Internal Affairs Director application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name: OSBLACK
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 3 weeks
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Northern Ireland
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Jequavius Johnson
Civilian name: Johnson Jequavius
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Warning for rdm as I killed a disguised MTF member
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
- I really enjoy the RP experience of IA and the majority of the people I've worked with are extremely nice people and I would love to see the department of Internal Affairs grow in numbers and quality as it is the most enjoyable experience I have had in months.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
- I am a great leader, I know what I'm doing at all times and have experience with other leadership roles. I have a lot of time spent with the internal affairs department therefore I know pretty much everything there is to know about the IA department and how it is run. I am also good friends with a majority of the team and believe they would like to see me get this role as director.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
- The Internal Affairs department must work as a team to enforce the rules of the facility and ensure the facility is a safe place for all facility personnel and also D class personnel. Internal Affairs are also to make sure everyone are up to good standards and are following the ethical rules and are to take any reports about their Agents and to speak to the Agents about the issue and even demote them if the reports are true and if it is absolutely necessary.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Jequavius Johnson born and raised in northern ireland recently recruited to site 65 as the director of internal affairs. Jequavius loves nothing more then to help others. He devoted all of his free time to taking part in charity events and fundraisers before being recruited to site 65 where he hopes to continue his passion for helping others. Jequavius is one of the more jokey kinds of people around the facility and often lifts peoples spirits with a good old joke or two.


Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2022
+Can handle intense situations
+Very good at playing and roleplaying as IA
+Good RP interactions so far as IA
+Kind and helpful guy

-Is annoying when playing as 912 and hits you for no reason but I believe he has learnt his mistakes now.
-Previous bans of IA

Wish best of luck Jequavius.
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Reactions: 'Curio'
Jan 8, 2022
-Lacking application
-Has gotten 2 bans from IA

-Lacks experience as Ambassador which is a requirement

+/-Unsure on TS activity

+Active IG

Good luck with your application although I recommend standing out more in a positive way alongside of gaining the rank of Ambassador.

Director of IA, Archaon


Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2022
- Previous bans from Site Affairs.
- Short and lacking application.
- Never seen on teamspeak.
- No experience within leadership positions within the server.


Civil Gamers Expert
May 31, 2021
skype headquarters
Application Denied

A discussion between the Ethics Committee and the Overseer Council has decided that your application will be denied.
This is largely due to the reason of your previous ban on the IA job, and that your experience/activity in-game is not up to standards.

You may re-apply in 3 weeks.
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