Internal affairs ambassador (USA) application

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Apr 8, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:758908755

Discord name: Blazingauto

For how long have you played on CG SCP: the whole amount of time is in total about 4-6 months of playing on this fun server the whole time cool funny weird things have happened but that's what makes it a good server

Age: 13

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom

Time zone:GMT+1

Character name(s):Alan Froud

Civilian name:Alan Froud

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): i am applying for (SCP RP USA)

Do you have a mic?:yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:i have held MTF E-11 and also held MTF- NU-7
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: i only have warnings for NLR and fail RP i only got these because i was new to the server and did not know much but i will no longer get any because i listen and follow the rules.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?- Internal Affairs Department is great i work very hard and make reports on what i do, I would like to help out more in internal affairs to teach new agents how to do their job an what they can and can't do as an agent like disguising.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:when needed to I can do my job and I can do it better than i have before, if needed to i can teach people the codex so that they do not make the same mistake twice.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:i have written about 5-12 documents but did not put them on the wall still need to hand them in, the things that make a document good is it has to be long and interesting for the person to read it must at least have at least 2-3 pages that is what makes a document good or even excellent.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:They help the Director of Internal affairs to run the Department of IA, they also uphold the code of ethics and make sure no-one breaks it, including making sure all high priority cases are dealt with and investigations are ran with the right amount of caution and you must have the right amount of reason before arresting the suspected person, for example body cam or someone else most of the time it must be a CL4 to vouch for someone but if it is not a CL4 then they must have video evidence.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what story lines they would be involved in: Alan Froud a guy that used to just want to become an engineer has a driving license, works for the government, wished to do many things like explore the world but then had an accident he just wen't out cold then when he woke up found himself in some type of woods no idea at all where he was people where just there watching but a few people asking are you OK and the things they would say but a group of men in black with EFD on their back came they asked for him to come with them Alan thought he was saved from the freezing cold and could go back to his old life but found that was wrong they where not there to save him they where there to hire him they where the ones that put him there Alan would soon take the job as as a IA agent to work for a massive organisation so as he went on through his career as an agent for people he did not really even know who he even worked for he soon wanted to go through the ranks and help around more and try and find out for who he really works for.
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Harold Hawks

Senior Administrator
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SCP-RP Staff
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Mar 12, 2023

Reasons for -Supporting:

-Overall application could use grammar improvements.

-Lore could be better.

-There’s more to what makes a document good than it just being long and interesting. Also 8-30 pages, especially for the type of documents done in IA, is frankly ridiculous.

-Your thoughts on ambassador responsibilities are all over the place. I think you have some of what we do but not all.

-Should have a better reason as to why you are suitable for IA Ambassador.

-Ngl I don’t believe I have seen you even once on IA. No offense.

Work on the application, get more time on IA, learn the job more, and I’d say you have a shot boss.
Apr 8, 2023

Reasons for -Supporting:

-Overall application could use grammar improvements.

-Lore could be better.

-There’s more to what makes a document good than it just being long and interesting. Also 8-30 pages, especially for the type of documents done in IA, is frankly ridiculous.

-Your thoughts on ambassador responsibilities are all over the place. I think you have some of what we do but not all.

-Should have a better reason as to why you are suitable for IA Ambassador.

-Ngl I don’t believe I have seen you even once on IA. No offense.

Work on the application, get more time on IA, learn the job more, and I’d say you have a shot boss.
thank you for you're feedback i now know what to fix.
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Application Denied
Hello Agent Alan,

Me and my team have decided you are not fit for the role of Ambassador at this time. Please reach out to members of my team in regards to the duties of an Internal Affairs ambassador. After you have made more of a name for yourself in this department, you are encouraged to reapply after the 2 week waiting period. Please contact me personally for further information in regards to your application.

Highest Regards,

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