahBread
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1d 14h 11m (as of writing)
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Danny 'IronWill' Burnt and Alex Brunt
Civilian name: (I don't have a civilian character)
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Ci-Alpha [MRU-MT]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I would like to apply as my current time as Internal Affairs Agent has been quite fun and I would like to recruit more people to enjoy being an Agent such as I have enjoyed being one.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I understand the rules of being apart of Internal Affairs, and the rules of other jobs. I think I am suitable as I enjoy playing on the server as IA which means I won't get bored easily and then leave as an Ambassador. Plus, I just generally enjoy being apart of the servers community and although I have never been a cl4+ member before nor have I donated on the server, all I can say is that the server is amazing and I just want to be a greater part of it.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: As I have only been an Agent for around 9 hours total (over the span of 3 days) I have written 2 documents however I fully understand that I must write more to get a higher chance to being an ambassador. I have only written 2 as well because I haven't managed to arrest that many people however I have put time and effort into making Arrest reports and planning on doing more.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: IA Ambassadors Give orders to Agents and Operatives. They also deal with further things with IA and support Agents/Operatives with whatever they need. Such as one time I was playing as an Agent a civilian got into the facility and I didn't know what to do so I called for an Ambassador and he helped.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: I would be a lenient Ambassador who respects everybody and tries to see both sides of the person who I'm arresting and the victim. However I would make sure that whatever happens it would be fair. Furthermore, I take my 'job' seriously as an IA Agent and I feel that would reflect onto me being an Ambassador.

Corr "Perseus" Vynd

Active member
Nov 24, 2023
Please change your title to specify [UK] in the beginning to let people know at first glance which server this is on.

Other than that, I'll have to give a -Massive Support

The bio/lore is super short, and the app isn't very detailed. You also seem to have misunderstood the bio question, we are looking for *backstory* of your character. What you put in moreso fits the category of "What makes you suitable?".

In addition, I'd like to say that only 2 reports isn't a lot for an Ambassador position, you haven't also specified how many pages they are and what was the rating the Ambassador/Dpt. Director approving them gave, which is very important. When I applied for OSA I specified for example that my documents were multi-page, their ratings, their names and where they were logged (E-11 channels in this case).

I appreciate your time and dedication, but at the current moment, in my opinion, it's a no.
Feb 12, 2023
Massive -Support
The amount of documents consern me, also you mentioned you only played IA for 3 days which is not even enough, what I would do is play for 2 weeks get my things together learn from other ambassadors and dpt directors make more documents and learn I havent even seen you on, and you didnt even mention the what rating did the documents get or how many pages it was, also you misunderstood the lore question we dont want to know who you will we want to know how you managed to become IA ambassador, this app is very bad

Application Denied

Good day, Agent Burnt

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with the ambassador team, we concluded that you are currently not qualified for the position.

Furthermore, This application is a duplicate will also be denied. In future, please make sure, multiple application for the same position are not submitted as duplicates/copies.

You may re-apply in two weeks.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Tim Drake
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